Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Little Flower PT.2

But there came a day when I had to break those restrictions. A gruesome villain attack happened without warning, costing several heroโ€™s their lives. The League of Villains and their leader Shigaraki wreaked havoc on a small town, following the instructions of All For One. A notorious Japanese criminal with a quirk similar to Reaperโ€™s. They seemed unstoppable to most, except me. This time, I wonโ€™t let my friends get hurt because of my fear. The battle between us only lasted a couple minutes but the very earth trembled beneath us. Class 1-A had weakened Shigaraki enough, only taking a couple hits and a single blast from Inferno to end him. The League of Villains put up a fight but fell fast, their numbers dwindling rapidly. After that, the government of Japan decided All For One would never change for the better and put him to death. The court hearing was televised internationally, hoping to give closure to those who were deeply affected by his heinous acts.

Finally, the people of Japan rejoiced in their freedom, but when one evil dies another always crawls out of its grave. A dastardly reporter leaked my name and how I stopped the reign of All For One and his followers, giving Reaper exactly what he needed to find me. He traveled to the eastern country faster than I couldโ€™ve imagined. Upon his arrival, the military had given orders to immediately evacuate the city. So many emotions ran through me. Hatred, anger, fear, disgust, and determination all boiled over into one raging ball of fire. I was tired of his existence. A person like him shouldnโ€™t be allowed the gift of life when he so easily takes it from others. Iโ€™m going to put an end to him no matter what, even if it means my life. There was no one else who could do it. I got into my battle stance as his body flickered into view.

โ€œWell, well, isnโ€™t someone a little braver now,โ€ he taunted, clearly remembering my pain from when he stole my aunt away. It was just him and myself now, I didnโ€™t have to worry about anyone else. Or so I thought.

โ€œI suggest you watch your mouth. I think sheโ€™s sick of you,โ€ a voice sneered from behind me.

โ€œAnne?! What are you doing here!?โ€

โ€œItโ€™s not just me,โ€ she said while pointing to my left. Not only did my class come to face Reaper by my side, but so did the students of 1-A.

โ€œWeโ€™re not leaving you behind. Just like you never left us behind Iris,โ€ Liam chimed in as he sauntered over to my side.

โ€œJust shut up already!โ€ Reaper screeched while lunging in Liamโ€™s direction like a rabid dog.

Before Reaper could close the distance, I was there to stop him. With all my strength I kicked him in the middle of his chest, sending thousands of volts through his body. He flew backwards faster than I could process, my strength surprising me. As he soared through the air, gravity pulled him into the ground, leaving craters of asphalt in his wake. He staggered to his feet, not noticing Alex flapping her wings with awe inspiring might, ready to strike. Ivy quickly beckoned the roots of little weeds to multiply into heavy tree branches, concrete shattering as they enveloped Reapersโ€™ limbs, holding him in place. Swiftly, Alex used one of her sharp feathers to slash open his shoulder, drawing out an animalistic roar from the villain. Seemingly satisfied with their assault, they reconvene with the group. With telepathic unison, the students land hit after hit, 40 unmanageable attacks lay an unceasing burden on Reaperโ€™s body. But I was still his main target. Within seconds he disappeared into the ground only to reemerge right in front of me. His fist comes at me in slow motion, my brain rapidly searching for any solution out of this. As a fatal hit is about to strike me, Jack shouted from behind Reaper. โ€œJace Jackson!โ€ He froze, veering back at Jack with wild eyes. โ€œHow do you know my name?!โ€ Reaper screamed, as if the mere reminder of his true identity would send his mind spiraling.

Now was my chance. Without hesitation I activated Inferno, engulfing the age old foe in a blinding blaze of fire. If he claims to be a Reaper then he should go where theyโ€™re born. A minute passes before his anguish filled wails dissipate, leaving nothing but a charred statue vaguely resembling the kneeling form of a man. A gentle breeze ruffles my hair as the ashes slowly shape themselves into magnificent glowing butterflies. Each one representing the lives Reaper stole, dancing away in the wind to celebrate their newfound freedom. We won. I finally fulfilled my familyโ€™s legacy. Not only by myself, no, but with the help of my friends. Iโ€™ll forever be indebted to them. Without a second thought I raised my fist in the air as a sign of our victory. The rest followed in sullen silence for those who didnโ€™t make it.


