I really had to speak to get noticed by someone huh? I'm so pitiful and pathetic, yet anybody doesn't do anything to get noticed, what kind of sorcery is this?

I go here whenever I'm sick of pretending to be happy
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- Work Place:ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
- Gender:Human.
Life Event
- 07/1924 ㅤ Retired
- 12/2023 TheFuture
Recommended gadgets
Favorite music
Touhou music
Favorite color
Soft/pastel colors
What you eat when hungry

I hate you brain.
What am I supposed to do now...? Why-
Why am I so dumb? Please, anybody, help me-
*future you (me) being able to make ourselves better heheheheheh idot*
I'm so stupid, I get ignored all the time and it's my fault. I should just go suffer forever. I don't deserve anybody's love. I hope I'll be gone soon.
Jass, you used to be a good person! People used to like you, look at you now, you can't even solve your own problems and now he doesn't want you anymore! Why are you just so stupid, you're such an idiot. Why would you want anybody's attention when you never gave one to yourself? People get tired and sick too, and so does he! How many times do I have to tell you to shut up?
I'm the worst. All I ever do is to complain about the pain I get, but I never really think about how much pain I give to everyone. I deserve to bleed and suffer. I keep yearning for people's attention because I never had any when I was younger. Why do I keep ruining everything? It's my fault that he doesn't want me anymore as much as he did. I knew I was worthless, what am I even proving myself? I keep ruining everything and I make everyone feel bad. I kept saying "you can do it, I believe in you" to others while I can't. There's nothing good in me and nobody likes me anymore. I deserve pain and suffering, and I should be quiet so I won't make anybody upset.
I'm so close to giving up, dammit.
Ang hina talaga ng logic ko dati no
I feel like everything I say is bad and that I need to stop talking to people
And the one I said above is bad too
And this ↑
And this
And this
And this
i cant even be responsible for once
i cant be a good person for once
i never really tried my best
i keep dreaming and dreaming, who are you kidding, jass? THOSE ARENT REAL
nobody deserves to bleed because of me
why do i have to exist
i bring nothing good in this world
i let everybody down
i ruined everything
so if anybody sees this,
please give me a reason why i should still be living now
they both look cute though, "" used to be one of them but now its just the two of them, who knows what the hell im talking about
It's me, her future self and i forgor
do i really need to speak first- it's okay though there's nothing interesting in me so i'm not surprised
Gagi andami neto
If this reaches out anyone, I don't think I'd feel anything anymore
I feel like I might fall unconscious
Also good luck for me, I insisted on keeping awake all night hoping something would happen but again, no
I hope I won't be weak all day like usual when I don't sleep at night, I don't wanna faint again
'I wan'na dra'w bu't I c'an't, som'eone's' watc'hing m'e
Pov youre reading this and it's 00:00
I swear I wish I could have anyone to talk to in a daily basis, like
Someone I could talk to any time of the day
Who doesn't leave me on read
Ay wait minsan lang pala
Si ano Si z
Maybe being alone helps me more than I think it does
It's just me and myself, let's see what they can do
MUAHAHAHAH im better then u
I swear it's just soooo cute no matter how many times I look at it-
I'm not sure if you can see this right now, or if you actually read any of these but...
I'm so sorry about everything, I'm supposed to be the one supporting and cheering you up, not the one that keeps making you feel bad, but I still do, somehow. I'm really, really sorry for that-
You posted it right after I vented, that couldn't just be a coincidence. If I kept my mouth shut, maybe you wouldn't post that-
Just, please remember that I love you and I always will, I'm mentally unstable rn so I might say hurtful things, but they're just some sort of a reaction over something and my mood would eventually be better, and I don't mean them, so please, don't feel bad about it. I don't hate you, I promise. I love you no matter what
I'll find a way to heal myself, and I thought letting it out would be helpful so they won't bottle up inside me, and they're not targeted to you, I'm talking about some other certain people, and it's not you, I don't hate you, it's someone else irl.
