Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Open to negotiation
This is the wip for the cover

If you would like to join please comment your name and I will put in on a wheel!
Before entering remember these
-you need to do your part!
-please try not to take over my idea, I will remove you from the book!
-I am not good at communicating so if I sound rude you can always ask me to restate it.
-you don’t need to copy my style to be in the book

That’s all, good luck!

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  • > ⍢✜ シュガーブリック ✜⍢ ™ Yay thx :)

  • > Goldenhuskey321 You may

  • May I join?

  • > ⍢✜ シュガーブリック ✜⍢ ™ Yayyy :D


I want to make a comic about me and some other people beating media algorithm, it will be a fantasy type thing.
I get to decide what stays and goes and I will make a sketch of comic pages and such, anyone up for the job?

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  • > ★astro★ Yeah!

  • im up for it! I'd love to see our characters talk :)

  • > ⍢✜ シュガーブリック ✜⍢ ™ Bueno pero sabes que avisa al resto de esto y haz un hastag que esto valdrá y pon también esto: #Medibangartist

  • > AIDRAUZINGS Yeah, some people might be made how we are trying to fight it but it might be moving!

Here’s some unnecessary info…

Amakibi Shiki Is a platinum artist on this website…they have 555 followers…each follower page can hold 18 people…there’s 20 pages…if each page was full it would be 360 followers…if you subtract that you will have 195…which are bots…you should be proud of yourself for your follower count, at least they are real :)

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  • woahhh i didnt know people bought(?) bots here ?! XD thanks for being a detective on this thing cuz i never knew

  • > ゴブ(goob) I don’t follow ONE platinum….I’m 99% sure!

  • > ⍢✜ シュガーブリック ✜⍢ ™ Hmmm it does sounds like suspicious 🤔 Well tysm for the information you share I'll support more on small artist than big artist here (≧∇≦)

  • > ゴブ(goob) ON ABOUT EVERY ART!

I did it again…

Should I digitally do this one or the other one? I am trying to get into romance

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  • > ⍢✜ シュガーブリック ✜⍢ ™ Yes, you are definitely the confusing one 😂

  • > Goldenhuskey321 You’re just like ein…you lied 😡😡😡😡😳😨😰😭😭😭 passion? More like passion on more confusion I’m the confusing one :)

  • > ⍢✜ シュガーブリック ✜⍢ ™ Wait that’s not what I meant 😭 I love the way this looks

  • > Goldenhuskey321 So…you don’t really like this one 😭

A little rant :)

Ok, I have been on here for about two years okay?

Lately my art has been not receiving what it used to get :(

On this website many of us post art with hopes we might get popular but I am just going to say it…it will be a Miracle if any or most of us to get popular. Let me give you a example, let’s say Amakibi Shiki, back then he was just like us trying to get to the top, in the process he used a website that made real images look like 4k art. That’s how he got his first level 7. If you look on his profile you can find any realistic arts now because they were AI generated, yet no one cares on what they did and now he gets about 80 likes in 11 hours and stuff like that! I try but many just walk by me like people at a flea market…I feel like my art journey is slowly rusting up…I want to keep going but without people on my side to oil me I’m useless…

Also don’t mind my horrible comparisons okay?

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  • It's normal, and it's horrible

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ See

  • I agree I have a rlly big grudge against ai art bc a past friend of mine that I cut off bc she was bullying me got medibang and started posting ai art just to annoy me. Its so unfair bc her art got 45 likes in a few days while mine got 15 It's so not fair and ai art should not he compare to actual art

  • > •••• you are right >:0 Human art is better!


Can anyone give me some things I could do to improve my art?
Please 🫤

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  • For example your cassie drawing is really good at picking base colors and finding places where the shading should be stronger. I'd recommend using solid lines to shade by the hair and slightly airbrush under the shading since the light source is coming from the top, I assume. That's another thing. Try to identity a light source and determine where the light would be coming from because it looks like there's random airbrushed light on her shirt that doesn't make any sense. Finally just work on identifying where folds would be on clothes. Hope this helped, if you have questions feel free to ask.

  • Your art has a very stylized look to it, I recommend working on using less of the airbrush and instead work on figuring out where parts need to be shaded in more to give the art more POP to it (or less flat). I'd also suggest working on color theory (yes I know we all hate it) to see what colors work and dont. Right now I see a lot of clashing colors in your artwork that don't really look good together, especially when it comes to shading. Just working on finding colors that shade better than others.

  • I think that your art is really cool, if you want, you could try some realism?