Ahora que he subido lo mas relevante de mi obra, mi ritmo de subida va a bajar. ¿Deberia subir WIPs o estudios? No se como crecer en redes asi que me ayudaria cualquier comentario
- Work Place:
- Gender:Male
Pen tablet
Wacom Intuos like an osu! gamer
Algo que estoy trabajando...no se muy bien que acabado darle
Quiero romper canones, tal vez internet no es el mejor sitio para mostrar cosas como esas. Sin embargo no hay muchos sitios ni oportunidades en linea para mostrar mis cosas asi que es mejor subirlas asi no sean bien recibidas...(tampoco es como si me pagaran por hacer cosas lindas y a la moda)
It's been a while since i started on this site. There is a lot of thing i still don't know so i've been thinking on giving a try on what the site has to offer.
I guess this post is a gretting as well as a presentation
Hi there people of Medibang! I'm Figaros and as my profile say, i'm an illustrator.
I do a lot of things in diferent styles so not every single piece i do will come to ligth here, since my main focus isn't anime/manga style.
I like enigmatic characters, dark scenary and abstract art as a way to expression the things i cannot otherwise...i still consider all forms of expresion and intention as art...so i can't help but to be ambiguous in how i present my art, my themes...and my preferences
Hope you enjoy my art, even though not allways is gonna be something close to anime