Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

4 hours / Day
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Último dia de conteo :)


Hola amigos de medibang, hoy es mi ultimo dia de conteo y vamos terceros!!! si aun no habeis leido la obra o quereis dejar un comentario se agradadeceria!!

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  • > Poyatos Oh cool! I didn't see that haha

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 thanks but you can read in english too:

  • Woah! Omg this is really good! I can't read Spanish but this comic was still entertaining! The art work is beautiful. I love the gore in it, like when the man jumped out the window :0 I didnt expect that (maybe because I don't know what the characters are saying lol) . Anyways you're really good at comic books! It looks like that took a long time to draw!