Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

0 hours / Day
Extremely busy rest in piss
My drawing style I use

I see people in my comments are saying I'm copying Egg Muffin's style for drawing.

I'm not.

I look up to Egg Muffin, but I try not to base my artwork around hers, it may look similar but it's not related to her drawing style at all. I can't draw bodies so yeah.

Also my friend at school showed me this style of drawing and I asked if I could use it and she said yes. Technically this is my type of drawing, so I'm not basing it off of Egg Muffin. I I were to base a picture of mine off hers, I'd ask her permission first.

I hope I could clear this up as good as I can.

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  • > egg muffin ppl are pming me it

  • u stupid auto correct I meant to put *er* not Dr

  • dude I luked in ur comment section on ur most recent art work and I litterly found no one saying that u copied me I'm not trying to sound rude and if I do sound that way I'm srry u just don't have to get offended by 1 person saying that and besides it wasn't even on ur comment section it was I in mine so I hope u don't get mad Dr any thing bai

  • u dont have to listen to wat they say u are not copying my style i hardly even see similarity in are art styles draw in a style that makes u happy