alt acc @renart
☆ commissions open & info on website
- my website:
- commission form:
- art
- fantasy
- illustration
- drawing
- animals
- painting
- creatures
- pyrography
Life Event
- 06/2023 Firstlevel1!!
- 09/2023 Firstlevel2!!
- 10/2023 Level3!!
Thing you interested in
MediBang Paint Pro
Favorite color
The community is almost at 100 subscribers so if I reach 100 subscribers before the end of May, I'll do a FREE commission giveaway!! Tysm to those who always support me, I really appreciate it!❤️
This post is for those who have joined the collab (join before April 9)
Thanks guys for joining! About the deadline, it's the end of April and there are also 2 persons from IG!
Send your drawing here (copy the URL of the post/drawing). For those who don't know what a URL is, it's the link in your search.
It's a free choice but with spring theme (like flowers, plants and radiant sun)!
> Renardyne Awwww man I don’t have instagram
ooh i totally will join this :3
We also have an IG group chat if you guys have Instagram
Who wants to join?
(respond to this post before April 9)
Thanks guys for joining! I just made a post with all the info
i'd join!
I want to join Ren!
I'm curious 🤭
> Renardyne Ummmmmmm 19?
16 or 17
Sorry I meant “it looks really good”
> Alpine Tyy and ''I looks really good''?
Ren I love your banner I looks really good 😊
I never imagined that one day I would have a video that exceeds so many views and thanks for all the support! ❤
Good job Ren 😊
The DTIYS winners will be announced today!
Do I need a prize for the DTIYS?
> Alpine Nice!
Maybe I’ll try doing a DYITS
Post your submission BEFORE January 27 otherwise it will be to late!
Well I didn’t know how to do it so I drew something else sorry 😞
I don't see it, are you sure you followed the rules?
I’ve submitted it
I made changes to my commission's form and added more commission formats!
(There are still 0 commissions..)
Never mind 😅 (sorry I sometimes speak my mind)
> Alpine ?
When and where do I have to put the drawing in the collab?
> Alpine I know.. If they don't send their parts, I'll have to remove them from the collab..
Should I continue ''demon slayer × my style''? If yes wich character do you guys want? (comment it)
> Alpine Thanks!
I’ve never seen demon slayer but you should draw it your style
Here's the palette chosen (collab with Alpine and others)
Oh ok (that’s kinds sad)
> Alpine We're waiting for 2 drawings but if they don't send anything they won't be part of the collaboration..
It’s almost the end of January are they done?
The date is now January 27 instead of January 6. I changed it because some people told me they wouldn't have enough time and no one has yet participated on ART street.😅
Here's the DTIYS:
> Alpine Ty
I can
Tysm for all your questions for the QnA part 2 and the video is on YouTube, Instagram and Tiktok!
Hello Hello! I was wondering if anyone had any questions for my next QnA?
(It's okay if you don't have any questions 😊)
Favourite breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
Hello everyone! I'm making this post to announce that I have created a YouTube channel to post better quality of my speedpaints
I will watch all of your videos once you make more 😉
> Ruby That's cool!
> Soulflamexu22 Tysm!
Congrats on starting up your YouTube channel! Gonna watch and the first vid now!
- Halloween meme animation in progress (on Instagram and Tiktok)!! 🎃✨
OMG, my drawing has become LEVEL 2!! I never thought that one day one of my drawings would become popular! 🥺♡
FINALLY, I finally had the inspiration to make a drawing with creatures in a forest.
- DON'T repost without permission
> Soulflamexu22 Thanks!
Its looking good Ren!
I was looking at the ART street rankings and I saw that I was 41st!! :0
The community has grown so much!! TYSM to all the support! ♡
Thanks everyone! :)
> 🍂twig🍂 Aww that’s so sweet! Your art is beautiful too! :)
How do you have less than me??? Your art is literally better???
EEE! Congrats Ren!!!
animation meme in progress :)
So far I've worked on it for 7 hours over several days.
I decided to post this drawing in progress since it's been a long time since I posted since I'm busy. :)
- DON'T repost without permission
Here's a fall drawing I'm working on. :)
* Don't trace, steal, re-upload
What is an QNA?
'' QNA means "Question and Answer." The term QNA (or Q&A as it's more commonly written) ''
If you have more questions, comment them and I'll think about answering them in another video! :)
Me and my friend ( R E N C O R N ) posted our first video on Instagram, check it out if you want! Also, I'm thinking of posting my speedpaints of my drawings on instagram. :)
Our first video:
Wow, I just found this old drawing that I never finished. xD
✕: Don't trace, steal, re-upload
Hello everyone! I'm now on Instagram!!
My instagram:
> DarklySprout Ty it's so kind! 😊
This is adorable🩷
> Renardyne I support you but I can’t subscribe because I don’t have an account on YouTube 🥺