Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
wait last one i swear

sorry for the spam my dudes but this one is like. actually important sort of but not really but yeah.
basically i really totally adore stories about like, small towns where things are kinda weird but nobody ever talks about it until people start getting murdered. yes!! murder mysteries are great. :-)
anyway for the longest time i have wanted to write some kinda comic about teens living in such a town. i come up with weirdo teenager characters like every chance i get, the only problem is that i fuckinnn SUCK at developing plots!! D: (like seriously, if i wrote a horror story on my own the most frightening monster would be the plot holes)
so, that said, is there anybody out there interested in collaborated to create a horror/mystery/slice-o-life webcomic about dumb weird teens in like, the 80s or somethin, in a classic small town setting and whatnot? obviously we wouldn't just hit the ground running as stories take a while to develop and it might even be summer (or later) before we actually started the who,, comic composition and setup thing.
so it would just be a friendly collaborative interaction thing where we come up with characters and story ideas together!!!! or whatever

if that sounds like something any of y'all could dig let me know :0 or if u just wanna talk about scary movies or webcomics that u like i'm up 4 that too because i'm lonely and need new friendsANYWAY shoot me a message!!!

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hey fellas. as it appears i've become increasingly more inactive on medibang due to school-induced stress and other pressures at home, i figured i should make a post to let y'all know where you can view my artwork.
if you would like to view my traditional and digital art on platforms that i update more consistently**, you can do so here:
tumblr- mmultipass
instagram- hazycosmicjivee

if you need somebody to talk to for any reason, or you just wanna chill wit yers truly, contact me here:
instagram- threedancingowls
quotev- @cheesymovies(main), @bewarethemoon(rp account)

thank you for all your support and kind comments and for bearing with me despite how little i post now-a-days. i appreciate you guys so much :,)

**when i say i update these sites consistently, what i mean is "as consistently as possible as i am very nearly always grounded from at least one of my electronic devices. (hence the lack of much digital art in recent months.)

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  • No probleme friend ✌

thanks for 200 followers!

hey guys! thanks so much for 200 followers! i really appreciate your compliments and support for my art (and whatnot and such). you guys rock! haha.
so to celebrate i'm just going to advertise my accounts on different website, in case any of you guys are interested in that. (if not, no problem-o, stop reading this now)

my mewe account is MULTI PASS.
my instgram is @pumpkinsandpatches
my google+ (be sure to follow that before it shuts down in 9 months haha) is

that's all i can think of right now, so be sure to hmu on those sites i guess! and have a lovely day! :D

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school stuff lol

im so fucking irritated. i originally wanted to take german class but because it took place the same period as painting 2 i couldn't get in and had to take latin instead. turns out i really like latin. turns out they switched the painting 2 period and now it takes place the same period as latin. FUCK OFF.
i can't drop my painting 2 class because i spent all of 8th grade working my ass off to score high enough on my portfolio to skip painting 1 my freshman year, so now i'm dropping latin, which, i emphasize, i was REALLY enjoying.
according to some peers who're in german, they haven't learned jack shit lol whats the point of being a german teacher if you don't teach german lol
now i have 3 blowoff classes talk about a productive first year lol
anyways highschool sucks vent over ok bye

oh and by the way you can check out my traditional art on instagram @hazycosmicjive

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  • > MULTIPASS. ooooh. but again, 42 in one period? that's a little much dontcha think and np! don't worry about it, ur obviously not happy about this and i think it's ridiculous myself, so u have every right to be angry

  • > MULTIPASS. Well, I hope things get better for you :)

  • > nattie🌈 Admin placed all the kids from painting 1, 2, and 3 in the same period and ended up having to rearrange the entire schedule because obviously they couldn’t leave the classes mixed, not to mention it placed 42 kids in the same period. Thus, painting 2 was moved from period 6 to period 5. Thanks for your kindness and concern. This is hardly an issue I should be so angry about, shit happens and anyways there are worse things happening in the world. Ig I jut needed to blow off a little steam lol

  • > Megggles True, I’m very thankful I have the chance to enroll in such a good school. But honestly this week has been a complete nightmare, for both students and workers.

