Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

良いモノ抽出! [Extracting good things!]

側から見たら下手だけど。 [It's a bad illustration that you can't really tell from the outside.]

自分にはコレが必要な工程に見える! [This looks like a necessary process to me!]

自分が何を必要としてるか?その人にしか見えてない領域があるかもしれんな![The only area where you can see what you need may be within yourself!]

このイラストは自分にとってはキャラが動き回るキッカケの初動になったと見える! [For me, this illustration seems like the first thing that will trigger the characters to move around!]

※必要なモノを得る為に的を絞るので他が雑になる・・ [Because you narrow down your focus to get what you need, everything else becomes sloppy..]

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簡易翻訳用・トピック (Simple translation)

I tried practicing on a whim, and it ended up looking like a girl's manga. (lol)

I'll try anything! (I'm simply stuck.. :’D_)

<本題 (Essence)>
Exercises to broaden my horizons

The visual information that people can see is surprisingly ambiguous, and I wonder what kind of state we can normally see..

That's how I thought, and the trigger was “I looked away and started drawing”.

I guess the state we see in everyday life is surprisingly unfocused..I tried to draw a situation similar to that..

<実践した事 (What I practiced)>
1.Remove your gaze from the part you want to draw.
2.Draw the parts from that state.

※Draw with shifted focus

・If you want to draw the eyes → Draw while looking at the forehead
・If you want to draw the lower body → Lower right or lower left.. etc. Draw while looking outside the frame and trying various things.

※あくまで個人的な練習方法(※personal solution)

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簡易翻訳用・トピッック (Simple translation)

[Overall, do you feel that the impressions from "the first and second" illustrations are different?]

[※To be honest, I personally don't think there is a right answer to this.]

[For me, “The first image: The line drawing is thin, and it feels wide to the back” “The second image: The lines are thick, and it feels like it has a strong impact”.]

[..There is one difference. (※To be honest, I don't really notice the difference. [lol])]

[If you “felt that the whole image changed” because of the part you circled in red, you may “need to think deeply about it’’.]

[“Draw lines and colors neatly” “Think about the direction in which they will be seen”..etc. Maybe we can understand the meaning and purpose of that?]

[“Should I make a thin line or a thick line?” “Is it 2D or 3D?'' “Where is it visible?”..etc. I think it's possible that just a single dot can create an illusion and change the way you see something, so it might be a good idea to “determine your purpose and direction”.]

[Just as there are no answers for “discussion/agenda,” “The answers for illustrations should be within you!”.]

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PCタッチパッド試し描き [Doodle with PC-touchpad]

少し面白くなって来た・・ [It's getting a little interesting..]

案外、難しく考えない方が近道だったり..? [Surprisingly, the shortcut is to not think about it too hard..?]

パーツがズレズレでも立体感は出せるもんな..何処の要点(目的)を抑えるかだ.. [I can create a three-dimensional effect even if the parts are misaligned.. Now, what are the main points (objectives) to be grasped..?]

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簡易翻訳用・トピッック (Simple translation)

Thank you for your continued support this year. 🙇🎍

This year I will surpass myself!! (It seems that the zodiac signs differ slightly depending on the country..What are your resolutions for this year?)

I am currently switching from “drawing” to “tracing” the image of the illustration on a trial basis. (I want to recreate the character, not the picture.)

Therefore, I am aiming for a "synchronization rate between imagination and reality".

My body trembles with unknown sensations, like unused muscles. (It's like a mild rejection reaction in the body. [lol])

It's not just how to draw, but “you need the necessary muscles and mental strength to draw’’.. I'm experiencing this for myself.. I definitely want to reflect this in my illustrations. (I'm starting to feel that it becomes a powerful skill as you get used to it!)

I feel like the accuracy of everything I've done up until now, including the direct drawing, has improved. (*Layer 2 is used only for text.)

(※personal solution)

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簡易翻訳用 (simple translation)

[Found what I was looking for!]

<2枚目:自身の練習サイクル [My practice cycle]>
[※”Purpose/self-management required”→If you fail, your senses may go awry!!]

[Even if you find the good parts and incorporate them all, it doesn't necessarily mean you'll get a good result. You need to choose the one that suits you.]

[Just like mixing lots of delicious juices doesn't necessarily mean they're delicious..]

[This is why I did so many things, and because I think for myself, I make unexpected discoveries. This time, I finally found what I was looking for.]

[There is more than just one emotion for feeling things.I think it will be useful for thinking about facial expressions.]

※文字数入らないので仮創設 [exceeded the number of characters]

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探してた内の1つ (I was able to get something)

個人的に良い情報が集まったのでイラストを描いているのですが、4枚投稿が間に合うかなぁ。 [Personally, I've gathered some good information so I'm drawing some illustrations, but I wonder if I'll be able to post 4 of them in time.]

残り一つ.. [Only one left..]

帰ってからずっと描いてるけど描くスピード遅くて寝ちゃいそう.. [I've been drawing ever since I got home, but my drawing speed is so slow that I feel like I'm falling asleep..]

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  • The main thing is to draw well, even if it is slow. Speed ​​comes with experience.

