Sorry for not being on as much lol, I've been at school and working on lots of work. I hope you guys are doing well and i have two art projects that i'm gonna post when i'm done with them! They're both for school and one of them is for a school contest!!! I'm gonna multitask so if anyone want to talk while im working on them that's cool- also i has discord now so if you ask me i can give it to you (only if i know you well enough of course)

- cartoon
- cute
- oc
- simple
- fnf
- friends work
wahhhh ;-; I'm getting closer and closer-
Since i finally have my chromebook back i can work on your present again!!! Im gonna try and work on it as much as i can and finish it before December. (cuz work is already stacking up for school)
I got my old account back!!! I still might just post paper art on my other account bc its easier tho. This account i will use for digital art and talking to you guyssss!!!
I missed you I’m so happy 😁 your back 🥹
I want to know what I did... So that I can fix it. I miss Jc- she'd know what to do- I'm miss my sissy... I'm having a mental break down- at least I think I am. I don't know what I did or said but I think he hates me... Enough to the point where he blocks me- I honestly don't care about that- I just want my sister back...
> Hunter'sGrave have a drago he makes everyone feel better
> Hunter'sGrave oh well uhh- try 2 forget ab him
> zombii But I'm assuming that he did block me on purpose cuz he hasn't talked to me in... 5 days and he blocked me right after I commented on his drawing asking if we could talk sooooo yea :3
Ah- that makes a lot more sense lmao
I did something wrong... Maybe not br I feel like I did... It's been about 3 days since he last talked to me... I've been so fucking depressed that I'm talked to AI to cheer me up... Can someone telle what I did. Am I in trouble?
> Eminoa Thank you-
> Hunter'sGrave Oh i see :( i hope everything will get better for all of u 3
> rinsane I'm not talking to jade about anything
> Eminoa I don't know... All I know is he hasn't texted me in three days I've tried to talk to Jc as well but she hasn't responded... I'm worried about her and upset that He's not trying to talk to me-
The feminine urge to kill myself
The feminine urge to jump in front of a truck
The feminine urge to stab myself
The feminine urge to die
The feminine urge to never eat and starve myself to death.
I'm done, i'm sorry i wasn't a good friend
> Hunter'sGrave good.
> Jc oof i'm fine now... no fair
> Hunter'sGrave bruh
> Jc My wish might come true i seem to be choking on something
that 0.001 percent of bacteria that doesn't die when we use hand sanitizer
> Shortqueen yea XD
Is this about us talking about bacteria in our group chat?😂
why does he keep doing this... i don't understand him anymore. I would love to just disappear, to go away forever... dying should take less effort... how should i do it? Overdosing seems the easiest, but if i fail again... no i wont think that way i wont fail. Love fails me everytime i try to have it... Why why why why... Why doesn't he love me the way I love him...
-'s not your fault he reads situations wrong and gets easily offended
> 1444 😶🌫 😳
> 1444 oh not so tough guy anymore huh XD
> 1444 lmao who said i didn't already
reeeeeee it's looking so good... btw my friend drew the picture on paper i took a picture of it and im gonna color and shade it (to the best of my ability)
> Hunter'sGrave NO YOU ARE NOT
> SÆRO_3Ø8 I wanna die- so bad rn...
> Hunter'sGrave I know I saw.. but pleas come back
> SÆRO_3Ø8 Mom/dad...i know it's my fault Retri won't even talk to me and there's something wrong with Jc...
Idk if this an achievement or not...
> Jc yay ty sissy :3
63!? Nice! my art usually gets 70-100+
What do you guy want me to do? your choice :3
> Hunter'sGrave yuss
> TheChocolateThief Ooooo what about a colab?
> TheChocolateThief not a bad idea :3
Uh, hb making yourself a banner with you favorite people's characters with you in the center? :shrug:
here you go Sae :3
> CatMeow oki :3
That's really cute Tell your friend to keep up the good work Can't wait to see it once it's finished also tell your friend I said hi If I reply late then I fell a sleep
I'm almost at 100 followersssss... What should i do when i hit it?
