イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

I think ima challenge myself

I’m gonna try to make a not fantasy comic


  • > 🌀SugarBrick🌀 It’s ok

  • > bluecatanimations Oh sorry I was have awake

  • > 🌀SugarBrick🌀 Thank you but I kinda meant like not a fantasy one we’re it’s only real life but the plot of the comic sounds good

  • What about you make a comic about a small time artist that has fans but they get sucked into there device with all the others and there’s some sort of monster like a corruption monster and it’s sorta horror and you can include your fans or something in the story and you have to due puzzles to escape and you make it out together but along the way you realize all the other artists have struggles just like you Also you can change the plot as much as you like I’m half awake and sorry I’m not much help :(

I have been inactive recently

Sorry that I haven’t been active new drawing tmr and my dad seen helluva boss and he liked it


  • > bluecatanimations XD

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Ya my dad said it was weird and I forgot to warn him about the spring break one

  • > bluecatanimations My mom and dad don't watch shows off of youtube like that and if I showed it to them they would be like "Why are you watching this kind of stuff?"🥹

  • > M3LL0M0CHI My dad said we should go to loo loo land and at first I was freaking out that he watched it