2016 vs 2018 improvement

HEY YOU!! Yeah, you! If you’re ever feelin’ down about your art, just remember that YOU WILL IMPROVE!! Never give up! You can do this!! You may not be satisfied with the results now, but in the end it will pay off!
Two years ago I thought I would never get better, but hard effort pays off!
The pictures uploaded with this post show a self portrait I drew in 2016 vs a self portrait I drew in 2018. I will never stop doing art, and I will never stop improving. Despite how I’ve grown, I can always be better. So don’t give up!! You’re doin’ AMAZING and I believe in you.
(By the way thanks for 175 followers)

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  • these are both amazing!!! and thanks 💕💕

Movie stuff

Pump Up the Volume is one of the greatest films of all times in my opinion. It really meaningful, particularly to kids just trying to grow up with all the shit going on in the world, angry but unable to make a difference.
If you have the chance, please watch it. It’s free at the link pasted below, you don’t have to give ten any information plus I’ve used the site multiple times and i haven’t gained any viruses from it, so I’m fairly certain it’s trustworthy:

Btw make sure to watch it with your earbuds in, it’s- uh, rated R for a reason.

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  • Oh cool

  • i'll be sure to watch it! it's sounds rlly good :)

Commissions, maybe.

I don’t think my last post actually uploaded, but if it did, whoops ya gotta read this all over again B)

So, i’m considering opening commissions. I’m not entirely sure yet, plus I’m, like, 87% sure minors can’t legally use PayPal. But yeah, we’ll see.
Anyways, hypothetically, if you had money and were willing to spend it, would you purchase a cheap commission from yours truly? (Cue gesturing at self and winking.)
If you’re interesting in checking out my (potential) prices, click this, uhm, totally not sketchy link:
(For real, though, it’s just a link to my G+ page)

Oh, and one last thing. I’m also contemplating changing my username to SUCRE. Aye or nay?

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  • if i has the money, i would buy everything u offer :( but i'm broke, so unfortunately i can't . maybe if u still take commissions when i get the money i'll but it? also, i like it. i think it suits u better :)

Uhhh help

Rescued some strays. They are very angry kittens. Named them Ziggy and Marzipan. They won’t drink any water or eat any chicken. Maybe they’re just not hungry, I’m not sure, but I really don’t want to do anything not good for these dirty little gremlins. Any cat owners out there with advice?

  • > MULTIPASS. okay, that's good :) and since their feral, it's normal for them to have behaved like that, especially if they've only just recently left their mother. again, don't force the tabby to eat or anything hope things work out with em :)

  • > ned Thanks! They ended up eating the chicken later on, plus I scored some cat food from my neighbors but they don’t seem to enjoy that as much. I left some water in there just in case they get thirsty because I don’t have any formula milk, the tan one drank a little bit but the tabby hadn’t really done much other than hiss at everything that moves

  • try to avoid giving them water from a bowl, since they might not be familiar with it, and DO NOT give them milk. that will make them sick, and it's a myth that cats drink milk, unless it's formula. i would suggest letting them take time to adjust and don t force them to eat or drink. and if they don't eat chicken, try giving them just regular cat food

  • > Majestic_Narwal They’re old enough that they don’t need milk. I’ve never owned cats and thus have no cat food, I gave them chicken and a small cup of water. Every time I approach them they hiss at me and if I get near enough they bite or scratch, they are very feral and I don’t think they have ever been this close to humans, which is making it very hard to take care of them.

Really not important

not important or anything, I’ve got a Quotev now. Was hoping to publish a story but as it turns out I suck ass at writing narratives (i’m good at essays and whatnot, so I falsely assumed it would be easy as cake, hah.)
Anyhow, i’m bored on the site and looking for people to follow, so if you have an account be sure to hmu in the comments, psht.

  • > MULTIPASS. np :)

  • > ned Sweet. Thanks dude.

