Well I'm better now my kids make me happy solo yeaa in deep down my soul its happy a great and happiness. Good night

Gender: She/they/Both
I love this but I changed my prison https://medibang.com/picture/l52301020852595970022563296
I love it https://medibang.com/picture/7x2301081247137350022563296/
I love it https://medibang.com/picture/3d2301151223149100024452629/
💜Friends who fallowes me💜: Vayiahh_., kebinox, Nufin Thing,🐾OLLIE🐾,Cartoon Anime,Naimah Taylor,Dexx,
Eir♒, Muna Sketches, |\Juju/|, Ephixa, FlameteethDraws, And More.
- Fanart
- OC
- Cute stuff
- Robot
- RP
- Tv heads
- Horror stuff
- And MORE
- Food art
- Scared art
- My life as a teenage robot art
Favorite artwork
More art
Favorite TV show
My life as a teenager robot
Favorite music
Favorite color
Blue, steel blue, purple, black, cycle, yellow,
I love to make friends and fellows me •^•
Everyone hate me I gets I be lonely forever bye guys I'm sad why I join this stupid app :(
Hello all Im very tired I don't sleep good because my leg hurt like he'll and I can't get up or nothing well I get up its just my leg hurt like he'll I hope I feel better.
spot: How you guys doing. OwO
Hello all I feel much better now I was hoping Everton shave a great sleep BUT I sleep like sh*t my mom wake me up I said mom its Sunday my mom said you have to eat. I get up and eat my food I can't go back to sleep T^T
Spot: I hope everyone have a great sleep :>
Ok everyone time to me go to bed I have a lot of hurting stuff in my head good night.
What you deside HUMAN or the Same me
Worse day ever Friday: if someone read this the if not just leave me I'm not in the mood I'm have the worse dey ever in Friday I have a black eye some one punch me its hurt really bad I was mad and sad I try to close my eye its hurt like hell I'm not fine all these days I lied skool please forget me I just want someone be my side solo I care for but I need to let go I never have love or friend so yea good night.
Spot: I'm not going to bed I go just saying to other people if they have bed time I still me online.
Hello all I'm very tired today because yesterday it was my grandpa birthday yesterday I was Eat cake MMMMM but I'm will be draw today THX you very much now I go do some draw. °^°
Spot: some people do understand they cant fight a girl -_______-
*holding a cat with bread* my cat I gets -_-
Spot: Hello all I'm back I was in my new account but im not going to use my new account I will use my old one and great new my leg its better its was really hurt but its not hurt no more I'm happy but I'm have the worst day in my life in school people be mean to me and make fun on me solo I'm in my room thinking what to draw I know what to draw I just not in the mood. T^T
Spot: good luck and have a great day everyone.
Hello all I'm online YEAAAA I think I was dead but I don't think I dead yet I'm getting better with my leg its still hurts if I touch it but I won't touch it ok I hope everyone have great sleep I be still be Online :3
Welcome back!
I'm sad I have a bad day my leg its hurt and I can't do nothing I'm sad because I'm really not going do nothing right now I need to calm down :(
I feel your pain, I work as a landscaper, yesterday I was working on a path, and both of my coworkers decided to slack off, so today, my whole body is sore, but mainly my back and arms
My and my family going somewhere I know what we going.
Spot note: I be back in going to Five below that my favorite store bye.
I hope everyone have a great sleep. .😁
Good morning
Hello new friends I'm shadow will that my old character so call me Spot I'm can draw I just I don't need more room it will crash my iPad if I do more it will crash soo yea have fun with me.
That makes a lot of sense!
Hello did someone want something I will do if not that ok I still be Online everyday sometime don't buge me if I was eat don't worry I still be there HAVE FUN. 😊
Good morning I hope everyone have a great sleep. 😀😄
I'm soo tired i don't know what to draw. T^T
Maybe if you want I can draw a OC of yours and you can draw a OC of mine. Like a arttrade!
You art its cool I like it WOW. :O
Hi vayiahh_ can you group me again I kick out my bad pls beats friend. :)
--> Hello all if you wnt to know a massage me for coup and you chat with group in here not topic with group and you need to know how I draw some good drawing sooooooo yeaaaaaaaaa have fun. :3
Hello did everyone want group with can't chat with comments I just talk in group and IM bored I can't do nothing its soooooo hurt.
Spot: I'm not lonely no more :).
Hello all I have the worst day in my life I do nothing. T^T
Spot: I wish I can be better a again.
I'm bored I dont know what to do and I have no ideas I'm bored I need someone to talk with I'm soooo lonely. T^T
Hello all I was a litter happy because we are getting a new dog his name be two face OHHH I CAN Wait. >:3
Spot: I went to the pet smart I see look like my cat but its look the same BRUH.
Mind: Hmm I sill thinking vayahh_ she or he i don't know I still thinking my other friend its ok. 😶🤔
Hello all I have a hurt day my arm its hurt and I do use my left hand my arm its hurt and I bruzz. But I'm fine for now TvT
Spot: its my🎉 mom birthday today🎉 I'm so happy MMMM cake I LOVE chocolate cake MMM. How you guys doing 😁
Hey everyone its raining in my state and I'm stuck and my house and the school shut down yaay and I'm scared my friends in school the door was open buy its self and they said its a ghost I was litter scared and someone said if the tornado who going first DIE and they call me and my mom pick me up the said bye to me and they said I dead. Soooo yeaaaa I'm in my room sitting my bed how you guys doing?
HeY guys I hope everyone I'm happy because my mom birthday its tomorrow and MMMMM cake I going eat the cake the cake its my mom all yeaa. :GOOD NIGHT:
Hey all I don't know what to draw I'm thinking to draw a my old draw but nooo I'm don't want see my old draw to something can some one tell me what to draw T^T PLS.
no one hate you you just be yourself just listen and take a break.