Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Open to negotiation
They haven’t completely blocked it yet

I don’t know if I should come back or not, my timeline still doesn’t work but I just don’t want to leave you guys with no answer
I know there are better things to worry about then me but still

Ima do a vote to come back okay? Do anything but a heart to mean yes, but use a heart for no.
I know it’s been about a week but…

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  • It’s entirely up to you! Come back if you want, if you don’t want to you don’t need to, we’ll always love and miss you 🫶🫶

Please read this

You all should know that this device I am on is a school device and they can block things. They blocked the timeline and they keep randomly blocking this website so I have to say something. I quit…

I don’t want them to randomly block the site completely and others try to talk to me but I can never respond so I don’t want to leave you guys without a clue of where I went thank you all for 2 years of love and hope

This is SugarBrick signing off…

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  • 😭🥺 school sucks

  • > 🌙 𝕤𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕒𝕔𝕖 ✨ Btw love the pfp

  • I’m gonna miss you Sugar! We all will.🥹❤️

  • Just remember, you have positively impacted this place. Thank you for sharing your wonderful art. Stay safe ❤️

I know this is mean but…

I consider my art to be decent artist but…I sorta feel underrated. I see many artists that have styles that are worse than mine but they are more popular! I have been on here for about 2 years any many things have yet to happen, I know they won’t happen soon but maybe in the next year or to…


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  • I think you're doing pretty alright with your follower count! Especially on this site- But honestly, Artstreet tends to REALLY focus on the anime artstyle, and any artstyle that is heavily inspired by that. This place isn't the one for diversity in artstyles- I'm only here because this site is unpopular enough for my parents to allow. And also, let's say there are some people LOOKING for an artist like you! They like your art, but where can they find you? Unless you have a level higher than 3, art doesn't really get popular much.. There is the popular section, but other than that... Sometimes it's better to not focus too much on the popularity, just because the way this site works is very unfair to us, and is strictly anime pretty much-

  • Well, you have over 200 followers, and while that may not seem like a lot compared to how many followers people have on other social platforms, MediBang is pretty small. Even THE MOST popular artists, some of whom are PROFESSIONALS, have a few thousand followers at most. Anyway, just keep making art you love and the people who matter will appreciate you for who you are!❤️

  • > ⍢✜ シュガーブリック ✜⍢ ™ but srsly sometimes its bertter to be unpopular cus its less likely to get in drama consitering most pouplar people are ass, personally ur wayyy better at art then me and i was desprate to be pouplar too so i started being friends w pouplar ppl but there two faced and now everyone on here thinks im a murderer the only good pouplar one is my gf but other than her the underrated ones are much nicer, if i was u i wouldnt think about what u dont have and think ab wht u do have cus sometimes the less u got is better

  • > amores baby carrot Yeah, I really try but nothing works, I know I can be way better at art but still!