Life continued on at UA for another month before my class had to leave. Since Reaper was no longer a threat we had no reason to stay. Saying goodbye to class 1-A was one of the hardest things Iโ€™ve ever done, unlikely friendships had flourished in my time there. Departing from the students broke my heart, but thereโ€™s no place like home. Wyndham High had been rebuilt and we were ordered back. Sadly our pity story wouldnโ€™t work on the administration to let us stay. Not long after we got back to New York the time to graduate snuck up on us. After I quickly rose the ranks and became The United States number one Pro Hero. I guess you really can accomplish anything as long as you have someone by your side. I surely learned that.

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  • > Bluebxrry Kk! XD

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Well I want to draw it one day. If you can animate by then Iโ€™ll hit you up ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป itโ€™ll make it easier so then you can see the character design

  • > Bluebxrry It's all good. I wish I could animate because it was a pretty cool little movie in my head.๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿ‘

  • > M3LL0M0CHI The story is around the time of season 6 for mha so thatโ€™s why it was kinda necessary. I couldnโ€™t leave it all out.

Little Flower PT.1

Little Flower

What would you do if the fate of the world was suddenly thrown into your hands? As heroโ€™s itโ€™s bound to happen one day but it happened so fast to me. One moment, I was walking peacefully and the next shattered my entire life. It was like someone dropped a nuke and completely destroyed everything around me, leaving nothing but blurry flashes of that day. The screaming, reckoning, panic, and most of all the loss are just a few things I had to endure that day. If only I had been stronger, maybe this wouldnโ€™t have happened. What if I didnโ€™t freeze? Itโ€™s my fault my aunt died. โ€œJust keep going, my little flower,โ€ were her last words to me. As I lay, holding her in my arms she shakily drew in her last breath. Even at the end I was her flower. Such a precious nickname she gave me. Ever since, the pain of her passing hasnโ€™t left me, weighing down on my being and never giving me a second to breathe.

Ivory Wyndham, The United States number one Pro Hero, had lost her life to The Reaper. Her fate was the same as my ancestors, taken too soon by that conniving snake of a man. The Reaper had been terrorizing New York for the last 115 years, killing every hero that got in his way. His goal was to decimate New York. He had no motive in doing so, all he wanted was to hurt people. No matter what he was always stopped by one of my ancestors. His terrifying strength led to the legacy of my family, one day we knew one of us would bring a stop to him. The people noticed too, holding so much hope that a hero from the Wyndham family would arise to bring about an era of peace to this dying city. No matter how many of us died, we kept on fighting for them. After every battle Reaper was always too injured to complete his goal. But the outcome of each confrontation was never as bad as this, half of New York City had been led into utter calamity. His injuries rendered him unable to continue but they were proof that he was only getting stronger. What happens if-

โ€œIris!โ€ A voice yelled, pulling me back to reality.


โ€œAre you listening to me?โ€

โ€œNo, sorry Mr. Stakes. I got lost in thought,โ€ I answer with a sheepish smile.

He sighed while rubbing the bridge of his nose, the teacher had become like a second father to me. So once he heard I was dropping out of school, of course he came to talk me out of it.

โ€œListen kid, I know youโ€™re going through a hard time with Ivoryโ€™s passing, but this isnโ€™t what she would want,โ€ he claimed. I knew he was right but that didnโ€™t matter. It's not like I want this too but with my circumstances itโ€™s necessary.

โ€œI know, but thatโ€™s not going to stop me, I have to do this,โ€ I mumbled. Talking about this never ends well for me, memories of that day tend to grip their boney hands around my heart, suffocating my lungs until my brain finally shuts them off. Iโ€™m trying so hard to stay strong for her but my emotions are definitely not helping.

โ€œIris, listen to me. Think this through before you do anything rash. Dropping out of school and getting revenge wonโ€™t bring her back. Sheโ€™s gone and you know-โ€ before he could finish his sentence I cut him off. โ€œNo, you listen here Damien,โ€ I would never call him by his first name but my anger got the best of me, โ€œIโ€™m dropping out of school because I have to, Iโ€™m not stupid, I know it wonโ€™t bring her back! Iโ€™m the last person who can stop Reaper, he will hunt me down until Iโ€™m dead!โ€ My chest heaves with despair, contempt for my weakness arising, โ€œThat doesnโ€™t change despite the fact Iโ€™m only 17! Iโ€™m doing this to protect my classmates. Theyโ€™re my friends and I canโ€™t live with myself if I put them in danger!โ€ Tears stream down my cheeks, leaving annoying streaks behind. Somewhere in my fit of rage I ended up in front of him, not recalling when I got off the couch and stomped over to him. His gaze softens with understanding, โ€œThatโ€™s the Iris I know, always so considerate about her friends,โ€ he smiled while wrapping me in a comforting embrace.