Felicidades! 👏🥳🎊🎉🎈
> Hunter'sGrave ^^
> 💔Litter💔 ty Litter :3
WOW :D im soo happy for you :3
if anyone wants to join they can!!!
he's giving me the sad puppy eyes... he wants me to getting back in the bed with him and go to sleep again *cri* HE'S WHIMPERING NOWWWWW awwwww he pawed at my hand
> clowni_ ok he's gonna join the other gc...
> clowni_ you can talk to him on the other gc i invited him
> Hunter'sGrave PLS
Its name is Optica and... there was more to the drawing but it wasn't family friendly :3 lets just say Ava was having a very bad time...
> ᚱᛖᛏᚱᛁᛒᚢᛏᛁᛟᚾ ty...
> Hunter'sGrave wait what
> ᛉᛁᛈᚱᛖᚲᛊᚨ (Jc) ♎ yea i meant tomorrow lmao not now im trying to keep ppl from dying :3
PLS PLES PLES PLES PLES *baby hunter gives puppy dog eyes*
> ᚱᛖᛏᚱᛁᛒᚢᛏᛁᛟᚾ lmao *cri*
> ᚱᛖᛏᚱᛁᛒᚢᛏᛁᛟᚾ bro omori is such a good game... i mean i havent played it myself but i've watched others play ittttt
> ᚱᛖᛏᚱᛁᛒᚢᛏᛁᛟᚾ YEZ XD
> Hunter'sGrave ^^
no text here :3
> Hunter'sGrave TYSM
> Hunter'sGrave ok thx ^^ i well draw them cute ^^
> Litter its just some free bases i found online :3 but yea sure i had got them for PsychoFrog🐸👑 so they could draw a tv head :3
oh pls can i draw one the tvheads TvT
I MISS YOU COME BACK *baby hunter flops on the ground and starts crying* *rolls over* sumwon tawk to meh :,3
> ᛉᛁᛈᚱᛖᚲᛊᚨ (Jc) ♎ oop nvm lmao
> ᛉᛁᛈᚱᛖᚲᛊᚨ (Jc) ♎ can you make it lmao i don't know how to make one...
> Hunter'sGrave
> Hunter'sGrave sure
I have leveled up this draw and i would love for it to get a little bit higher... ples and ty *baby hunter retreats* bye bye! X3
Gn everyone i hope everyone feels better a lot of shit has happened tonight and it does everynight (lmao) but I know if we all work together we can all help each other feel better when we need it btw if you ever need to vent or anything feel free to talk! (ofc not rn cuz ima be asleep lmao) *thinking: maybe I can sleep and help ppl AT THE SAME TIME...*
Good night dear friend
Hoodie idea :3
no text here just lonley
> ~Phazon Corrupted~|DordusRising wow thats alot...
> Hunter'sGrave I beat Metroid NES, Metroid Zero Mission, Metroid 2, Metroid Samus Returns, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, and Metroid Dread.
> ~Phazon Corrupted~|DordusRising ah got it :3
> Hunter'sGrave
GN everyone, miss you stone see u sometime...
no text here :3
srry i wasn't paying attention thank you guys sooooo much. oki, what should i do for this occasion
Congrats! Maybe make adopts? I’d totally get one!
> ★彡[ᴘᴀᴘᴇʀ]彡★ ty!!!!!!!!!
congrats :D you deserve it!
> 📺Zozo📺 ty!!!
no text here :3
what should i do when i get to 50?
> Retribution awww ty but maybe dont do that
> Dreamy_Mocha oooooo cool
> Hunter'sGrave It means Draw This In Your Style! It’s when you draw a picture, create a hashtag, and let other people recreate the drawing in their style:))
> Dreamy_Mocha wuts that? and ty
I can do the perfect impression of this and also i had to go out im sowwy so lemme do it for u (talk to you i mean :3)
> Retribution and i am mentally challenged
ummmmm Retri im bi lmao but ok...
anybody wanna talk? :,3
> Hunter'sGrave but my name is the same here ^^
> SÆRO_3Ø8 its oki :3
That's o cool! I wish to give you mine but I had to update it qwq