I actually started 5 years ago. I was in high school and I was inspired by all this cool drawings in YouTube. Actually my hobbies consist of art (in general), games and pets, although I'm not very good drawing animals lol. Also, every year I start a new hobbies related with art, drawing, painting, writing, dance, mimes, crochet, sewing, playing violin, guitar, keyboard, etc. That's why although it's been 5 years, I don't feel like my art has improved much. However, I'm trying to focus in practicing more to finally find my art style. :)

MediBang ID:
My name is Dianna. I started drawing on and off for 6 years. I'm a university student in Microbiology Science. To me, drawing and painting offers me a way to cope with anxiety, stress and even boredom (in certain classes lol) and I know that, if wasn't a Biology student, I would have been an Art Student. I don't have any professional education in Art, excluding a semester of very basic art class in middle school. But I would like to take classes in painting and realism to make better art in the future. :)