โ€œIโ€™m sending my students to UA High in Japan, itโ€™s why I came to see you today. I want you to watch over them, without you they canโ€™t function. If you drop out, you wonโ€™t be able to go with them,โ€ he warned, arms still around me. I stood there, no doubt soaking his shirt, uncertainty cascading through my body.

โ€œWhy UA?โ€

โ€œWell itโ€™s as close to Wyndham High as you can get,โ€ he answered while releasing me. The warmth faded all too quickly, leaving a craving for more deep within the cavity of my sternum. Wyndham High is a big staple in New York, named after my family when my ancestors lost their lives trying to save it. All of them, including myself, had attended the school. I pause for a minute, thinking over the choices Iโ€™ll have to make. If I dropped out, my friends would be safe but they wouldnโ€™t have a leader to guide them. Going to UA means a higher chance of Reaper finding us and doing unspeakable things to my dear classmates. Some time ago I promised that no matter what I would always have their backs. What would Aunt Ivory do? โ€ฆShe would honor her word and stay, so thatโ€™s what Iโ€™ll do.

โ€œIโ€™ll go,โ€ I answered.



โ€œOh thank goodness, I was worried Iโ€™d have to drag you there kicking and screaming.โ€ He says through a relieved chuckle.

โ€œYou really werenโ€™t going to give me a choice huh?โ€ I question, slightly squinting my eyes in suspicion.


โ€œWhen are we leaving?โ€

โ€œTomorrow. So you better get packing.โ€

โ€œDear God,โ€ I said while pretending to faint. Mr. Stakes sniggers while walking over to the front door. โ€œWell I better get going kid,โ€ he announced, stepping out of the house.

โ€œHey, Damien?โ€ I call, respectfully this time, wanting to convey my point as a friend not a student.


โ€œThanks for everything,โ€ my lips lift into a gentle smile, crinkling my eyelids.

โ€œNo problem, Violet. Just keep hanging in there, youโ€™ll make it,โ€ he assured me. My brows lift in surprise at the way he addressed me. Itโ€™s known as a sign of high respect to call someone by their hero name.

โ€œIโ€™ll try my best, have a nice day Mr. Stakes,โ€ I answered, closing the entryway.

โ€œThanks, tell your parents I said hi,โ€ he said while waving goodbye.

โ€œOkay!โ€ I shouted back, gladly returning the gesture.


Today was the day we left for UA High. It was about a 20 minute drive to the airport but it felt way longer. Imagine putting 20 teenagers that are all the same age into one bus. It also makes it worse when theyโ€™re all friends. I made sure to snag a spot next to my best friend Liam, joy erupting in my veins when he let me sit by the window. Weโ€™ve known each other since we were 4 years old, having been the only kid who played with me because my powers developed a little late. I live in a superhuman society, with 80% of us possessing some uncanny ability called a quirk. Most only have one but rarely some are born with two. Then you get the people who are like The Reaper, possessing the skill to take and use someone elseโ€™s quirk. There are also those who never develop a quirk, the general public view them as weak and useless. My father was born without one unfortunately, leaving him with little job opportunities. Iโ€™m honestly so relieved at that fact, Reaper doesnโ€™t have any reason to kill him. I was considered a blessing because not only did I remarkably gain the quirk my father shouldโ€™ve had, but I also developed my motherโ€™s ability. Electric Shock, a power that had been in the Wyndham family for the last 115 years and was only growing stronger. Then thereโ€™s Inferno. A pyro type skill, allowing the user to create flames so hot itโ€™s dubbed โ€˜The Gateway to Hell.โ€™ Those two powers added together are a mesmerizing sight to see. According to Aunt Ivory, Iโ€™m considered the strongest of my family. But what if I freeze again? What if I canโ€™t defeat Reaper? These powers are useless if I canโ€™t muster up the courage to act on the battlefield. Iโ€™m the last of my bloodline who stands a chance at even beating him. What if I-

โ€œYou ok?โ€ A familiar voice asked, snapping me back to reality again.

โ€œHuh? Oh yeah, Iโ€™m fine Liam.โ€

โ€œI know you better than that, Iris. Youโ€™re not โ€˜fine,โ€™ I can tell.โ€ He says with a knowing look.

