But in the end I decided to cut out YouTube cause I tried animation and I sucked so I'm just gonna stink to plain flat drawing. Also other news I will probably post less, I have to make 1700 bucks for a Disney trip for band, I also have school work, and just my busy life, so don't expect art 24-7. Anyways here's the linkies.
Pinterest - https://pin.it/5rkyNfO1f
Instagram -https://www.instagram.com/sugarbrickartz?igsh=ZzhoYjhwOWJtY2s4
Twitter/ X - https://x.com/sugarbrick?t=NAlHMc8xvad1G-4h8-komg&s=09

Favorite music
Anything with a good beat.
Favorite color
Anything bright.
Time spent online
8-10 hours
Favorite artwork
Favorite animation
I don’t have one but they are wonderful
Favorite TV show
Nothing, I don’t really watch YouTube
Favorite writer
Myself :D
Recommended gadgets
Things you always carry
Paper and pencil.
What you eat when hungry
Bread, KOOL-AID, etc. :]
Thing you interested in
Video games and 2d animation
Future goals
To be well known and happy
I have made the Pinterest account, and I’m just going to use my personal YouTube account of the same name. But currently my device won’t let me make a new instagram account, so it may take long then I first anticipated. But soon they will come! Also I will probably post less on YouTube and more on just photo posting places.
Also here’s a dumb art I made.
The artwork is so pretty not dumb! Also can you link the pinterest and youtube? (I don't have a youtube account, but I do have a pinterest one :3)
I'm here to announce that sooner or later I will be making different accounts not on here to post my art. I am definitely not staying here but mabye you guys can see me on other platforms. If I do I will send links and I will try to be more active on there. Sorry this info isn't much but I hope you guys read this.
This, THIS IS JUST RIDICULOUS, AND I FEEL THAT THEY LITERALLY MADE IT LOOK BAD, THERE OTHERS ARE BETTER-ISH. SEE? THIS IS WHY IM LEAVING! “And yes I know I’m being rude but this whole site is just turning bad, the milk finally spoiled…”
YtterOdd said it well, and I don't have too much to add, but I support their point. You can look at things in two ways. Like, if you have a million dollars, you may think you are broke and poor compared to a person with a billion dollars. In this light, it is very easy to overlook things, and to have higher standards. But you can also look at things, and see that they are better than nothing. In fact, many people do see your frustrations! You do get advice and support and consolations. You do get attention on your art, and a person with only 5 likes on their post may think you are very supported! Many people look at things like the first example. It's super common, but I do understand if you'd like to stop. It may be good to take a break and think about this mindset, maybe learn a thing or two, and move on. Besides, we all wont be here forever. Life is never stagnant.
I don't mean to be rude or judgmental, but I think you really need to stop focusing so much on other artists, and the attention they get, and focus more on yourself, I know that this sight isn't fair at all, but focusing on other popular people on social media is really bad for your mental health, and its important to notice the positive attention you get and take it to heart, because it is deserved and valid, and other people getting more attention, doesn't take any thing away from you, or mean any thing negative about you, you're an amazing artist, and should focus on what you love about art, because that's what matters
1️⃣-sadly there isn’t really anything left for me on here, I really don’t get popular anymore, people don’t talk to me, and this website is probably never going to change.
2️⃣-theres to many standards to meet, I can’t even surpass them, making me look off in a way.
3️⃣-I have tried different platforms like Cara when it first came out, nobody except a bot liked my art in 2 weeks time, I have tried artflow and other things too.
4️⃣-If I do quit on here, my art will probably never go on the web again. The only things I can think to use is insta, TikTok, and Pinterest. And you guys know how bad it is on there, it would probably be worse than here!
5️⃣-most/all of the people I met on here that liked me is gone, now just there dead accounts follow me.
6️⃣-finally, my life is easy but it isn’t simple. I feel I have to meet everyone’s expectations but I know that isn’t the case but I keep thinking that.
Overall, I’m still probably gonna quit guys, my rant topic was pretty looked over to!
ive been feeling this way, too. im rlly not that good at art, but medibang is the only social i have where people actually support me. i want to quit, but i want to stay.
