Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

9 hours / Day
the ✨rules✨

Kk this is gon be short cuz i haven't got many rules

No reposting my art!
Please don't repost any of my art and claim it as ur own. This can cause drama and other stuff and you'll be known as a Art Thief. You can also be reported.

No bullying!
Bullying is something very serious. It can hurt feelings and makes people want to do bad stuff to themselves. It's from personal experience but its something that can hurt a person badly. And it can lead to drama.

It's okay to block someone. As long as there's a good reason. if they bully u, block them. if they post inappropriate stuff, block them. And most likely report them and their posts!

don't impersonate cause it can also mess people's lives up. We'll call it a "fake" for now. when there's a fake of ur friend, don't bully them, ask them questions only the REAL would know. Also u can see if their fake if ur friend has submissions and they dont!

No drama!!! (TvT very short rule)

What to do in any of these situations?
Tell an adult, friend or person you trust to help you. They can easily win the arguments you have with other people and they can help you!

Thanks for reading! ✨✨🎉🎊

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  • And no lying about ur age! if someone was 18 and u was 7 but u told them u was 17, and u date, this could make the other person a pedo and they wouldn't know! when they find out ur not actually 17, it makes them heart broken and disgusted! This could make people not wanna date again! Don't lie about ur age, it's not nice!!