Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

5 hours / Day
Extremely busy School

im so done

Depression is hitting so hard. I cant even stand It. I hate having It, i hate having no Friends irl,, i dont know that to do anymore. I might lose It all when i least expect It. Ive tried Everything, but nothing works,, i asked for help too but idk how to explain how i feel. I cried for help, but no one hears me
I cant go to the therapist because im at a school trip very Far away from home. I cant sleep at all , i have a lot of nightmares

i want to disappear, i need Friends, i need help :\

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  • *hugs* I'm sorry you're dealing with this

𝑬𝑽@ left a comment!


im so godamn tired of these bots. I tried to ignore them blocking them and EVERYTHING, anything works
They keep commenting on the same piece. no i wont click ur freaking link weirdo, you wont scam me
sorry for coming off as rude,, im just so sick of them

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  • REAL

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ Oh and about the drawing I was gonna make you for your birthday, I still haven't made it cause I got banned from my drawing tablet and I can't draw with a mouse, and my new computer isn't touch screen so I can't draw with my finger ;-;

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ REAL. Don't even get me started on how much they push their dumb AI feauture so much bruh Also what's your DA account, I wanna follow

  • > Totally_not_YveNRen im actually on DA and its so annoying too i js hate bots in General I agree w u too

𝑬𝑽@ left a comment!


im so godamn tired of these bots. I tried to ignore them blocking them and EVERYTHING, anything works
They keep commenting on the same piece. no i wont click ur freaking link weirdo, you wont scam me
sorry for coming off as rude,, im just so sick of them

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  • REAL

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ Oh and about the drawing I was gonna make you for your birthday, I still haven't made it cause I got banned from my drawing tablet and I can't draw with a mouse, and my new computer isn't touch screen so I can't draw with my finger ;-;

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ REAL. Don't even get me started on how much they push their dumb AI feauture so much bruh Also what's your DA account, I wanna follow

  • > Totally_not_YveNRen im actually on DA and its so annoying too i js hate bots in General I agree w u too


im so godamn tired of these bots. I tried to ignore them blocking them and EVERYTHING, anything works
They keep commenting on the same piece. no i wont click ur freaking link weirdo, you wont scam me
sorry for coming off as rude,, im just so sick of them

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  • REAL

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ Oh and about the drawing I was gonna make you for your birthday, I still haven't made it cause I got banned from my drawing tablet and I can't draw with a mouse, and my new computer isn't touch screen so I can't draw with my finger ;-;

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ REAL. Don't even get me started on how much they push their dumb AI feauture so much bruh Also what's your DA account, I wanna follow

  • > Totally_not_YveNRen im actually on DA and its so annoying too i js hate bots in General I agree w u too