イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Uhmmm what?

I'll rather pick hate comments than this one, like I'm speechless reading this on my latest artworks

(I already delete it because its disgusting to read)


  • > Maheem Nawal yeah, earlier some bot which was called Ariana (something i forgot) commented on one of my drawings. they said "Hello sxy, free ndes here!" and im not saying the link i deleted the comment btw

  • I meant bots, not boys lol

  • Well basically they are more likely to be the bots trained. The bots seem to be trained to spread malicious links. Even the photo in profile image seems to be an AI image. New bots keep on popping so beware

  • The boys and scammers are getting worse every day…😭

Hey guys :3

I'm still alive XD
Just got busy with my group works especially I'm the leader on it
And I'm also not that feeling well, just got a little fever and a cough
But I'll be fine soon :D

Sorry i haven't post any drawings here,
I need to priority school works since I'm gonna finish college next year and lot of work will be happening, kinda sucks but it's part of my college journey

Anyway, how are you guys :3
I'm sorry i haven't support your artworks,
All i can do ìs just liking it yet i haven't commented on it,
But i do realize some of your works improves too so keep it up

I might do a collab artwork since Halloween is coming
(I hope someone would join it)


  • I hope that you get well soon! Bless you! Good luck 🤞🏻!

Fusion oc with Deo

Here are the 4 fusion I've made so far on 1st batch
Which fusion do you like the most?

If your interested on fusing your oc with mine
You can comment your oc reference here and
I'll do it on 2nd batch after i finish my research task

Don't forget to support it 😊


  • > Andrey Ooh, thank you :3

  • The first merger is very good.


  • > M3LL0M0CHI Thanks 😊💖❤ I'll do minnow on second batch, I'll need to finish my task first :3


I didn't expect for this to reach 16 even though i just got back from disappearing,
Tysm guys for your undying support on every artwork i made 💖💖💖


  • > Andrey Hehe thank you andrey 💖💖

  • > ゴブ(goob) Oh, I don't know if it depends on likes or not. I'll be following this drawing of yours, let's see how it goes. I liked your drawing, the background, the soft light, not overexposed, the soft lines. This is a good job.

  • > Goldenhuskey321 Thank you 😊💖💖

  • > Andrey I think it depends on how many views or likes you can get on your artwork, I didn't really expecting for it to reach top 3 but I'm still shocked that it reached 16 and also thank you for the compliment ☺💖💖

( ̄∇ ̄)

Sorry for not posting my artworks here :(

I posted my newest artwork only at insta and threads since its a fanart
If you have insta or threads, we can follow each other there and I'm mostly active at threads than insta. Just drop your profile link here so i could follow it.

Btw can you help me promote this artwork, i almost reached 100 likes and it also reached lvl 3 but i don't really think this would lvl up more but hope it could reached 100 likes. Thanks for reading this :)


  • aw man i dont have instagram :(

  • I forgot to paste the link 😅 https://medibang.com/picture/5b2404051748125000024892844/

I've just blocked an nft collector that recently follow and friend request at me. And then another nft just follow and want a friend request which i also added

Did i do the right thing?


  • i got the same message and i think u did the right thing. i did the same

  • > ゴブ(goob) Oof qwq I feel bad for you ate

  • > NizeOdDaske I almost got scam at Instagram, but thank goodness i saw the warning video first about commission scam before taking their commission

  • > ゴブ(goob) yes it's sad and it's, a risk to trust theme just be careful and don't get scammed it's one thing to get scammed for art but if they get access to your bank account or profile

I need your opinion

Which one do you like and why?


Or this one


  • > NizeOdDaske Ooh thank you for telling me that, I'll try to adjust its light, I didn't notice that it was too dark

  • The cherry blossom because i really love trees that blossom in the spring, an the second one is a bit dark

  • Maybe i should fix the palette at the second entry to blend the colors

  • > SpaceGrillXD Thank you Spacegrill ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )💖💖

I've just noticed

That there are many collabs, open request, art trade, dtiys and contest before,

My timeline is very active when i first joined here, but now,
Less people are active in here,
I understand that they are busy at school's because some of us is still a student, school works make us stress too. Some of them might leave because this site is started to get bored, less fun activities and less support.

I know that i didn't really talk that much here because I'm a bit shy and idk what to say sometimes.

I just want to say that, we could bring back on what you think this site before like having more fun activities, collabs, dtiys and more.
And support each other's drawing, promote each other's artwork.

I'll try to be more active this year since i only have one year and 4 months to finally finished school and graduate. I need to use this days i have left to improve my art so i could pursue my dreams to become a comic artist. Or if i couldn't, I'll just stick with having a job within my course field.

Sorry if this topic is too long,

All i want to say is that, we could work together to create a small artist community in this artsite, like making fun activities and support each other. (◍•ᴗ•◍)

Have a great day (≧∇≦)/
(I'm gonna sleep now, i forgot i have class tomorrow 😅)


  • > 𝑬𝑽@ Ok, I'll make a plan about it,

  • You could do it Fun stuff always help