I just really need to let those out, or I might do something else- but physically,
I'm so sorry
I would make an entire book out of these
i-it left a trail- omg I should stop doing this nooo
I'M SURE IT'S BECAUSE OF ME, I'M SO SORRY- I hope you can see this-
Once there was a rich family in the past, The daughter, Lorealis, was born with such a mysterious beauty. Her parents were so strict and arrogant, neglecting their child. She has to be perfect, her parents says. Each mistake is unforgivable and the punishment was her getting locked on her room for 7 hours with no food or any drink. She had been in agony ever since she was young. She was really kind and happy, but it wasn't enough to please her parents. They kept comparing her to whoever is better than her, they usually compare her to her best friend, Carmellia, but she wasn't bothered by it if it was Carmellia, for she's been always there for her each and every time she feels down. She developed her hobby of puppetry when she found the two dolls she made for herself and Carmellia lying on the floor one time when she was being locked up, found some strings and somehow managed to control these two dolls. She enjoyed puppetry a lot and made more dolls to play with. Ever since that day, every time she gets locked up, she would always make a mini-story with her puppets, which are usually models of people she know in real life.
She eventually got tired of her parents always comparing her to people, she then looked at people with disgust and gets jealous even with the smallest things.
"So she's the new student, huh? Well I have fairer skin than hers, I have better grades, I have more friends, I own more books than her, but her parents love her... proud of her... and...- I'm jealous."
If she hates someone, she would make a model (doll) of them, and she would torture that model with various things until the model was irrecognizable. Carmellia knew about this, and tries to comfort her in any way she could. She was a shoulder to cry on for Lorealis, and she was the only person Lorealis truly cared about. Lorealis was fascinated by magic, and spends most of her time studying it, she was able to control all her puppets at the same time.
Lorealis was able to keep her emotions to herself with the help of her best friend, until Carmellia died because of her illness
She broke down and couldn't handle the loss, her hope in life was lost and her mind was shattered, she ran away and she was nowhere to be found, but they also noticed that Carmellia's corpse was missing.
7 years later, a lady suddenly appeared who looked a lot like Carmellia but calls herself Lorealis, and went on the same academy where both Lorealis and Carmellia used to study in. Many decades had passed but her beauty never faded, she looked the same as she was decades before. In the present day, there's a myth about them where Lorealis either made a human sized model or used Carmellia's body to create a puppet, and is controlling it using her magic. People saw it with their own eyes.
Lorealis had been hiding in a secret, separate dark world, and had been controlling the model with magic. Nobody knows why she does this, and what's the purpose of all of this. The truth will eventually be revealed
> ❦IzayoiMikasa❦ yes
my head hurts
People say I have a diamond heart. A diamond isn't unbreakable. It's actually considered brittle compared to others. A sudden force could shatter it, just like this heart of mine.
Why am I even trying?? What can I get from that? And no, don't show concern or sympathy for this shit, it just breaks my mind even more, nobody will ever understand why I'm like this, or what I'm exactly thinking. Just no.
I swear at least 70 people are already sick of me online
Maybe I should take his advice? Maybe? We're the closest after all-
I'm stuck, can anybody free me from this jail, please? I'll serve anyone who does with my life, please save me
Please- take me back home, those times when everything was still peaceful and happy
Does anybody really need me? Haha- well I thought I was enough, but I never was.
I know someone who needs me that anybody else could, though I never really paid any attention to her.
She needs the same thing I do, but I couldn't give her the happiness I want- if I did give her that, will anybody do the same thing to me? Haha- no. Never. All I truly need is myself, nobody else. Is it really bad to be greedy about something I never received before? You guys are lucky, all of you. And I'm happy you guys don't have the same brain I have, I don't want anybody getting hurt except for me, it hurts, but it also feels good for some reason, help.
No, I have to be a good person, it's the only way people would like me. I'll prove everyone that breathing isn't the only thing useful about me. I'm not worthless! Damn, there's gotta be someone who need me even for a bit?? That's the only reason why I want to live, it's the only thing I wanna live for! I wanna be there for anybody who needs me, but does anyone really need me? I'm so frustrated of thinking this way ever since that day.
This will go away soon, the person who I need the most doesn't really need me as much as I do! Awesome!
Somebody please tell me the reason why I should still be breathing rn
I'm crying so hard rn, like–
Yesyouare now shutop