I just want to start off by saying that I’m so incredibly grateful for all of you. Everyone on here has been so kind and supportive of me on my art journey. However I’m just genuinely disappointed with the direction that medi has taken. Allowing Ai art in competitions in rankings, and a bunch of the original artists who posted here have left. This is something that really bothers me and is just unfair to all of the extremely talented artists who use their site. I’m now posting my art on artfol. It has a huge community of artists and a zero Ai art tolerance. If you are unhappy with the direction medi is going in but don’t want to post on main stream social media I seriously recommend that you try it out. It has similar vibes to the original Da. This is the last time I’m going to post so here’s an art dump. Thank you all so much for your support, and I wish you all the best on your art journey. Here’s the link to my Artfol~ https://www.artfol.co/AllieGraceArt
Goodbye everyone! 💕

- Cute anime art
- Work Place:
- Gender:Female
So anyways I’m back here’s a little art dump.
> AllieGraceArt I was just thinking about how much you've improved!
> Muna Sketches Thank you! I’ve been doing a lot of practice while away from medi and I feel like I’ve really improved!
Adorable! I love this artstyle, so cute! <33
Instead of LisLovelyLines I’m now AllieGraceArt. To reflect my Yt channel name.
Welp I disappeared once again :/. I’ve just been super busy and haven’t really wanted to be active here. I’ve improved alot since back then so I’m going to change a few things. I desperately need to change my pfp and banner. If you want to see where I’m more active go to my tumblr or Yt at AllieGraceArt.
Name drop! Pearl rising is a story I’m really excited about I’ve already started working on my comic. Want to read it?? Check out my blog on tumblr PearlRisingWebcomic. 🫶
So anyways it’s been a few months 🫣
I swear I keep disappearing with no warning. My surgery happened and I’m still in recovery but things are going ok. I have a WattPad now :) Ive been managing my story on there and updating semi-frequently. My username is AliceLovzArt over there. If you want to see more of my art my main focus is on my YouTube channel where I upload Art very frequently. (Also AliceLovzArt) but anyways I’m (kinda) back
> LisLovelyLines Np :D
Dont worry you dont have to active all the time
> bluecatanimations Aww ty :)
I’m just glad your ok
I doodled this character and now I’m obsessed. Like literally obsessed. He is my baby child and now my favorite character I own…Just look at him ✨🙌
Yes I even made him my lockscreen…
Hey everyone! I’m home from the hospital finally. I kinda feel like drawing today so maybe I’ll post something but it will probably be a vent so I hope you don’t mind that. Pain messes with your brain lol
I’m glad your okay
I just tried to do my very first figure drawing session…
> LisLovelyLines I’m very awkward in real life so it all good
> bluecatanimations It was a really good learning experience! But I’m pretty awkward drawing that kind of stuff
How did it go?
Down below Is the link to the google doc so you can read the first chapter in Rena’s and Edice’s story! I do want to eventually make it into a comic but here’s this for now. Also name suggestions to call the story world be really helpful since I don’t know what to name it.
Here’s the link~ https://docs.google.com/document/d/174DxKP2cU6Hrq4aH0TZtdQ1A3HfbaxCPFVyzMUM1-5g/edit
I’m excited
Do any of y’all want to go to art school? Why or why not? My dream school is SCAD so I can major in illustration and minor in apparel design so I can start my own business designing cute shoes for people in wheelchairs or people who have to wear braces!
> LisLovelyLines No I was but now that I think about it I don’t really need to think but thank for the advice
> TheFanartFREAK That was so poetic
> Muna Sketches With my amount of procrastination the darkest night sky is still brighter than my future xD
> Muna Sketches Completely agree! Honestly it’s so fascinating how different artists go about forming their careers.
Hello everyone! In regards to Edice and Rena’s story do you want me to share the google doc I’m writing it on so you can read it for yourselves? I’ll probably write it chapter by chapter so each chapter a post a new google doc.
Hello everyone! What do you guys think of me making a short comic or story showing the development and relationship of Bay and Luna??
> bluecatanimations Ok yay!
Yes I am ineeeeeeerested
I don’t really have anything good to post so here’s a little doodle I ended up making!! I made it in church with mechanical pencil and what me and my friend like to call ✨Church pens✨ they are just terrible pens constantly running out of ink. Anyways as Bay and Lunas story progress they eventually end up 💅dating💅. Bay is lesbian and Luna is Bi btw. Anyways hope you enjoy this crap doodle!
Ive been trying to develop this story for awhile now and I desperately need some name ideas so I can make it concrete so what should I call this story??
It’s about a race of people who’s basically being obliterated by regular humans because of their so called fear. I don’t know the name of the main character yet. But she’s the youngest of the family that basically ruled these creatures. You could call her a princess but I don’t really like how that sounds. ANYWAYS she’s the last survivor of this family and the task of basically saving her entire race is left to her. There will be many other characters like one who is a human also trying to help save this group of people.
That’s basically the description… So if you have any name ideas that I can call this project please comment down below 🙏
> LisLovelyLines Np
> bluecatanimations Thanks for the suggestion! I like it
> LisLovelyLines The royalty of survival?
