Early happy thanksgiving and Christmas!! I'll be applying some wallpaper to the walls today but here a sneak peek to my next post. (New character) 早いハッピー感謝祭とクリスマス!!今日は壁に壁紙を貼りますが、次の投稿を覗き見します。(新しいキャラクター)
- Swiftsnow: E
As you may not know im a very young artist!
Favorite music
I absolutely love to listen to Ado!! She is a great singer.
Pen tablet
My iPad is kinda old but its just a normal iPad.
Things you always carry
Its become a meme that i always carry things in my arms
Favorite artwork
Probably the Deep Sea dragon I love how there was no outline.
I drew my first artwork in 3rd grade
Normal cats would just sleep on a separate pillow right?? But char char a little thief, i woke up this morning to find her laying down behind my head!!! And worst of all this brought me to tears she started attacking me as is saying she owns the bed! 🥲 she is still sleeping on that very pillow an hour later. And now im salty 😒. 普通の猫は別の枕で寝るだけですよね??しかし、チャーチャー、小さな泥棒、今朝目が覚めたら、彼女が私の頭の後ろに横たわっているのを見つけました!!!そして、最悪の事態は、彼女がベッドを所有していると言っているように、私を攻撃し始めたので、私は涙を流しました!🥲1時間後、彼女はまだその枕の上で寝ています。そして今、私は塩辛いです😒。
Im still trying to verify my email so i can post more than 3 works at a time so thats a priority. Im also trying out new techniques to make my art look better!! :D Ty for all your support.