I'm sorry you're feeling that way, I hope you don't leave, but if this place is making you feel bad, or just isn't doing anything for you anymore, then it's good to at least take a break from it, and find something that makes you feel good to spend your time on. I finished the picture for my fruity tooty spider adopt, if you want to see, https://medibang.com/picture/8k2411121517387920024483046/ they're so cute!! I love them!! Thank you so much!!🙏✨
I get how you feel and I’m sorry, it’s frustrating :( I respect your decision, It’s really hard to get attention as an artist anywhere, even if you deserve it
Okay, please don’t take any I mean ANY of this offensively, but why do people with sorry to say this but “worse” art styles get way more likes and stuff. Like is it cause there Japanese, or cause people feel bad for how bad there art is and supports them, Idk… Like I know I don’t post stuff as much as I used to on here but within this website you can either be a bad artist, a really good artist, or an creative artist, there’s literally no in Between but somehow I am, my arts not god awful but it’s not great either, My art isn’t a whole new type of thing, it’s just basic. I’m seriously never gonna go anywhere on here. No unless I get my own gimmick, or I get really good. Which will never happen I know it won’t. Okay guys…no joke, I’m thing of quitting. I’m doing nothing good on here, so I might as well just quit. Nobody really liked me on here anyway…and this isn’t about likes or level fours, I just wanted to make others happy and show my art, letting people see this side of me and there’s no point anymore, no one cares. I’m like that one person you like but you like but you never truly mean it. So what I guess I’m saying is I’m probably gonna quit…
I really love seeing your art, I think you've got a unique touch I haven't seen any where else and I'll really miss you if you go, I know a lot of artists have left this sight because they felt ignored here, I think there's just a really low activity rate on this sight outside of the Japanese community, So please don't judge your ability as an artist based on how much attention you get here, you are really good and deserve more attention
I actually feel the same way, i actually left this site 1 month ago because i feel empty on this site like its not the same the first time i came here. My old artwork had more support than my new ones, i use to comment other artworks back then but now im like too shy to comment. But i stilĺ decided to be back here since idk where to post my art 😅 if you're leaving, what site are you gonna post your artworks? I'm gonna try to support to pay all the artworks that i haven't support back then :3
You might be at that stage where improvement is stagnant, still, not moving forward, and it's usually because when you improve at something, it's fast, then very slow. Your art looks so different from a year ago and now! But if you feel like you are not improving, you could just be in that stagnant stage. I understand feeling ignored, I think everyone has felt that at most points. There are countless topics of people also feeling the same way. You could try and post on Cara? That's a pretty supportive platform, and pretty much all the accounts are very active because it's all new, so there's a lot of connection there!
it may not seem like it, but ive loved you since when we've first met. (platonic) i know, it seems like i ignore your posts. but thats not the case, i have a lot of things ahead of my life that mostly holds me back and sometimes i forget. taking breaks is ok, but please dont quit.
And idk what to do with it, so I might do this thing where I put you guys on a wheel and spin it only if enough do so which probably won’t happen, this guy just needs a home guys…
> ᯓSugarBrickᯓ They should make classic roblox canned drink with a cute ghost duck
> MrFlagada🏗️ Imagine if Roblox adopt me added this 😩 I would disintegrate
Ghost duck :D
Hair design for you
I hope you can do it, also to the people who want me to draw in there style I hope you can wait, my life has been hard recently since my grandmother died, I hope you can understand there coming don’t worry, sorry you have to wait :( please don’t be mad.
> 🖤❤️🖤Vincent🖤❤️🖤 :)
Okey ill have it to you hopefully tomorrow if not next monday
awh god bless your grandmother may she fly high hope you recover soon im sure your grandma would be proud of all your artworks
Sorry it took so long, I like it but it just doesn’t fit me if you get my drift
A solid 6/10 for me, it’s cute but it’s hard to draw it 😭
Sorry it took so long, I know nothing about realism, I love how this turned out, I look so cute :)
I’ll give it a 8/10 if I rated it, which I did
My persona looks good in this style, I like it. If I had to rate it 8/10
And for the others who requested if you don’t give me a art to remake my persona will be in yours style!
I’m going to try to copy/reference someone’s art style, or I could just do a remake of a art to see how close I can get to the style, just give me a ref or photo of your style and I will draw my persona in it…it’s like a collab but with one person.. >:]
pretty please 🙏 I've got a couple different styles idk https://medibang.com/picture/7v2409291428542940024658680/ https://medibang.com/picture/dg2409051204058150024658680/ https://medibang.com/picture/xl2408121603531290024658680/
> ᯓSugarBrickᯓ no I will like it lol draw it in my style btw
> Juju ! (💫) Do you want me to draw in your style or redraw the drawing? If I draw it myself it will be my persona which you might not like
> ᯓSugarBrickᯓ np
I wanted to post is as a art but it wouldn’t let me so it’s a topic, I like it but i didn’t know what to do with the background so that’s why us bad, I hope you like it :)
Who wants to buy this cup for me? I will give you a crisp dollar >:]
only if you buy me the kinger plush
I wanted to get a photo of just the dress but I never did, so I hope this is okay, I wish you can see my smile but I love privacy :)
Also don't mind some might be weird.
