Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Maybe will draw for frens :)
I want to help chat :3

talk to me if you need help :3

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  • well i think ur perfect absolutely perfect and who care what they say or think... i've been told similar things before

  • > Hunter'sGrave then they said something that really hurt and i don't know why......they said "why don't you just die, that's what everyone wants anyway." I don't understand why but it hurt me so bad that I screamed at them(I don't usually scream unless in a playful way) and now everyone on the bus thinks I came from an asylum

  • > lunar studios ... thats really mean and i hate violence but i kinda want to punch them for messing with you >:(

  • > Hunter'sGrave kinda....i mean having that kinda power? ofc!!! once someone said i was the reason for the existence of human muzzles


Now my irl friend hates me too yay! :3
I think i'm gonna leave medi its cause ppl outside of here to hate me as much as you guys do...

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  • ty for the comments...

  • I hope everything starts to get better… just so you know, I don’t hate you. I think your awesome:D

  • > Hunter'sGrave If he is tired of you being moody, then he clearly doesn't have compassion. He should try and work with you through whatever issues you are having. That is a true friend. If he doesn't let you vent to him or try to help you through your problems, he isn't a true friend.

  • > Hunter'sGrave Oh :(

I just want everyone to stop being mean

Hey guys... i know things happen sometimes but we have to learn to forgive and forget...
Just remember the saying "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me"
ik there have been a lot of mean comments recently but i'm sure there were reasons behind them and we need to stop bullying each other it's not worth it. The next thing you know someone is going to off themselves bc they tried to apologize for something they did and we just cut them off and tell everyone that they're a bad person. So please just stop it's really not worth it.

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  • > ♥\HxLL0_K1TTY/♥ He seems like a nice guy aside from the drama. We talked about coding for a bit.

  • > Hunter'sGrave I did hear from Keb that he has schizophrenia.

  • > ~Phazon Corrupted~|DordusRising tbh everyone is just assuming the worst of him but hes not bad at all

  • > ♥\HxLL0_K1TTY/♥ That is good to know.