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Sleeping w my bbgs
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juju !さんがコメントしました!
juju !さんがコメントしました!
Someone please name/draw her! Any colors!
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hunger games
holy cheese received a trident from inside the cornucopia
whorrormovie grabs a jar of fishing bait while juju gets fishing gear
foxyyy grabs a jar of fishing bait while eva gets fishing gear(i didnt make the story idk why it did the same thing)
juju killed holy cheese
whorrormovie was killed while picking berries
eva's trap killed foxyyy ( :( )
this is randomized so part two the dead guys will be alive
juju !さんがコメントしました!
the love story no one expected or asked for-
juju !さんがコメントしました!
Zer00 repeatedly stabs Ein to death with sais.
Juju kills DRAGON as they try to run.
!!!ADAM!!! snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.
Flameteeth snatches a pair of sais.
Lex kills EV@ for her supplies.
Mr Flagada runs away with a lighter and some rope.
Wilber stabs Ayaz in the back with a trident.
Cans stays at the cornucopia for resources.
Gutzz, Invisible man, and Bread start fighting, but Invisible man runs away as Gutzz kills Bread.
Rey_202 runs away with a lighter and some rope.
BRI catches Belle\Will off guard and kills him.
BrownieSketch sets an explosive off, killing V0MiT, Seb, and LongLegLuz (got frozen).
Day 1
!!!ADAM!!! attempts to climb a tree, but falls on BrownieSketch, killing them both.
Invisible man and Mr Flagada fight Juju and Flameteeth. Invisible man and Mr Flagada survive.
BRI defeats Rey_202 in a fight, but spares Rey_202’s life.
Gutzz goes hunting.
Zer00 chases Lex.
Wilber sets Cans on fire with a molotov.
Night 1
Rey_202 severely slices Gutzz with a sword.
Wilber, Lex, Invisible man, and BRI form a suicide pact, killing themselves.
Mr Flagada convinces Zer00 to snuggle with him.
The Fallen
19 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
DRAGON has died this round.
Belle\Will has died this round.
Bread has died this round.
V0MiT has died this round.
Seb has died this round.
LongLegLuz has died this round.
EV@ has died this round.
Ein has died this round.
Ayaz has died this round.
Cans has died this round.
Juju has died this round.
Flameteeth has died this round.
!!!ADAM!!! has died this round.
BrownieSketch has died this round.
Wilber has died this round.
Lex has died this round.
Invisible man has died this round.
BRI has died this round.
Gutzz has died this round.
Day 2
Zer00 fishes.
Rey_202 shoots a poisonous blow dart into Mr Flagada 's neck, slowly killing him.
Night 2
Rey_202 is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
Zer00 cries himself to sleep.
The Fallen
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
Mr Flagada has died this round.
Rey_202 shoots a poisonous blow dart into Zer00's neck, slowly killing him.
The Fallen
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
Zer00 has died this round.
The Games Have Ended
The winner is Rey_202!
Rey_202 Kills: 3 ⭐Winner⭐
The Rest
Invisible man Kills: 2 Died: Round 2
EV@ Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Mr Flagada Kills: 2 Died: Round 3
V0MiT Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Bread Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Juju Kills: 1 Died: Round 1
Ein Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Ayaz Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Belle\Will Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
!!!ADAM!!! Kills: 0 Died: Round 1
Seb Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Zer00 Kills: 1 Died: Round 5
Lex Kills: 1 Died: Round 2
DRAGON Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Cans Kills: 0 Died: Round 1
Wilber Kills: 2 Died: Round 2
Flameteeth Kills: 0 Died: Round 1
LongLegLuz (got frozen) Kills: 0 Died: Round 0
Gutzz Kills: 1 Died: Round 2
BrownieSketch Kills: 3 Died: Round 1
BRI Kills: 1 Died: Round 2
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juju !さんがコメントしました!
i block every dandys world fan i see :3
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i block every dandys world fan i see :3
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i block every dandys world fan i see :3
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I found fishy!1!1!!,1
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I found fishy!1!1!!,1
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While sleeping like a old fart
Anyways the stuff to bleach my hair is coming today
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yall i just distracted shelly, dandy AND pebble.. then i died to shrimpo next floor- my team was shocked. (I WAS GOOB FYI, ITS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO DISTRACT PEBBLE AS GOOB WITHOUT RUNNING. I MANAGED TO PULL IT OFF-)
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Cant believe people fell for “her” trap and actually follow her
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juju !さんがコメントしました!
Cant believe people fell for “her” trap and actually follow her
juju !さんがコメントしました!
what if there were more debuffs?
like, for example: dizzy, sad, and scared.
dizzy happens when theres too much movement, so if a fast twisted runs around for a while, youll get dizzy I.
what it does;
decreases movement speed by 20%, but if you get dizzy III you can start hallucinating stuff like items such as meds, heals, twisteds, etc.
if a toon dies near you, youll get sad I. but if more toons die near you, itll increase.
what it does;
makes it impossible to get a skill check, decreases everything by 10%, also makes you unable to pick up anything.
when a blackout appears and your toon senses theres a twisted near them, they will get scared II. however, if theres every twisted near them. the toon will be paralyzed, the only way to be able to start moving again is to have one of the twisteds lose interest.
what it does;
decreases stealth and walk speed by 20%. like sad, youre unable to pick up items.
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I found fishy!1!1!!,1
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Star time Shelly :3
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Star time Shelly :3
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juju !さんがコメントしました!
Packgod is unfunny and the corniest corn on the cob and basically Lanky Box for middle schoolers filled with Ifunny humor and uses the same words "Grandma" "Stop playing with me boy" "Pickle" "Nipples" The only reason people like him because of the Youtube Shorts ass editing to make him look strong and cool and fast words and if you're a fan i'm assuming you watch troll face edits on Youtube shorts. Also the people he "Packs" don't even look insulted just confused and trying to piece together what's he's saying
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