> bluecatanimations Basically it’s a fantasy story where there are two races. There’s regular humans and then these elf people. The humans hate the fact that the elves have powers and they don’t and eventually they launch a mass genocide. The main character is the only surviving member of the royal family and she has to fight to save her race.
I reached out to Wensdayadamssis explaining the situation and why reposting art is bad. They genuinely didn’t know that this is something they shouldn’t do. They took the posts down and asked me to apologize on behalf of her to everyone’s art she reposted and to TheFanartFreak. So please don’t bother them anymore, they understand now why reposting art is wrong and they won’t do it again.
> 🦄❤️SpicyClaudia🌶️🔥 I don’t have a link but in one of fanart freaks posts it’s there.
Umm…. Can you send me link to her page?
> LisLovelyLines Yeah, that’s good! It makes sense too
> Dreamy_Mocha I thought the same thing. That’s why I’ve been trying to stop the callout posts in favor of kindly explaining things.
Heya! I saw someone else do this so here’s some of my other social media accounts!
Yes Lis is Alice and Alice is Lis, sorry if that’s confusing lol
I never make topics like this because generally I don’t want to tell strangers my issues but I really need to rant right now.
I haven’t been to school for a month literally a month! I’m in so much pain constantly and I feel like like doing is laying in bed. I’m so sick of countless surgeries and missing high school. But the only thing that will fix my pain is more surgery. And I have to wait another three weeks for that.
I’ve always been a good student getting my work done and getting good grades but now I’m so behind because most of my teachers can’t even be bothered to send me work. The pain meds make me so sick and out of it.
I haven’t been sleeping at night and I’m not hungry so I’ve lost a lot of weight.
This is why I’ve been so inactive I’m still drawing (when I’m not knocked out) but doing anything right now takes so much time and energy.
> 🦄❤️SpicyClaudia🌶️🔥 Thank you!
> LisLovelyLines Aww I’m so sorry to hear that 😢 Good luck on your surgery ☺️!
> 🦄❤️SpicyClaudia🌶️🔥 It’s not plastic surgery lol but basically I have a disability that affects my muscles and cordination in my legs. I’ve had lots of surgery’s to help me with walking. But I still use a wheelchair sometimes. Anyways the surgery coming up is on my foot to help with things ^^
What kind of surgery ? (I hope it’s not plastic surgery) What happened btw( I’m just worried)
Hey everyone I hope you’re having a good day/ evening! I just wanted to let you guys know that If you’re interested in art mixed with gaming content you should check out my channel at AliceLovzArt. I post fanart for games and occasional gameplay videos.
This might not be for everyone though and that’s perfectly fine so if you’d rather just stick over here and support my art on here that’s cool too!! :> 💕
But not for long…I’m not dead and I still plan and drawing and posting but I have a big surgery coming up to fix the amount of pain I’ve been in lately. So yea :/ I’m still drawing and uploading but until I recover it will be pretty inconsistent 💕
In case you didn’t read the description of my most recent post I made an animation! Here’s the link to it on my beehance page~ https://www.behance.net/gallery/159434461/Animation
I would literally be so happy if you checked it out and watched the whole thing 💕
> Dreamy_Mocha Tysm!!
It’s really good!!!
Oh goodness the pain. My brain is absolutely fried. I’ve been studying for my chemistry final all day and I still have some studying to do for the geometry one. Don’t miss a week of school right before finals guys. It’s torture 😔💀
So every school in my town gets out tomorrow. But my school decided it would be cool to get out WEDNESDAY of next week. Send prayers 🙏
Can you make him a male and use this color palette?? Everything else is up to you! 😊💕
I have a fun idea! Basically we do a custom character design trade! I design you a custom character and you design me one! I think it sounds like a bunch of fun so comment down below of ya want to do it with me! (Please keep in mind I only have one slot open for this so act fast)
> Dreamy_Mocha Yea!
> LisLovelyLines Can you message me first? My chat is super laggy TwT
> LisLovelyLines Yup:)
> Dreamy_Mocha Oh yay! Can we message on here about it?? It would be easier haha
Sorry… but here’s another promotion! I’m super proud of this character design (I’m tempted to keep it for myself.) Check it out give it a like! (If you want to lol) Maybe even buy it 🤭 https://medibang.com/picture/x72212141111383390024536640/
I really like this drawing. And I would really REALLY like it if idk you gave it a like? :<
> LisLovelyLines Yeah, they are:)
> Dreamy_Mocha Thank you! Corsets are so much fun to draw
I like their outfit!
Using my custom brush set! The pencil I’m sketching with is called Blocky texture.
I’m super excited to announce that I finished my custom brush set! It will be posted on my Etsy soon. Lmk if you’re interested!
> AllieGraceArt Oh ok! :D I'll definitely look into it more
> ✨🎄TheFanartFREAK🎄✨ Yea so far it hasn’t been toxic at all! For art thieves they at usually taken care of pretty quickly! I may still pop in on medi from time to time I just won’t be very active anymore.
Goodbye then :( (I'm not good at goodbyes oof) But I've been wondering about artfol, is it not very toxic and is there any art thieves on there? I'm looking into artfol but I'm just wondering