soo this is like miku art (made for fun) and if you didn't see my last post I'm having someinterent problems on my device so I say I was lucky to make this for all of you! <3 <3 <3

⁜I'm a female⁜
⁜under 18 but still a good artist!⁜
⁜In 9th grade B)⁜
⁜Is a social butterfly⁜
⁜Loves sushi to my CORE!⁜
⁜Is supportive and really lazy😂⁜
⁜🎉Bday 30th of January 2011😊 ⁜
Other socials:
- Pokemon
- Chibi
- Cute
- Unique
- horror(ish)
- Work Place:Australia
- Gender:Female
Life Event
- 02/2011 Was_Almost_Pushed_Off_a_Staircase!👍 Student
Time spent online
Way to much .______.
Future goals
To be a Youtuber or a famous artist
Favorite music
Rock songs like: Animal In Me by Solence!
Favorite color
Any shades of blue
What you eat when hungry
Any food thats left in the fridge
Things you always carry
Joy :> and my laptop!
Favorite artwork
Mine! and any artworks by Yooki! :D
Recommended gadgets
A device that allows you to draw with a digital pen
Recommended gadgets
An art app that's just right for you!
Medibang paint/ Clip Studio/ Ibispaint/ Magma

Hey guys it might take awhile before I can post art again due to my device having internet issues due to a hardware issue that has gotten worse over time. My device crashes regularly because of this I need to fix it soo I'm not inactive just getting stuff fixed! <3 (I will try posting art when it can work)
Here is a evil crystal queen artwork her name is Stira (I know not very creative but it's sure something lol) anyhoo I used mostly the lasso tool for this artworks textures and colours I say it's pretty good notmy best but oh well..
Hello! it's been a while since my last topic but I really want to show you all one of my recent work!
this took at least 2-3 days to complete so I'm hoping you all enjoy what I made!
(this is a redraw of a past artwork I did more description in the description of the submission)
This is just a gift I made that was to big for something in a different social =_=
So I decided to post it here :P
OMG I posted again?? :O
WOWOWOW one in a blue moon XD
her name is ~Elvia~ (super creative I know =_=)
I felt bad for giving you guys a rushed artwork so I went digging for any artworks I made that I haven't posted fortuanly found this pfp I made of my gacha oc Zeniy Meadow! :DD
(it doesn't have my signature cuz it was supposed to be a pfp) I also digged up a character sheet :P
sorry for the random disappearance! got caught up with school and irl problems :'D
here is my newest art (I rushed it before bed)
Yesterday afternoon I hit 200 follows! thank you all so much for the support! I will be making an art work to celebrate this very special moment of mine!! 200...I remember when I hit are all so kind and I'm glad I'm on this platform with all of you guys supporting me all the way! thank you so much!! <333 have a wonderful day!!! ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
> Andrey thanks to you as well without your supportive stamps I wouldn't feel as successful thank you very much!! <33
> YtterOdd thank you so much!! <33
Congratulations!!!✨🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 that's so cool!!
I've improved my dimension skills! (I think) don't look at the basket I know it's a mess!
have a great day guys!! :>
These are my new 2 artworks kinda rushes not gonna lie .__.
Sing with me was made on Ibispaint under an hour
Raining Red was made on Clip studio paint over an hour :P
hope ya guys like them! (currently working on a big artwork on Mediabng)
Hey everyone it's been awhile =_=
I had some tech problems and had no motivation XD
so here it is! STACTIC ||Artwork||!!!
I'm so close to 200 followers!! enjoy!!
I hope you all enjoy it and maybe get it to LEVEL 4? :D
Hi!! everyone! I have been well offline quiet a while hahaha (┬┬﹏┬┬) I have a lot of exams this week and next week so I will be posting not as much as I use to! but for everyone that wanted new art! here you go! <3
I tried a new style! and I'm really happy to say I love this so much! can we get to level 4? lets find out! <33
> Andrey Yep! just did my maths hahaha (┬┬﹏┬┬)
Good luck with your exams.
Ello! everyone! my dear followers none followers and future followers! <3 I would love more commission request and ideas of things to draw! :D art block has hit me again!! <3
(here is my newest art!)
Cute!!! OH! Could you draw a cute siren? ^^ :3
Hey dont forget about my commission!
