Hoody boy
MediBang ID:
I just love wearing hoodies 😑
About me:
#I watch anime to pass away time
#Currently in my first year of university
#I major in computer engineering 😖
# i don't still have an art friend 😭
#jokes a lot but can be serious though 😏😂
# life is kinda boring
My instagram: _hoody_boy
Link: https://instagram.com/_hoody_boy?igshid=YWYwM2I1ZDdmOQ==
wanna be ur friend😇
Please don't steal or repost my art 😟
About me:
#I watch anime to pass away time
#Currently in my first year of university
#I major in computer engineering 😖
# i don't still have an art friend 😭
#jokes a lot but can be serious though 😏😂
# life is kinda boring
My instagram: _hoody_boy
Link: https://instagram.com/_hoody_boy?igshid=YWYwM2I1ZDdmOQ==
wanna be ur friend😇
Please don't steal or repost my art 😟
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/_hoody_boy?igshid=YWYwM2I1ZDdmOQ==