イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

shaytan\satan won the vote!!

who is shaytan?

shaytan as as we call it in arabic is an anseen person who tries to missguide us. shaytan has no arabic orgin people say say it comes from the word (shayt) or (shatn)

he is the one makes do sins like " its not a big sin do it "
he heis the one who makes us angry because shaytan is made of of fire.
he is the one who whisper at us and make us believe that allah is not exists ..

so we must not listen to shaytan and and that is one of his traps.. he saying
" look what have you done.. you think allah will forgive you? you will go to hell" he is trying to turn us away from allah 's mercy. only allah can make make us go to heaven or hell, NOT HIM!! >:(((

= does shaytan whispers at everyone?
- he whispers at muslims, not at jews or christians because what shaytan do with a heart that is already courpted, they are already missguided so why sahytan waste his time

= but i dont want to have whispers...
- dont worry its a good thing!!
= what??
- yeah because you are not listining to him, allah will reward you for not listning tning to him :]

so if yo did a sin ask allah for forgiveness allah's mercy is is so big so dont lose hope!💖


  • > Foxyyy thank you Foxyyy!!!😭 me too! :D but my come back was for a reason...


Assalmu alaikum guys!!!

how are you all? :]
anyway which one should talk about👇: ( most votes wins)

1- Paradise
2- day of judgment
3- shaytan\ satan


  • > Babalon OK (:

  • > Katyarobot8 i think you should!! :] islam is like a peacful religion but sadly not every muslim family are like that i will make you interest in islam in any way possible!! :>

  • > Muna Sketches omg i just woke up too! XD and im gonna talk about satan in my next topic ( because people voted this!)

  • > Babalon Yeah its really cool! Also I am not sure abt what religion I should be in the future! But the Muslim religion really interests me and it is definitely a possibility (:

* returning after 3 month of crying*


i know i said im gonna complety leave medi but-
i felt pretty uncomfortable and guilty at the same time,, that was like the worst decision i did in my life- and when i mean by "crying for three month" that was my first summer that i was so depressed and sad.. i felt a bit lonley, my sibling were with me but i was still sad..i felt like somthing is missing..
but after so long of thinking i decided to return to medi!

and now can you read this👇:

"La ilaha ila llah"
"there is no other god exept allah"

and i've heard: " if someone said la ilaha ila llah(there is no other god exept allah), at least one time in their life will enter paradise"
and " if someone dying knowing there is no other god exept allah will enter paradise"

so basically my come back is for this, i want to guid you all to the right path and knowing who is your lord( and to chat too), i want to you all to have interest in islam.
i will theach you everything step by step in a basic way!
i dont want to enter paradise whithout my friends >:]

somthing else, no one make gifts for me! i completly eraced babalon and my other ocs out of my life, and i dont to see them until paradise.i wont randomly disappear i will be active on sunday and wednesday.

i will make a topic about 2 important things, but you will vote which one you want me to talk about ( the most votes wins) for now...

how is everyone? :]


  • > M3LL0M0CHI nice!! :D as i said i didnt had the best summer but im fine today!!! :> also its morning here soooo.. good morning! XD

  • > Babalon HIHIHIHIHIHI I'm good! How have you been? :]

  • > Babalon Yea, in Spain in the past there were islamic people and I visited one of their buildings Yeah it was fun!

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ thats nice, sure ALSO AYO WHAT- AN ISLAMIC CHURCH!!!!???? was it fun???? :DDDD

@Friends.. (again)

Ok hear me out...

Im gonna completely leave medi.
Don't get me wrong i literally saw you CAN'T even support people's art because I'm literally encourage people to do something really bad.. I can't draw and i can't support so what is the point of being here!?????

Let me tell you.... The people who are drawing are gonna sent to Hellfire and the characters you drew Allah will put soul in them and they will attack you and punish you.. But if you left drawing forever and ask Allah for forgiveness( with regret) he will not punish you.

Anyways.. If you ever want stay away from hell fire then become a muslim.. Im not gonna force anyone to join Islam im just warning people as a Muslim.
You are free to join Islam

And if you want to join Islam and accept Allah as your only Lord.. then welcome to Islam :] even your still will be the same but a lil different but it gonna worth it trust me!! here are the best channels to become a good Muslim👇

Noaman Ali Khan official- Bayinah
He is good at explaining life situations and he is pretty fun to listen!!