โ€œHow is it that you can see right through me?โ€

โ€œIโ€™ve known you for 13 years thatโ€™s how,โ€ he responded while putting his arm around my shoulder, the movement so smooth I couldnโ€™t help but lean into him. Everyone always mistakes us for a couple but weโ€™re not, heโ€™s more like a brother to me. Neither of us have siblings so we vowed to be what the other never had. โ€œOh my God, look! The love bugs are cuddling,โ€ Brooklyn squeaked, clearly teasing us. โ€œWe donโ€™t like each other!โ€ We both yelled in sync. Will they ever stop picking on me and Liam? The whole bus exploded with laughter after that.


Six months have passed at UA. During that time I made new friends, had several mental breakdowns, and continued to help my class. You know, the usual. Iโ€™ve always had more experience than they did. Before my aunt died, I trained with her for 7 years to get my quirks at their peak. Though, I never told my friends about the extra training. I didnโ€™t want them to put me on a pedestal that would no doubt put unnecessary pressure on me. For years I hid how strong I actually was, setting limits for myself so it looked like I still had more training to be completed.

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  • PT.2 Here: So I have a My Hero Academia fanfic manga that I want to draw one day. Iโ€™m not that good at drawing yet so I donโ€™t do it. But for school weโ€™re writing our own hero stories. So I decided to write a shortened version of my fanfic manga. SHOUT OUT AND CREDIT TO MY BEST FRIEND WHO HELPED ME WRITE THIS! SHE WAS MY EDITOR. PLEASE DONโ€™T POST ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE!

I might be a little sickโ€ฆ.

Iโ€™ll be fine though ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

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  • > M3LL0M0CHI Iโ€™ll try ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  • > Bluebxrry Ohh be safe Berry ๐Ÿฅน

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Water is the reason why I donโ€™t feel good lol- the water I was drinking tasted a little funny then I learned it was out in the sun. Iโ€™ve been drinking it for the last couple days so I donโ€™t feel so good. Our well went dry so weโ€™re on a state program. They deliver water but my parents usually leave it outside. Itโ€™s been really hot for the last couple of days and water + plastic + sun = nothing good. So my parents are going to use the water for our plants instead and weโ€™re going to be buying more water bottles.


Ok Iโ€™m writing this here

I canโ€™t bring myself to tell my best friend this because I donโ€™t want to sound cringy so Iโ€™ll write it here so I can least get it off my chest.

But a while back I got to hang out with her. She has extreme social anxiety so it was really hard for me to get her out of her shell. She finally came out of her shell a while back and weโ€™re going on 4 years of being best friends. Well she canโ€™t dance and would never try to around me because she was embarrassed. When I saw her a while ago Only Human came on in the car and she started dancing to the song because she liked it. I never thought Iโ€™d actually see that day. It made me feel so happy (omg Iโ€™m actually crying rn writing this) because she trusted me that much and she was comfortable enough to dance around me. It made me feel special.

So to my best friend even though you donโ€™t have Medi and you wonโ€™t see this I want to say thank you for the joy you bring into my life. After so many toxic friendships you are truly a blessing. I canโ€™t imagine my life without you now. Even with working you always find time to talk to me. You donโ€™t judge me, you listen to my feelings, you help me when the times get rough, and even when we have small disagreements youโ€™ve never left my side. You make me laugh, smile, and feel special. I love having you as a best friend. Especially since we both like a lot of the same things and we can talk about them freely with each other. So whenever you get a boyfriend, if he breaks your heart Iโ€™ll make sure to break his face. Youโ€™re such a wonderful person and I will never regret being your best friend. I will always have your back no matter what.

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  • > Bluebxrry Yes destroy his lineage๐Ÿ‘

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Noted. Iโ€™ll also burn down his house ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Same ๐Ÿฅน sheโ€™s such a good friend

  • Also not only his face break his kneecaps too because she seems like she deserves the literal world >:\

My poor finger

So Iโ€™ve had a really bad nail biting habit since I was little and Iโ€™m 14 now. Iโ€™ve tried everything in the book to make me stop but it doesnโ€™t work. Well because of the habit I usually have dead or left over skin on my fingers. I have ADHD so I canโ€™t focus very well. At church meeting when I canโ€™t focus Iโ€™ll mentally tell myself that I have to focus. My stupid brain then subconsciously has me start picking at the skin on my fingers. When I notice this Iโ€™ll start fiddling with my fingers instead. But not long after Iโ€™ll start picking at the skin. It helps me pay attention but my poor finger pays the price after.

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  • > Bluebxrry XD

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Yeahhhhhhhh no thanks- Iโ€™m not Elsa ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • > Bluebxrry And the fidget toy is a good Idea

  • > Bluebxrry Maybe you should wear gloves or something :|