Hello👋 :-D
I'm a woman!
And I'm 14
🎉My birthday: March 17th 🎉
My Twitter account:
My Roblox account:
Interests : Drawing fnf
I draw on my phone or tablet
It's a translation, so it might be weird.😭😭
I love Rave❤️❤️
- fnf
- fnf dave and bambi
- fnf golden apple
- Work Place:House
- Gender:Female
Why did I draw these..???
> Midafonz (Mfz) Ok Im so exited to see it 😃😃😃
> Ev@😈 I'm almost done with the picture now!
Mida how are you doing which my request Don’t forget 😉
> 지수가 모자라지 돈이 않습니다 꼬꼬뎩덲꼭ㄲㅗㄲㅜ쿡
Nintendo OLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Esta genial el nintendo Tambien feliz año nuevo 🎉🫠 con un buen comienzo
to master it healthily and to enjoy it
I also took mine this year. and also with pokemon. except that purple pokemon did not appear in Romania, i give 400$ for thes oled
Omg that costs a lot of Money I have one but it’s a normal one
Help me... I can't go outside because it's snowing so much right now DDDD:
> Midafonz (Mfz) Yes?
> Ev@😈 :)
> Midafonz (Mfz) Are you drawing my request And have fun drawing
> Ev@😈 I'm drawing right now!!!
> Midafonz (Mfz) 앜ㅋ
> Grovi🎄 모르겠어염... 아무거나?
> Midafonz (Mfz) 무슨 추억이에요..? ㆍㅇㆍ
> Grovi🎄 옜날 추억난당...🥺🥺
Roblox is so much fun ^^
> TotallyNotDJ Yippy >:D
> 🎄❄Dexi_Mexi❄🎄 you can friend me :]
> TotallyNotDJ Do you mind if I friend you? ;w;
Ohhh you play Roblox to? :p Heres my user: Darlinnnnnnng And my nick name is: Dexi_Mexi
I think I'm drawing people wrong... :(
> Midafonz (Mfz) 반두는 이제 어른이에요^~^
> GROVI🦜 어른이(?)
어제 조금 바빠서 못봤당.... 이건 뭔가 반두 어른때같다(?)
> 강슬 오호 그런거군요! 감사합니다^^
I finished the pen today, so I have to color it next time... ... Ha... I really hate coloring ;-;
si sigue haci tedejo de seguir
> Midafonz (Mfz) nice,
> NXNXN yes! I am 13 years old
entonces eres nino
I'm curious. Shall we play a game? It's a game I've played before...
> Midafonz (Mfz) No problem mida!!💖💖😋😋
> 🎄🍪Dex🍪🎄 Thank you so much for saying that!!!😊😊 Dex :)
OMG HES SO CUTE😭💖💖💖💖 please play the game💖💖💖💖its actually really good.
> Midafonz (Mfz) 앜ㅋ 무서운 겜 있어용
I don't think I can draw too much... Still, I think I can draw better than ibis Paint... Maybe?
> Sad ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
> ☘️GR rand☘️ 포기하면 편해..하지마..
> ☘️GR rand☘️ 이히히히히히시히시시히시히히
> Midafonz (Mfz) 네~ 살려주세요^^
1 Choice:
2 Baby Hotline:
3 Two Time:
I just wanted to draw :'
> Carmen🪴 감사합니당ㅠㅠ
헐 귀여워요 ㅠㅠ 그 와중에 고퀄..
> Midafonz (Mfz) 통지목록 상태 토픽으로 올렸닼ㅋ
> Midafonz (Mfz) ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
It's just a cartoon...
> Midafonz (Mfz) 그치그치!변역이 짱이지ㅋㅋㅋ
I know it's a cartoon but How did u lose that?
> 🪶Grovirand🪶 ㅎㅎ
> SCARFY ????????
i want to try it too...
>:3 (sorry the :3 face may be cringe to u)
> 🕸🎃Dexxy🎃🕸 >:DDDD
All hail the lamb >:D
Beware of chatting slowness in all languages except Korean...
It kept reloading…
It's my first time using Clip Studio so I just don't know ;-;
I bought the EX version...
> Midafonz (Mfz) ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅠ
> Sad ㅠㅠ 내돈...
