Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

5 hours / Day
Extremely busy School

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I'm Back! I've survived the first year of college and now on vacation which means that I can finally finish the 2 art trades I took at the beginning of the year and actually work on personal projects now! :D

I've finished one which I will post later, idk if the person will see it tho cuz I just saw they're taking a break (hope you're doing ok EV@) and the second is coming along nicely (medibang genuinely won't let me post the progress tho like wtf do you mean an error occured). EV@ and Roman Scythe, so sorry for practically taking most of the year to finish these what y'all finished yours a while ago 😣

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Im so excited for artfight!! The big themes reveal is in 3 days 💪🔥. For those who don't know, art fight is an online competition at
That gives you two teams/themes to choose from, they've had some pretty cool team choices in the past. Like vampires vs. Werewolves, bloom vs. Wither, steampunk vs.cyberpunk, and many more! Once the team themes are revealed you choose a team and prepare for battle 💪🔥, once the artfight begins on july 1st, you can attack people you know, or randos from the opposing team, or even do friendly fire to your own teammates! You draw their characters that they have posted on their artfight profile, and you can even spice up their characters and add your own designs or give it one of the two artfight themes. The more effort you put into each drawing (giveing the drawings backgrounds, coloring it in, shading) gives more points to your team! If you don't understand how submitting your attacks(artwork of a persons character) works when july 1st comes, feel free to look up the rules/info on the website, or come to me for help!^^ I've been doing artfight for quite some time, so I've got ya 💪🔥 Once you create an account on artfight feel free to friend me on there!! My username is Kkcool
Or heres what should be a direct link to my profile 🫡
Have fun and let the battles begin, I cant wait to see what attacks you all create!

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i used to get bullied at public play areas quite frequently i think when i was rlly young =I and i thiiink i'm bi =D
also i think it's safe to say i was raised by the internet, i mean i remember very disturbing MLP animations like *shudder* and i got a lot into MLP gore art at around 7 (and drew it)-- and i think i stumbled upon a DHMIS music video when i was SUPER young (the memory is very fuzzy) and i think most of you know how that was XD

man i miss my childhood so much-- except for the parts where my friendships sucked and i felt like everyone hated me/no one understood me PFFT but to be fair i became veery mean and easily angered over everything
even nowadays, i feel like i'm so selfish-- and i don't know if this is my own selfishness thinking but i suspect it rooted from being constantly made fun of, kind of treated like crap every day (my sister used to be so mean lol, but she's completely changed), and felt like i was always the one to be teamed up against and thought of as undeserving-- dunno, like i said, i feel like that might be my own selfishness talking

ERRRR this turned into a whole rant brooooo =[[

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i haven't drawn in a long while, lately i've just been feeling quite low in serotonin, dopamine ect, and i've just been losing looots of motivation to do my favourite hobbies and stuff. and i feel like i've just been so occupied with worry and exhaustion. i WANT to want to do my hobbies and just do stuff in general, but all i want to do is sleep or watch YT or something. i just reaaally want to SLEEP right now, but i have to work. and then work for the next 2 days in a row. i just feel like crying. i don't want to always be drawing requests and drawing things i don't want to draw. i'm sorry. ugh i just want to relax and enjoy life a little more. but no, i have to constantly breathe in this stupid air full of car and vehicle fumes, and work in an environment that smells of dust and city dirt. why ? i've just been so tired of life lately. ugh.

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Artsong Contest RESULTS!

1st Place: Oddish

2nd Place: Ollie

3rd Place: Eva

4th Place: Pong

5th Place: Ronin

1st: A request and a banner
2nd: Two requests (one of them needs to be shoulders and up)
3rd: A request
4th: A simple request (not detailed)
5th: A simple request (not detailed, shoulders and up)

Annnnd a couple of honourable mentions!
I decided to add some medals and ribbons on the drawings, and then stars for the mentions. Please put your requests in the comments here!

Congrats to EVERYONE! And amazing work!! All the songs were wonderful, I loved the relation between the artwork and music =>

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