Free Quran education
They make art and explain good stuff and they will help you in life too ( if you remember art is not bad ( haram) if it's for learning) oh and they make cool animations too!

Mufti Menk
He is also explaining good stuff about life and other things. If you want watch him!

That is all. Remember I'm not forcing anyone to join Islam it's up to you.
Good bye y'all! 👋☪️✨💖


  • Oh... entiendo tu decisión. Si te hace feliz, me alegraré por ti!. Te extrañare mucho Babalon, me alegraba mucho leer tus comentarios y mirar tu arte 😭❤!. Pero te deseo lo mejor y que obtengas toda la felicidad que mereces!. Eres una persona muy amable y muy buena, hacías que esta comunidad fuera más agradable y alegre, nunca te olvidaré!

  • Bye Babalon! You were a great friend:)

  • Bye and stay safe!

  • It was nice knowing you, bye friend!


I know it's been long. But there is something important i want to tell you..

Im a Muslim. That right i have been here for monthes i didn't tell you about this because i was scared everyone will hate me.. But since we know each other here we are now.
Ever since i knew medi is a place for talking with people i didn't mind talking to Christians because we Muslims are not bad with the other religions we are supposed to help each other with no hate, i have heard there is some Christians are friends with Muslims and they had no problems!!! which i find it very cool and sweet!! <333

And the H U GE reason why i left drawing is because DRAWING IS HARAM DO YOU KNOW WHAT HARAM IS!??? It means stay away from it and never do it!! BUT BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING BAD.. i left drawing because you can DRAW IN HEAVEN (jannah) u don't need to spend five years of your life learning yourself how to draw a hand or character design or whatever, you have infinite life in heaven you can even animate in here.

You may ask: "Babalon why you didn't left drawing if you know it is haram??"
I DIDN'T KNOW THE REASON WHY IT WAS HARAM!! they said it was was haram but i didn't know why.. Until i knew because anything have soul in it is haram so i immediately left it ( it wasn't that hard since i didn't like my arts anyway) drawing is not haram if it's for learning good stuff for children and adults.

In short i won't post art anymore. So please don't ask me requests or art trades.. And please don't hate me because I'm a Muslim i was nice with you all :((

Here is our Islamic stuff:
- Our creator is Allah ( S. W. T)
- Our prophet is Mohammed (Peace be upon him)
- Our book is the holy Quran.

And if you are interested in islam, I'd love to talk about it with you :]


  • Heaven*

  • :0 that's absolutely fine ! I'm an atheist but I still respect ppls religions I hope you can draw many nice things in haven't

  • > |\Juju/| Ok thank you anyways!! :]

  • Its ok! I Don't support them that much I 30% support them. I Don't know if I have Muslim friends. And yes I'm a Christian



Thx really! :']


  • > Babalon⛄ Mwhahahahahaha

  • > ★Me_xii [Dex] Tysmmm!!!! 😭 This is probably the first time someone said that to me! 😔 And now you know the first thing i posted was undertale :"D

  • > Babalon⛄ You need more support on your art I swear. You're really underrated!!😭

  • > ★Me_xii [Dex] * checks out notifications.. And sees Dex favorite my whole arts* *heart attack* *dies* DEX I SWEAR YOUR KINDNESS IS IN ANOTHER LEVEL!!!❤️❤️ HOLLY CRAPPP YOU LIKE MY ARTS THAT MUCH!??? 😭😭 FYFOYCOUVOUVOYF9U i need to give you something for that! <3

10 years ol me

Thinking that male pfp is a man and a female pfp is a woman:

Me: alright gender conformed :] 👌

I was soooo cringe back then 💀💀💀
When i remember them I'm like: why did i did that..? Why i said that???
I regret everything I did.. 😔😔


  • Wait.. You think so!?? Thank you! :'D But yours are good too!

  • > Babalon⛄ You're pretty good at it ngl

  • > Kebby I started since 6th grade :')

  • > Babalon⛄ I've drawn for many years, started around kindergarten Im in 10th grade starting in August