イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang


Color theory wheel

Hope it helps


  • > 🎶🌱Rowan🌱🎶 Ok thank you but everyone doesn’t learn and sometimes the teachers don’t teach

  • > bluecatanimations Exactly, "dumb people". Be who you are, blurecatanimatons, and don't change for anyone. Your perfect the way you are!

  • > 🎶🌱Rowan🌱🎶 Nope it’s very true bc north pines is filled with dumb people that call me a furry

  • > bluecatanimations Don't say that! 🙃

I want a pug!

Googled, not mine, look up cute pug pictures for proof of picture, lol
Before I die in march, I hope I get one...


  • > 🎶🌱Rowan🌱🎶 aw im sorry that has happened to you :( You deserve all the well wishes!! I genuinely hope you feel better soon and are able to recover! you deserve it ^^

  • > Jen Jen ThNk you, Jen Jen. I appreciate you guys for the support. Not even my family is in my life. So thank you, everyone

  • aww i have one of these dogs! I love pugs a lot, I hope you get one too! also, get well soon :( sending you well wishes!!

  • It's okay.