Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


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  • Nice :D Pink hair character is really your trademark eh :D

  • Nice :D Pink hair character is really your trademark eh :D

  • Nice :D Pink hair character is really your trademark eh :D

  • Thanks for your wonderful comments but this might be rejected cause the right hair is mess up sorry

Fine OC no.1

using with wacom

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  • Next target Mechanical drone with HK Moira OC

  • > Alina_Artworks Oh! While finishing the layers I press control+print screen then I go to MS paint and paste their then save png file Insert the picture then Resize the picture until it fits

  • I meant "How did you do this tablet effect thingy?" xD

  • > Alina_Artworks Thank you for your rate How what? Are you talking about?