> Midafonz (Mfz) 헐 개비싸네
> Sad 10800원이용
I think I'm more sleepy because I've been walking around all day ;-;
> Midafonz (Mfz) Anytime Mida!!😊😊💗💗
> Midafonz (Mfz) De na igual deberias hechar un vistazo a mi página de mangaplus los dos cómics que he publicado y si te interesa podrias compartir los enlaces a tus amigos ¿si te interesa esa idea?
> 🎃✒Decco✒(Dex.T)🎃 Thanks for telling me that! Dex🥰🥰
> R2D2 Thanks you ✨️
The place where I am now is Jinjuseong in Jinju, Gyeongsangnam-do, Korea :>
> Sad 충청남도 에서 경상남도 까지왔는데 꽤괜찮은것 같에요!!!
> Midafonz (Mfz) 어.....ㅋ
날씨가 좋아서 풍경이 더 아름답게 보여요!
> 🪶Grovirand🪶 아빠가 20000걸음 걸으래요... 살려주세요^^ㅠㅠㅠ
Why am I not posting pictures? Because I have nothing to post...
> 🪶Grovirand🪶 헉 돼용!!!
> Midafonz (Mfz) 미다님-- 혹시 로블 가능 하신가요??????
> Sad 저도용..♡
헐 우유 개귀여움 ㅁㅊ..
Please forgive me... I'm not very good at drawing ;-;
즐겁네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
> Sad ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
> Sad ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
> Grovirand 바부들이네영ㅋㅋㅋㄱㅋ
I hate sleeping right now, but I want to sleep...(?)
> Gloom 🕸 I love that name!!!
> Grovirand 색깔은 포스터물감으로 칠한건가(?)
> 강슬 그러게용...;-;
I don't know, but the HB pencil is good and the 4B pencil is also good, so I was just curious.
> 강슬 감사합니당..!!!♡♡♡
2개 같이써도 좋은데.
I don't think I did anything today...
> Midafonz (Mfz) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
> Grovirand 갑자기 지코님의 2020년에 유명했던 아무노래가 생각났다...
> Midafonz (Mfz) 난 아무생각 없다 왜냐하면 아무생각이 없기 때문이다
> Grovirand 아무생각
I hate going to school DDDDDD:
> Grovirand ㅎㅎ
> Midafonz (Mfz) 와 좋겠당
> Grovirand 그래도 오늘은 언니오빠들 중간 해서 1시에 학교긑났어용ㅎ
학교 가기 싫은거 ㅇㅈ
I've been drawing all day and it's already dawn...
> Beepbopskobep Thanks you :)
Good night!
I drew Eddsword, but I don't know why...
> 블랙블드 오~ 그러시구나!!! 저는그나마고르라고 하면 저도 토드ㅎㅎ
와!! 저 에즈월드 팬인데!!! 토드가 최애에요!
> なみもり 373🍙 #飴丸依存 ありがとうございます..!!!!
TOM!!!!!!!! とても可愛いです!!!!!!!!貴方の絵柄が大好きです(*^^*)
I just drew the character without thinking about it, and I thought it was well drawn, so I uploaded it...
> 강슬 감사합니둥
전 이런거 한번도 그려본적없어요ㅇ
눈호강 하고 갑니둥
I translated it with a translator and wrote it on paper, so please don't get me wrong...
And I was so bad at drawing ;-;
> Midafonz (Mfz) 아시는구나
> Grovirand bird ㄷㄷ
> Midafonz (Mfz) 제 오빠는 게임 천제라 여러번 껬음요
> Grovirand bird 저돈데ㅋㅋ 우리 똑같내욥 저이 오빠 샌즈겐뻔했는데 데이터 날라같어욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
What the hell did I draw..?
> Grovirand bird ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
> Midafonz (Mfz) 입냄새와 담배연기를 동시에 맡으면 생기는 일(?)
> Grovirand bird 으하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하하 (실성함 (?))
입냄새 + 담배연기 우웩
Toes are too cold ;-;
> Sad ㅜㅜ
> Midafonz (Mfz) 괜히 노잼도시라는 별명이..
> 강슬 ㅠㅠ 왜 나만 대전ㅜㅜㅜ 근데 진짜 대전에 할게없어욥...
> Grovirand bird 오 저도 울산민..!!!
> Sad 앗 한국분들 한국어로 해가지고 저도그냥 따라한거에염
이름 영어로 하시는것도 괜찮을듯요
Preparaté lo que se viene.
> Sad 결과: 🎉개같이멸망🎉