Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Extremely busy
Happy ‘Early’ Easter

♥︎Hi Guys♥︎
It’s me Addie coming to wish ya’ll a: HAPPY EASTER!!🐇🐣

Alright I’m posting this now because tomorrow I’m going to Maryland!!
After I open and look at my stuff that I’ll possibly post pictures with ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Also, don’t tell my brother (which you cannot unless I know you irl lol) but we’re having a secret early birthday celebration with: CAKE!
Bye have a good day/afternoon/night!
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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I posted this on Scratch so I’m going to post it here.
My area is having severe thunderstorms and has a tornado warning.
Not only a tornado warning but one has touched down close to my area. Thankfully it was a small one and only caused damage to houses, but killed a poor chicken.
WARNING: This is not a joke if anyone were to joke about this they’re not okay in the head.
Don’t be surprised if my internet fails because they are now evacuating people in the tornado’s way out of their houses.

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  • Only one death and I send a prayer to that family

  • > |\ujuJ/| The picture is fake because I don’t have a picture of it but my mums friends does tho thank god everyone is safe, trees and houses got damaged because of winds but I’m fine and no one died


  • Tell me its an April fools joke pleaseeee😭


So, I was offline for like 6 days, sorry but SSSniperwolf is more important in my life no offense. Her vids just make me unstressed. Anyway what the heck HAPPENED TO ART STREET! It’s built so different and the little “PoSt A tOpIc thing is annoying me out of my mind! Oh and enjoy the pic of the thing I crocheted after track his name is JACKIE POTATO! And all the other ones like Andy the Owl, My WIP Wednesday Addams doll and My Neighbor Todoro! With FRANCES the Penguin, BOB the Dinosaur and NEKO the Cat

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