Skellysaurus Studios Official
Heya,you can call me sal,i draw fanarts for enjoyment and thought maybe others want to see them, sorry i rarely post,and not that social on updates and stuff,but please enjoy
im only posting three artworks a day until im done with my art dump so you wont get bombarded haha
Since my art dump is taking a while (lost my camera sorry) YOU get to pick which old art i get to redraw! Funsies right? So out of 1 2 3 or 4 you have to comment which one you wanna see redrawn. Whichever one gets five votes first will be the winner! Now gaze upon my 2021 cringiness
i have a pretty big art dump coming up you heard me I'm actually posting a bunch! so get ready AND its from my sketchbook so little gremlins can awe at the work my hands have completed
> Skellysaurus Studios Official Yes please!
> Kebby Oh! Hey there! Sorry i haven't replied ive been working on personal projects, and i think my old email is lost haha, and i still dont have a phone but it would be great to talk to you again, if you'd like i can send over a request for google chats!
Eyy long time no see, tried talking through Gmail but I'm not too sure if you still use it- I'm not sure if you're aware but I left this place due to being on toyhouse + my images here have been hosted...on a bad site- Do you think we can talk somewhere better yet?
i am very upset. my name i made three years ago now was stolen by a furry user on twitter. i dont have the money to copyright my name so i am very displeased. \
here is the link to the user's page https://x.com/StuSaurus
> Muna SketchEEEE Thank you so much for the support, i have actually further calmed down from the event 😅and have thought about it, i am keeping my name,as mine says "studios official" at the end so i don't think i have to worry if i do something professional, thank you again for the support! ❤
I understand that you're frustrated, but maybe this user didn't even know this name was taken, and there are billions of people in the world, two people having the same username is more than possible. But you could always play with your own name, maybe having it all caps, all lowercase, some caps, maybe a star symbol, but if not then that's alright, I like the name you have right now =>
Sorry i haven't posted in months haha...so take this little sketch of link im working on :]
Recently i'm playing Okarina of Time and wanted to draw linky boy💚
That im going to be actually drawing oc ref pages soon and i have alot of characters 😈 ( so excited)
Heya guys, so i have a few demon slayer fanarts coming up,( sorry im obsessed) and then i can finally work on my OCs ( i have a lot in progress) so there is that to look forward to...but i don't have a good post schedule, sorry😅
Sneak peak?
Just noticed im am idiot who spelt it "peak" instead of "peek" grammar sucks😑
Heya guys,sorry its been a whike,but i have a question,how many weebs here are into Demon slayer?...im working on a piece, and it should be done in a week or two (sorry im slow and lazy)
If each slot was a crime id be in maximum prison 😂😂😂 and i still dont even got a bingo!
Heya its me im going to try to slowly come back,i just got over some scary stuff but im alive so...yea sorry if i worried you guys :)
I keep making ocs i cant stop. Im making them for a story i wanna anime later in the future but i have like five ocs im cooking up and three on the way,i cant stop,!...cant wait to draw a pic of them all next to eachother aacahsfshsfvdjdhdb
Here is a wip of a chrismas artwork I'm making for one of my siblings its not the best yet just thought I'd prove I'm not dead :)
Heya,Im leaving for a bit,I have some important medical stuff coming up,ptsd,trauma,and family drama, a whole bunch of personal problems and I don't have time to draw or post,i shouldnt be gone too long,i dont wanna leave you guys hanging, hope everyone is else is all doing well,sorry for the rant,stay safe,drink water,and stay determined💖
Yep I'm alive!,just worried about health stuff🙄 ANYWAYS I'm working on some new OCs (and a new artsyle!) should be done soon,but in the meantime take this doodle :) (he's bald cuz I'm Struggling to draw hairstyles)
Its almost heerrrree
I really don't wanna draw a full body of my two new ocs but I have to so I have a reference for close ups (my favorite) :( anatomy is hard (so is finding a good pose)
i hate to say this but I can't post often this month because of my doctors appointments,due to my health I haven't been able to plan and the doctors don't know what's wrong with me, and i have to go to multiple doctors, not to mention my ptsd from doctors (long story) and now i cant even enjoy spooky month I hate it!,why my favorite month?,why now? so I'm really sorry (for the rant and the issue)
> Skellysaurus Studios Official Only if your family finally lets it happen They've been the biggest issue at the moment
> Kebby Same, maybe we can meet up when the weather cools
> Skellysaurus Studios Official I wanna hug you so badly ¡ⁿ¡
> Kebby Thanks a lot kebby,and don't worry you won't lose me,Ya cant get rid of me that easy, :)😊
Not trying to be offensive but those hyper realism drawings on tiktok are getting annoying like I see your good at art but you don't have to be like "this took me 7 hours please like" honestly I think its better to create your own art style and storyline, and do art for yourself not others also the trend is getting kinda old,no hate to realism artist though just my opinions😅
Once I get my camera charged ill take pictures of it,there's so many good drawings in here!
Couldn't draw a face so I let my hand do whatever
I'm still alive! Also turns out I never had a kidney infection,the doctors just didn't take the time to evaluate the tests🙄,anyways still trying to figure out what's wrong with me, so take this w.i.p. I'm working on :)
> Skellysaurus Studios Official Looks very nice, you've really improved And thanks
> Kebby Heh thanks :),also look at how much my art has improved! I can't wait to finish this (btw I love your art)
Good riddens, that's a relief I was so freaking scared
(Happy birthday dex!!!) Anyways So I'm not going to be active for awhile because I have been diagnosed with a kidney infection on my last remaining kidney and if the medicine doesn't work I have to get a transplant so I can live,sorry for the big dump on the moods just letting you all know,try to keep updated :)
> ★Batteraid.★[Dex.] Thank you!
thank you so much! I hope the medicine gets rid of the infection. Wishing you the very best <33
> Skellysaurus Studios Official Goodluck :( I'm very worried
> Kebby Thanks! I start taking meds tomorrow but I swear they are the size of my thumb!
So for dinner I made some fried bread with my siblings and they said that the powder sugar tastes weird...they where using powder milk!😂😂😂
I have reached 30 followers thank you all for the support!
Feeling depressed...I might log off for a while...
Hope you get better :(
Anyone with insomnia comment 🙃 I want to see who else has it lol
Going to the dentist tomorrow getting ready for pain,blood,and prodding,at least I'm getting a haircut before that
> Kebby I Don't know im afraid😂