I'm not going to lie, I'm terrified! My ex just messaged me and my boyfriend that he was going to get me, and I'm scared out of my mind. My heart rate is going through the roof and I'm having to go to the hospital. I'm trying to stay calm , but it's scary!

I love nezuko
More memes.
#1 when I look in the mirror, and realize how ugly I am
#2 when I realize I can't have it because it makes me sick
Not mine, googled
I luv the bread one lol
Not mine, google images
Hi everyone! Hope you guys had a good night! I started watching demon slayer, and it amazing and I love it!
Not mine, from google!
Good night guys, talk to you tomorrow
Good night
Is anyone out there? I think I scared you guys off, and I'm sorry!
> 🎶🌱Rowan🌱🎶 ꒰◍ˊ◡ˋ꒱
> 국밥 Hope you're having fun
Hello! I'm on vacation right now, so I'm at home~ I'm not afraid!◝(*'◡'*)◜
> 🎶🌱Rowan🌱🎶 No problem
I got blood transplants today.
I want everyone to stay positive today!
You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
A.A. Mine
In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact.
Les Brown
> Dreamy_Mocha Yep!
Aw tysm! I needed that<3
Color theory wheel
Hope it helps
> 🎶🌱Rowan🌱🎶 Ok thank you but everyone doesn’t learn and sometimes the teachers don’t teach
> bluecatanimations Exactly, "dumb people". Be who you are, blurecatanimatons, and don't change for anyone. Your perfect the way you are!
> 🎶🌱Rowan🌱🎶 Nope it’s very true bc north pines is filled with dumb people that call me a furry
> bluecatanimations Don't say that! 🙃
Hope everyone slept well! Stay positive, and have a great day!
> 국밥 🙂
> 🎶🌱Rowan🌱🎶 (ฅ^О^ฅ)♡
> 국밥 Good night!
It's night in Korea now🌘 Good morning to you! Good night to Korea🌌
Googled, not mine, look up cute pug pictures for proof of picture, lol
Before I die in march, I hope I get one...
> 🎶🌱Rowan🌱🎶 aw im sorry that has happened to you :( You deserve all the well wishes!! I genuinely hope you feel better soon and are able to recover! you deserve it ^^
> Jen Jen ThNk you, Jen Jen. I appreciate you guys for the support. Not even my family is in my life. So thank you, everyone
aww i have one of these dogs! I love pugs a lot, I hope you get one too! also, get well soon :( sending you well wishes!!
It's okay.
hi, I'm Rowan and I honestly am not very good at art, but I want to get better!
Not my art
How's life
Are you ok? You haven’t been online I’m getting worried
Oh no... I hope everything turns out good. Try your best to stay calm, we believe in you <33333