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tw grooming, sexual stuff idk
i dont get how she gets away with grooming, I GET IT IM A ASSHOLE I KNOW. but still cmon guys, do you think saying stuff, im going to be the most honest ive ever been rn- i dont do physical harm, its all just words and jokes, is that really as bad as grooming? cmon, you can believe her all you want, but dude im no pussy motherfucker and im NOT GOING TO LET SOMEONE GROOM ME THEN PRETEND LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED LIKE IM THE BAD PERSON AND THEY DIDNT DO ANYTHING, yes amore im talking about you.
im gonna be honest, i am held responcble for some of it, i did ask for pictures sometimes, other times, i felt pressured to ask her for pictures, but i did ask her, i did go along with all the sex talk i will admit, but seriously, im a fucking lonley ass teenager, do you really think i know any better?, but her, shes a teen yeah, but shes age of consent, shes old enough to know what shes doing is wrong, im gonna say my side personally, IM LEAVING OUT ALL THE STUFF THAT I ASKED FOR SINCE THAT ISNT THAT MUCH OF HER FAULT ACCEPT FOR ACTUALLY DOING IT TO BE FAIR
amore sometimes would ask for like videos of me moaning and stuff, alot alott of times i felt really uncomfortable and pressured to, she would plead alot and sometimes spam me pleading me to send it, tho i really really didnt want to i tried making excuses alot of times, i know this does not sound like me at all and u guys prolly think id send it with how dirty i am BUT I HAVE FEELINGS TOO, I DONT THINK YOU GUYS REALIZE IM A HUMAN BEING WITH FEELINGS. but like, alot of times i sent it, out of pressure, then she would like drool over it and call it hot and stuff or whatever, which was super uncomfortable-, and then she would always ask me what i wanted back, id try not to say anything since it was kind of a weird thing to me at the time, i didnt want pictures from her, most of the time, sometimes i did but i still didnt want to say it because i didnt want to use her for her body, honestly, i told her i didnt want to send pictures like that of ourselves, i said it cus i wanted to save it for when we meet so its more special, but honestly that wasnt the reason, the reason was cus i was genuinly uncomfortable, i never told her that, well im pretty sure i mightve but i kinda forgot, so i cant really confirm that i told her i was uncomfy or not, but i will admit, when she send pictures id say sexual things about it, i felt a little pressured too, since she did that too me i felt like i had to do that too her, twords the end of our realationship, i started realizing that she was grooming me- ive tried to break up with her multiple times, its not just cus of the picture thing, she made me feel trapped, like i could only talk to her, I WILL ADMIT, I PROBALLY DID THE SAME THING TO HER, WHICH I APOLOGIZE FOR. but like, it was, a bit to much for me to handle, she got upset when me and my friend matched usernames, and cried to me saying im cheating and that my friend has a crush on me, which made me feel uncomfortable, and a little annoyed. she would get jealous alot, I GOT JEALOUS TOO BUT I DONT THINK IT WAS THAT EXTREME IT MIGHTVE BEEN- i dont think it was tho, she would get jealous when i like showed her edits of gojo- which i always found annoying whenever she cried about me liking gojo when hes not even real, I DID DO THAT ONCE THO SO THATS NOT JUST HER , she also made me feel bad like everything was my fault, she made me want to kill myself a shit ton honestly. ive tried to break up with her a couple times, whenever i did she would actually fucking scare me- like- paragraphs and drawings ab me and shit when i needed a break, that creeped me out a shit ton, i felt forced to get back with her and i was stupid enough to follow, she knew i was a minor, just because i gave in at some points doesnt mean she didnt groom me, she groomed me, i am a minor, shes age of consent, just cus u all hate me yall just gonna let her get away with this shit? be for real, and im being as honest as i can with this, i can garentee this shit is not made up, i tried being 100% honest, even tho ill admit I WANT TO START A SHIT TON OF RUMORS ABOUT HER, i stopped myself, and i decided to be honest with this i hope you can see im being honest, i might have proof, but most of it wasnt saved, but if you do want proof, ill try my best to restore it
even tho im beig a total ass rn
im going through a shit ton, this grooming shit really affected me
ive tried to act like how everyone wanted me too
no one liked me still,
im sorry if i offended anyone with my behaviour
but this is me now
im done, im so done acting like a pussy
i just want to be me.
i love you takai.