插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

9 小时 / 日
  • cool, but what are the names of the sites man :)

  • > Go Rorooni (Rafael de Belen)さん well i guess you could try subitting to other manga websites, if they like your material they'll accept. but i can't guarantee. i was lucky enough, that mine spread like wild fire, it's avaiable on every single manga site. i'm sure yours will too, its just a matter of time.

  • > Jaxon Brawlyさん Thanks bro for the ti[. now I am starting to get the hang of medibang. but bro do you know any website tyhat is similar to medibang? :)

  • > Goさん now you just transfer it to the series section and save it, then click on edit on that chapter and edit the chapter details and when you're ready just hit publish. it might take a few minutes to go public but it's done. good luck.