Also sorry it's so dark. :(
I actually have a recognize able style.
I think they look amazing, and stupid.
And I feel they would be easy to draw for the comic. :)
This cat is the definition of :3 and :
What did you do to get into this prison “Oh my sanwich just explosed :3”
Does this look like the logo, I think it does but I need a second opinion, also please don’t copy :( I worked hard.
Yes she looks really cool I think you could use a bit of blue on the shoes like a flower pattern or smth like that
i think it looks amazing! the logo looks a bit more orange than the red you put on your design, but other than that i really like it!
I want to make a comic called “Don’t Be A PushMe-Cat”
I want it to be all these cats going into a haunted house and one’s a push me, no one likes them the others just want to scare them but the opposite happened. The cat finally breaks and goes crazy, I want it to be a cute but with realistic things in it. But I thought it could be a collab comic. Instead of making a group on here we could make a discord server, but if we do I can’t make it, my device won’t let me for some reason. But if you wanna join and or get more info it will be out soon! Just comment so u know what you feel about this :(
And I wanna make a deal with y’all, I will show you my lovely dress if you give me your honest opinions, I seriously need some please :(
oo, i shall give my most honest opion
Ofc :D
AHH OFC BRO :3 as long as u gimme ur opinions on my suit + makeup :3
I’m going to homecoming soon :)
If you guys want I can get some photos!
and I have a date! But my mom keeps saying “oh that’s soooo cute”
She said that in the middle of a store out loud!
I just want it to not embarrass me :(
Also, if I do a Q+A will you guys actually ask questions? I want to connect with you guys more so I hope it could help :)
I just had hocoming and no date, hope you enjoy it
I think it’d be nice to do a QnA :) I hope you have a good time at hoco btw!
How did you get into drawing? :) Also, I hope homecoming goes amazing! <3
A spread sheet of my main four! I love this gif and it took forever
Just comment the one you want chosen and the most voted will become a ref :) sooner or later they all will but letting my fans pick :)
It was a gif but it didn’t work :(
The first one :3
The third one :)
Only 25 more followers till 300. Maybe making 300 by the end of the year is possible! Thank you so much guys, I can’t believe it :)
The cover is free to use, please tell me what year you have. And a story if you do. Come on let’s make it fun!
Btw don’t mind 2024 being smaller then the rest, it said the file was to large but the rest are the same so idk why.
2024 I think? Or late 2023…
> ᯓSugarBrickᯓ Oh really? That’s cool lol
> Goldenhuskey321 Yah, I’m pretty sure you were my first follower.
I found you in 2023 (technically you found me bc you followed me first XD) I don’t really have a story but I still remember you dubbing yourself as my #1 fan lol
Why does the movie release on my birthday guys
I… am Steve. >:)
Poor poor soul i really hope they think it they probs won’t why isn't it an animation :(
I made this and I feel it’s a little inappropriate but that’s how my characters body’s built, like should I change it. But on the other hand it looks good, idk 😭
nothing's wrong, the only thing is maybe the chest crease ? XD-- idk it looks like she's wearing a super skin-tight shirt (to be able to pronounce the crease XDD), but personally i'd have the shirt skip(?) the middle chest area i think remove or semi-remove the chest crease ^^ only if you want to ofc, it looks fine otherwise <333
> MrFlagada🏗️ Yeah, I think so to :)
> ᯓSugarBrickᯓ Ohh then make her a tiny but chubbier
nah nah dw its not :)
I went back and found this…should I go back after a year and finish it?
I need to go back to magma🙏🙏
waah i forgot it
You guys are going to get a gift soon since I’m at 266 followers, I’m not telling you what they are but there going to be called the “toottie fruities”I bet your going to love them
Anyway since I’m so close I have a goal now, to try to reach 300 or get close to 300 by the end of the year. I feel it’s possible but idk. If you want to help you can and I would love that. Thank you for being here on my journey and hopefully you enjoy my gift once it’s done!
CONGRATS ON 266!! I love your art and I'm so glad you're at 266 <33
Congrats on 266!!!🎉❤️
I just made a new one though 😭
Okay is Pinterest the only one having problems? I would like to know before I try to fix it cause I’m lazy
Thanks for the links, I can't get accounts for any of those sights, so I can't fallow you😭 but at least other people can
But once someone follows they can see the posts. At least I could :>
Yeah, sometimes Pinterest sets accounts that are labeled as a minor to private, or it’s just automatic and you can turn it off in your account settings.