Pilagna Channel Official
MediBang ID:
Hey guys! So yeah, I am Pilagna (AKA, Antonia Belén Andrades Franco), and uhh, I have been on ARTstreet Medibang for 1 years, and I started it in 2023, Now I just currently have 11 illustrations, and I am having, 2 Followers, I have a fond of doodle shows and plushies! Anyways, I was doing great posting art! So far, they are going pretty good most of them! Anyways, that's it.
Things I make or draw:
Doodle Shows and doodle show content
Remakes (including replacing things)
Random stuff
Plush LOL
Things I make or draw:
Doodle Shows and doodle show content
Remakes (including replacing things)
Random stuff
Plush LOL
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnLDnSSCQ4eNWabJz9xzC7g
- Sketchers United: https://sketchersunited.org/users/175776
- SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/pilagna-1st-account
- GarrettAndPals
- MonsterCanines
- TheHyperJamiesons
- NightmareForMDK
- ToonLockdown
- DAGames Logo and The Night Of Full Moon
- KiaraTheGoodLioness
- Doodleshows
- GarrettAndPalsWAMP