插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Q&A because I see everyone else doing it

Ask anything I don’t mind 😋😋😋
As long as it’s not my home address and my full name =‘)


  • > Cartoon anime Oooo that sounds awesome tbh! :0

  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) Ushjeuey this is going to be a little hard to explain but my favorite food is tolma! For context my family is Armenian so I’ve mostly grown up with Armenian dishes and the language But too sis basically meat that’s crushed and a bite of rice all wrapped up in grape leaf!

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I’d wanna go to Egypt! I’ve always found the history with mummies and all really interesting! It’s always been a destination I’d want to go to!

  • Favorite food? :0

Losing interest in art?

I’ve been realizing I’m loosing interest in art. I used to be really persistent and constantly would be making art but in recent times I’m just drifting away from art? I’ve moved on to other possible career paths like guitar and drums, and trying to learn metal vocals? which I’ve been really enjoying! Im not sure if it’s obvious that I’ve been really inconsistent and kind of drifting away. I’d much rather think of art as a hobby than a career path, I assume I may be drifting away from art or I’m growing out of it. Until the time where I’ll just stop producing art in general but I can’t promise I’ll be as consistent that I was a year or 2 ago.


  • > Muna Sketched Your right! I’ve just always been drawing m6 whole life and it was always like my dream to be a artist but now I’m like- “wait- I wanna play in a band when I grow up- NOT BE A ARTOST- OH NAUUUUOO” It just feels weird to wanna pursue a new career path you know =‘) Yeah! After all I am around like ages 10-13 just for context) so it’s definitely a age where I explore my interests! Thanks Muna! <3

  • It's completely okay to explore other hobbies and career options! Besides, if you force yourself to work as an artist when the main reason for your drawing is fun, you'll probably become very unfulfilled.. Art as a career can be kinda harsh on ya. But the best thing about childhood is exploring, so don't stop exploring! =>


AND LEMME TELL YOU IT WAS THE MOST WILD CONCERT OF MY LIFEEEEEE!!!! They only played their 1999 album since y’know it’s the 25 anniversary. OH YEAH I HAD GONE IN LIKE A JUMPSUIT THAT REPLICATES THE JUMPSUITS THEY WORE IN THE BAND AND I GOT SO MANY COMPLIMENTS! I got a shirt and a poster from the merch stand aswell. BUT GUYS ITS LIKE- I WAS SCREAMING AND HEAD BANGING MY HEART OUT SINGING EVERY SINGLE SONG!! Anyways also about the opening acts (orbit culture, and knocked loose) those dudes were really good if your into like very metal genres those are the bands to give a try. NOW I SHALL GO AND DO SOME NECK STRETCHES


  • > Cartoon anime Okie tysm i will give them a listen

  • > MrFlagada🏗️ Well it kinda depends what type of music your into so I can give you a song to listen to that’s similar But if you want like the slipknot starter pack try Duality, Before I forget, and wait and bleed

  • > Cartoon anime Hehe its alright , so which of their song do you recommend for new listeners

  • > MrFlagada🏗️ YEAH LOL! Their music is (sic) tho ( SORRY I HAD TO MAKE A SLIPKNOT REFERENCE)

My art block is so severe rn b

I genuinely don’t know how or what to draw :/
I dunno someone give me some ways to get over it in any way


  • > Cartoon anime That makes sense bro :o but good luck! Hopefully you break through art block soon 👍👍👍

  • > ✨️BrownieSketch✨️ Oh I’ve never actually thought of that before! I’ll try that out!

  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) I’ll try that out! Usually looking at other peoples art makes me really angry and stuff yk :‘ j )

  • Inspirations are everywhere! You can look at anything that catches your eyes and sometimes a new idea pops up. Works for me! It's aldo how i made some of my ocs

What happened to this website😭

Am I the only one who noticed how uh low quality medi has become?
2 year ago artstreet was great website and ngl I loved those days where
I was excited to see if I got a level up or if anyone interacted with my posts seeing everyone’s good morning and good night posts
Those were good times where artist and artist could support each other
But now medi is just really empty and dry to say the least
The people who were here before were all positive and were able to freely talk about things and the website was family friendly too which was awesome at the time!
Now the website is more suggestive and just not was it used to be
I know that the past is the past and we cannot bring what used to be but I wish I could be able to enjoy the only website that I’m on at the moment
It’s hard to know what medi became but I just kinda have to deal with it so yeah
Thanks for reading!


