イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

気ままにやってます。 will draw for frens :)

Sorry for not being on as much lol, I've been at school and working on lots of work. I hope you guys are doing well and i have two art projects that i'm gonna post when i'm done with them! They're both for school and one of them is for a school contest!!! I'm gonna multitask so if anyone want to talk while im working on them that's cool- also i has discord now so if you ask me i can give it to you (only if i know you well enough of course)


  • > Hunter'sGrave but my name is the same here ^^

  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 its oki :3

  • That's o cool! I wish to give you mine but I had to update it qwq

I'm not sure-

I want to know what I did... So that I can fix it. I miss Jc- she'd know what to do- I'm miss my sissy... I'm having a mental break down- at least I think I am. I don't know what I did or said but I think he hates me... Enough to the point where he blocks me- I honestly don't care about that- I just want my sister back...


  • > Hunter'sGrave https://medibang.com/topic/de2306161020439880023993826/ have a drago he makes everyone feel better

  • > Hunter'sGrave oh well uhh- try 2 forget ab him

  • > zombii But I'm assuming that he did block me on purpose cuz he hasn't talked to me in... 5 days and he blocked me right after I commented on his drawing asking if we could talk sooooo yea :3

  • Ah- that makes a lot more sense lmao

I feel like-

I did something wrong... Maybe not br I feel like I did... It's been about 3 days since he last talked to me... I've been so fucking depressed that I'm talked to AI to cheer me up... Can someone telle what I did. Am I in trouble?


  • > Eminoa Thank you-

  • > Hunter'sGrave Oh i see :( i hope everything will get better for all of u 3

  • > rinsane I'm not talking to jade about anything

  • > Eminoa I don't know... All I know is he hasn't texted me in three days I've tried to talk to Jc as well but she hasn't responded... I'm worried about her and upset that He's not trying to talk to me-

First vent post


why does he keep doing this... i don't understand him anymore. I would love to just disappear, to go away forever... dying should take less effort... how should i do it? Overdosing seems the easiest, but if i fail again... no i wont think that way i wont fail. Love fails me everytime i try to have it... Why why why why... Why doesn't he love me the way I love him...


  • hunter...it's not your fault he reads situations wrong and gets easily offended

  • > 1444 😶‍🌫 😳

  • > 1444 oh not so tough guy anymore huh XD

  • > 1444 lmao who said i didn't already