  • okay! i was just trying to make an account but it wasn't working, i'll let u know when it does :)

I'M BACK FROM CAMP! also instagram

hey 3 years ago i came back from camp and i finally got an Instagram. it's not related solely on art but follow me if you want! :D also i'll probably be inactive for another several days staring next week because i will be in Belgium (my first time leaving America ever!) and i most likely will not bring my iPad, as i do not want to lose it.
heyheyhey, if you're insterested in following me elsewhere, my tumblr is @m-ultipass and my google+ is heree:
alrighty-o. that's all!

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  • cool! is ur insta MULTIPASS. as well? mine is gooey_tofu

Not related to art

Earlier today Dimitrios Pagourtzis shot up Sante Fe High School, located in Sante Fe, Texas- less than half an hour away from where I live and go to school.
Tragedies don't seem real until they happen to you. Until the beginning of this year, I was convinced it was impossible I would ever be stuck in my home because of a hurricane, while helicopters flew over my block and rescue boats drove down my street to save families whose homes were flooding with six feet or sewer water or more. now, 10 kids- my age- are dead, and they were killed only miles from my home, and this feels all too real.
In the past few months, there have been three lockdowns in my school district, one of which took place at Clear Lake High School when a girl thought she saw her abusive ex-boyfriend, who had texted her the previous night that he was going to shoot her. My mom teaches at Clear Lake High School. At the time, I had no way of knowing that it was only a false alarm, and it all felt real. My mom could have been killed.
Now, Dimitrios Pagourtzis, age 17, has murdered 10 innocent people, and I do not understand it. I can't even comprehend how anybody could be so evil, so grotesque, so fucking horrible that he could pull out a gun and steal the lives of his peers. If you hate your life so fucking much, just kill yourself. At least I’ll feel sympathy for you. But to declare upon yourself the right to slaughter others, to steal the lives of happy people who should not have died, you have destroyed every ounce of sympathy I could have for you.
So much has happened this year that I realize just how possible it is that some fucking psycho pulls the trigger at my school, or my friend's school, or my mom’s school, that somebody I know and care about will end up with a bullet through their head. And god damn you, I cringe at the thought of being evil enough to shoot anybody, but were this to happen I would not hesitate given to chance to kill the person who stole the life from people who had a reason to live.
30 minutes away from my home and my school, Dimitrios Pagourtzis pulled his father's shotgun our from his trench coat and began firing on his art class. he killed ten people and wounded ten more. Evil like that cannot be excused. For fuck's sake, it shouldn’t even happen at all. This is the reason we need stricter gun laws, not because we want to take away the fucking rights of some racist redneck dick wrinkle in Texas who displays the rebel flag in his front fucking lawn, but because my life- my peers' lives, my friends' lives, my families lives- depend on it.
And to any asshole who has ever, or will ever shoot up a school, please just spare us all and put a bullet through your head instead of the heads of your classmates, then I will feel sympathy for your hardships. But if you kill kids, I hope you fucking burn in hell, you deserve all that comes to you, and that goes also to everyone who has seen this happen over and over but still thinks nothing needs to be done about our current gun laws.

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  • ohmygod, this needs more views. 💖 I am terribly sorry..

potential collaborations?

Hey everybody! First off, I would like to apologize as recently I haven't posted a lot of good art. I am currently very unmotivated due to stress (I think, though I can't figure out WHY I'm so stressed).
In an effort to conclude my extended art block, I was wondering if anybody has an short stories I could illustrate with/for them? I would like to practice drawing comics.
Or if not, if anyone would be interested in making a webcomic with me, or at the very least, begin a basic planning process. I have several story ideas but I don't know where to go with them, so I would really appreciate it if somebody would work with me to create a really cool story that could turn into something super cool and special, if we don't give up on it in the long run.

Ok, that's all I've got. Sorry for this lengthy post, plus my recent inactivity/non-quality art work. Please message me if you are interested in collaborating on a comic story or have any ideas you would like to exchange with me!
(pic below is unrelated, I'm just proud of it :>)

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