  • > Muna Is Sketching... YIPPPEEEE!!!!!!! CANT WAIT TO SEE THAT :]]]]

  • > Cartoon anime LIGHTBULBBBB~ I'll DO DAT!

  • > Muna Is Sketching... Ooh interesting! Thanks :] I’ve been looking for so,e ways to motivate myself and come up with new ideas ! Thanks for the help <3 WAITTTTTTTTT- MUNA YOUR ONTO SOMETHING =0 THATS ACTUALLY SUCH A GOOD IDEA!

  • > Cartoon anime What inspires me? Uhh.. The process, and thinking about the act of painting in a shape and getting to fill in the details. I like looking at different processes too! Also looking at environment art, OC art, and any world-building art! To motivate myself, I either watch speedpaints or go on Pinterest for a couple of ideas that I can put in one artwork! =O I could make a challenge with that XD Grab a bunch of pins, and tell people to make something based on the ideas and themes!

Dead inside 🥺

I have a huge project due this Friday and I have a hard team to work with so I’m doing like 70% of the work and my head hurts so bad because I had to go to a school event to raise money for another event 🥲
So I’m probably gonna be awake for a minimum of 2 hours 👍
Also I keep hearing weird sweep sound outside my room help😺😺


  • > Cartoon anime yayyy !!!! enjoy all your drawing and stuffs, CA !! <33333

  • > ☆•~Frog~•☆ Tysm <3 It was basically due today but still lol😅 It’s a project where you make a mini golf course kids in the school get to play! Tmrw is when the kids are going to play the gold course and I was setting it up😋

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Yeah😭😭 It was technically due today but it worked out in the end and I finally get to draw🫠

  • Agghhhh good luck, I believe in you <3

Should I finish this?😅

I was working on the sketch but contemplating if I should finish it thennnn it was just chilling in my gallery 🫣I’m not sure if it has any potential but tell me if I should finish this bc I really wanna know if anyone would wanna see the final product 🤔
Off topic part)
I was playing Fortnite w/ one of my younger friends and I saw a slipknot jam track In the items shop and I started jumping up and down in my room bc I was so excited 💀 the song was before I forget if you were wondering. I told my other friends that like slipknot and they thought I was capping😭


  • I think you should! It looks kool

Yea just wanna seeee-

What will I be asked 🤔


  • > The KʀᗩᴢY K I don know how to answer this because I’m not sure yet and that’s also a very controversial and sensitive question to some people But I would say no? Mainly because I don’t understand much about religion and will probably wait for the right time to understand

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 Hmmm I’m not a big anime fan but if I had to gl of the top of my head it’s glitter force do,k Doki

  • Do u have a religion

  • Whats your least favorite anime

Is everyone ok?🤨

Like dang everyone has something going on? Like don’t get me wrong I’m dealing with my own problems. BUT DAMN- why’s my timeline like about crises- I’m not gonna say more bc I’m gonna say something I’m might regret later -
Someone explain to me what’s been going on PLs😭


  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) It’s always the Fridays 😔

  • > Cartoon anime🎅🏻 I say it’s average because Fridays aren’t my favorite- something bad always happens 😭

  • > Cartoon anime🎴🎴🎴 There always something going on

  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) Wha😰 HOW IS THAT AVREDGE?! Oops can’t spell🤭