さてどするか.. (humm..)

かなり前に漫画を描きかけて辞めたのは..クリエイターランクないのに素人教本ぽいのを描こうとしてたので自重して休止しました。 [I quit drawing manga quite a while ago...I was trying to draw something that looked like an amateur textbook even though I didn't have a creator rank, so I stopped working out of self-control.]

クリエーターランク無い内は別ネタ方面で気楽に出来そうなのを只今検討中です。実現するかは分からない.. [While I don't have a creator rank, I'm currently considering something that would make it easier for me to work on other topics. I don't know if it will come true..]

※イラストは昔描きかけて放置した奴.. [I drew this illustration a long time ago, but I neglected it..]

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クリスマスかぁ~ (christmas is coming~)

ゲーセンで取ってきた「クリスマスver.初音ミク」を何となく袋の中に封印! [I sealed the "Christmas ver. Hatsune Miku" I won in a crane game at a game center in a bag on a whim!]

お菓子の開けた袋を再度密閉する機械便利だな〜 [A machine that reseals opened candy bags is very convenient~]

アイテムを袋包んでから密閉して穴開ければ、自作キーホルダーとか作れるのでは? [I think you can make it into a keychain by wrapping the item in a bag, sealing it, and punching a hole..?]

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もう少しで完成します〜 (It will be completed soon~)

コンテストのイラスト、小ちゃい装飾つけたら終わります。 [The contest illustration is complete by adding small decorations.]

色は一回試し塗りしたけど..知識も技量も無さ過ぎて諦めました TwTグスンッ~.. [I tried painting the color once, but I gave up because I lacked the knowledge and skill. :’D]

元々、綺麗に描くのは二の次でコツ掴む方優先してから仕方無し〜 ・w・ フンスッ!! [Originally, drawing beautifully was secondary and I prioritized getting the hang of it, so it can't be helped~ :D]

今後もジワジワ、グイグイ、スキル上げて行きます!(大器晩成型) [I will continue to acquire skills slowly and steadily. (The type that grows rapidly over time.)]

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コンテストの下書き (draft for contest)

レイヤー2に本描きを隠してます。 [The illustration for the contest is hidden in layer 2.]

レイヤー1がそのとき落書きで描いた下書きみたなモノ。[Layer 1 looks like a rough sketch that I drew at that time.]

構図は大体決まって、イラスト変わって来たので「タイトルと下書き」をチラ見せします。[The composition is mostly decided, and the illustration has changed, so I'll show you a glimpse of the title and draft.]

線画だから、あともう少し気合いとやる気がアレば終わる ・w・; [It's a line drawing, so if I have a little more spirit and motivation, I'll be done. :D]

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模索中.. (thinking..)

ナルホド..棒線だけじゃ人の身体が上手く描けないの分かってきた気がする.. [humm..I feel like I've come to understand that you can't draw a person's body well with just stick lines..]

「くびれの凹」「骨盤や関節の凸」とかをイメージ的には変でも実際描いてみると安定するかも.. [I may not be able to draw things like "the dent in the lower back" or "the protrusion of the pelvis and joints", but if I actually try to draw them, it may become more stable.]

特徴掴むの大事だな〜 [It's important to understand the characteristics~]

今後、また形が歪になるかもしれないけど..試してみる![The shape may become distorted again in the future, but I'll try it!]

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大変じゃぁ〜 (This isn't good~)

あぁ~..このままじゃ..ダメだなぁ~ [Aa~ If it stays like this.. it won't work~]

楕円の中に全体が収まるように描いてみた。 [I tried to draw it so that the whole thing fits inside the oval.]

因みに足から描いてみたけど..「部分」で描いてるから全体像がイメージ出来てないなぁ〜 [By the way, I tried drawing from the feet.. but I couldn't imagine the whole picture because I was drawing in "parts”~]

由々しき事態だぁ〜克服せねばぁ〜 [It's a serious situation~ I have to overcome it~]

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あと〜少しぃ~ (a little more~)

こ..これは..職場の情報漏洩だ〜.. [Is this a workplace information leak?]

いえ、自部屋です!もう..性格出てるよね〜[No, it's not. It's my room. It's showing up in my personality.]

部屋の整理と言いつつ..怠けて4~5年長引かせてしまった。[I said I was cleaning up my room, but I got lazy and ended up delaying it by 4-5 years.]

一番思考鈍らせてるの部屋の整理だから..早く終わらせたい。[Especially organizing my room gets in the way of my thinking..I want to finish it quickly.]

絵描けるようになって..やってみたい事いっぱいあるんだよな〜 [If I could learn to draw... there are so many things I'd like to try.]

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メイキングmp4 (making mp4)

試しに、GIF 2MBに抑えたけど枚数が多すぎるとダメそう..アップ遅いや.. [I tried keeping it to GIF 2MB, but it seems like it won't work if there are too many images.. It's slow to upload..]

昔使ってたXのアカウントにメイキングupしました。[I uploaded the make-up to the X account I used a long time ago.]

※詳しくは、プロフにアカ載せました。 [For more information, I have posted my account on my profile.]

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