Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Charging Robux comms open I’m brok

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about 2 days ago i almost died =D it was pretty much the same situation on how i broke my wrist

i was doing equestrian vaulting at a vaulting session, as i do, and i was trying to do a plank on this big horse the vaulting club is trying to train up while he was cantering (running), but this horse hates people being on his rump when he's cantering (my feet were on his rump), so i was a bit iffy on the situation but did it anyway. half of the vaulting group had their turns and i was around the middle. we were supposed to hold the plank for a long time (~8 seconds) and holding plank for that long on a cantering horse is pretty hard, and my feet were sliding down so as i kind of struggled, this big ol horse literally bucks (pretty high, apparently) my legs into the air and i was almost to a full handstand, fell to the side, kind of landed on my foot and fell over into a roll-- i think i kind of did a 360 degree sort of thing as i fell, but i can't remember because when things happen like that my mind completely blacks out--
anyways, uh yeah somehow i came out of that with only minor lil injuries-- all there is is that the bottom of my foot is a bit sore

after that, i got back on at walk and did a plank again and sat on him at canter =]
but yeah when i broke my wrist that was when a horse (different horse that was really untrained) bucked me off and i landed on my wrist and fractured + dislocated it

anyways yeah sorry for the long rant, wow you read this ?? tysm for taking time out of your say for that omg<33333

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