Ok y’all let’s chat abt this

Why are you guys promoting your own artwork?
Like I get your proud of something like good for you
But I don’t wanna have to scroll and always see advertisements
The fact that people advertise there art kinda makes me think there a bit of a cocky person deep down. When it occasionally like yea I get it but when it happens almost everyday it’s kinda annoying? It genuinely kinda makes me think your full of yourself. And yes I know there gonna be a person being like “ERM🤓 WHAT IF THERE PROUD OF ALL THERE ART🤓🤓” YEA EVERYONE IS? ( not many people idk ) Like I understand when there is a artwork you really are proud of and want to advertise to your viewers, LIKE- I UNDERSTAND GO AHED but when it’s every artwork that you advertise that’s a problem. When you advertise every artwork in your gallery it’s genuinely annoying because imagine someone every day comes up to you and says “Hey bro I just made a new dish of food that I think is good! Come try it!” You’d try the dish for the first 3 days right? But after you keep on eating that dish on and on the dishes aren’t very interesting and get annoying all the times the person keeps asking for you to try to eat the dish. THAT IS WHAT IM MAD ABOUT THATS THE SAME THING Artist advertise everyday is annoying!
But say the cook gives you a new dish they like for you to try every once in a while, You’d try the dish!
⚠️Now this isn’t ment to harass specific artists and I am not trying to start drama in any way, I just want to talk about something I’ve been seeing recur on here and I wanted to address it and educate people about this problem I believe is happening ⚠️


  • I’m pretty sure it depends on how long they promote their art- because you’re kinda right about the people that promote the same art for a whole month, it gets annoying and it seems like they’re cocky about their art being super cool and so important 💀 Buuuut some people (including me) like to promote their art for a few days! Or at most a week, because yeah, we really appreciate that piece of artwork ✨


I’m so sorry I didn’t get to post it 😭
But I hope you had a good bday 🥺
And got lots of gifts and cake🫠
And had a awesome bday! 🤭
PS : I know it looks ugly 😔


  • > Jen Jen 😭 I’m so glad you liked it! I just called it that sense it was rlly old 😭 But I’m soo happy you liked it :D

  • awww this is the best CA!! and not ugly don’t say that abt your art! I personally love it tysm! 💗💗 I can’t say my 13th birthday was great, but thank you for making me something, I appreciate you 🥹

This just made me question my whole

Existence 😭


  • > jadie!!1!1!!! (naoyas bf) Now THAT is how to be smart😧 If a dog was between you and Kim Jung un would you A:Steal the dog eat it and slap Kim Jung un B: politely let him take it C: eat th dog immediately D: eat kim Jung un🥶

  • > jadie!!1!1!!! (naoyas bf) What abt u?😲

  • > jadie!!1!1!!! (naoyas bf) D🥶🥶🥶 JK Probably A 😭 Oh nah not that one cat in a blender video😞

  • > jadie!!1!1!!! (naoyas bf) 90?!🤯🤯🤯 Me too😩😩😩 I’m a discord mod too🤓☝️ Ya! I consider you my friend! 😋

I hate medi now ngl🫤

Dude this website has stuff like “INAPPROPRIATE ADS” you think anyone is gonna click that medi? Bro everyone good is practically inactive or just don’t say much anymore. Plus medi became so hard to level up on it takes a GODESS LORDY LORD LORD ARTWORK THAT SYSTEM IS HORRIBLE I get lazy as hell to just type out the FREAKING TITLE THE TITLE NOWADAYS IM LIkE “Bruhhh gotta make art on medi haven’t posted in forever” I don’t enjoy medi AT ALL CANT find anywhere to move on. My irl life is RUINED MY MEDI LIFE RUINED


  • > ☆•~Frog~•☆ Same😭 I just don’t really go on any socials I’ll just post and artwork on medi timw to time but don’t put TO MUCH DEDICATION

  • > Muna Sketches And it’s fine if you don’t always get to comment on too many posts! I sometimes just get very lazy :/ Ahh yes the old sayin ✨Quality over quantity ✨

  • Eww you are right I hate that damn ads. They make me uncomfortable, I SHOULD be less active here because this site isn’t even fun anymore. They worst is the site in general, the lv up system is fucking unfair and people unfollow you because you don’t post anything- it’s like CAN I BE INACTIVE FOR A WHILE? LET ME BE INACTIVE. medi was 100% more fun a year ago, there the dramas were nonexistent. But NOW it sucks. Im agree with you, I understand that people are being inactive, and the people who follows you don’t even give support for your art 💀💀

  • I AGREE 😫😫😫 IT SUCKS I still stick around bc I don't have any other way to contact my medi friends 😞 But the ads... 🤢