Could you draw one of my ocs :0
These artworks of mine have reached to level 3 and I'm now trying to spread them around to level them up to LEVEL 4!! share, like, favorite, comment do EVERYTHING!! to help me get these artworks to LEVEL 4!! :DDD it would be a blessing!!!
Oh, if only it were that simple. I hope you reach level 4.
This artwork took me 10 hours!! 💀💀💀💀💀💀 my eyes haven't hurt so much!!! but it was worth it for all of you guys!! 💗💗💗🎉 I'm aiming to at least get this artwork to LEVEL 3 or LEVEL 4! I can't wait for one of my artworks getting LEVEL 4!!
2 of my artworks Catch them all! and Nighty star have just reached Level 3!! my new goal id to get them to Level 4 and maybe get the bronze rank! :D this goal can only be made by all of you!! it would make my day! :D
Thanks to the ones that clicked on this topic! <3
After being on this app for a couple of months I have decided to finally open up commissions! :D
if you are interested of entering a commission! just ask me in the comments of this post! :>
if there is a lot of entry's for commissions I will just do them in order as the first to the last!! (it might take long) there will probably not be that many or barely any commissions since I have a little amount of fans! :>
> Goldenhuskey321 SAME! 😫😫😫😭😭😭 I'm horrified to go back to school due to a fight I was involved in :(((
> XXGlitchFACE Good ig, I’m just not excited for school to start 😭, how about you?
> Goldenhuskey321 So how have you been? :>
> XXGlitchFACE Ok!
Were so close to getting these artworks to level3!! WE CAN DO IT!! :DDDD
Horror WARNING!!!
I drew this for some reason I can't remember lol :D
lets try and get this t level 3!!! :>>
Thank you for clicking! please go look at the art! :D and maybe some other artworks I've made! :D
I have hit 100+ followers and I still have not made at least ONE! of my artworks hit LEVEL 3!! SO! we going to change ThAt!!~ >:D my dear followers and non followers! it is your mission to help me get at least one of these artworks to LEVEL 3!! (or even higher! 🤔) just comment on one of the artworks you dearly love! or EVEN ALL?!?!?! and heart and maybe favorite if ya love it <3 (I might follow you to by the way :> )
If you are readding this! thank you for clicking! <3 I'm still a young artist! the support is everything! 💖💖💖
Hey everyone from across the world! <3
I have made new art and would love from my followers and nine followers to help me get this very artwork to level 3! :D we where SO close with the last one! I have high hopes for this one!! <3
I loved this artwork so much I made it my pfp for now lol
Okay so this artwork has reached to level 1! and I really want it to reach level 3! so please share this!, comment on this artwork!, like and favorite! if you really want to! :D
help me reach my goal!! I'm counting on you! <3
> Andrey Thank you!
If you are here! thank you for clicking! :D
Hey guys! sorry for being kinda inactive I'm planning to make a big art work! like painting! :>
also I hope you guys have had a good day if not I hope it does <3
here is my most popular artwork-
I have a history of well horrible paintings lol I'm kinda good at painting in real life than a scene/digital so I'm gonna try to paint on digital .__. I hope I don't mess it up lol
~Also! I'm going to post the this artwork! soon! so be sure to keep your eyes out! it might take time for it to reach/ be summitted .__. soooo yeah have a nice day! :3~
Already one like?? :O I just posted this topic not only s second ago my, my!
Here are some art I have made! :> maybe a few days ago! I also almost forgot the dino one lol
:D anyway! when I post these art I hope you all will comment, like, favorite! :> have a great day!
> Akwuew1Iso :O omg it does lol
Second one reminds me of J-Boogie's Artsyle
I love the Neon one! :>
Hey! I'm right now having a art block :> so I was wondering if anyone might have an idea I could draw! Of course it will need to be appropriate! :>
> XXGlitchFACE Si
> Akwuew1Iso *GASP* YASS! :> thats also I amazing idea!
> AIDRAUZINGS Oooh! thats a good idea! :D
Okay I really hope I can get Level 2 or 3 on a artwork! it is my goal! and I would love it if you helped me! :D
anyway here are the newsiest artwork posted by me! :3
> Asaya Thank you! Asaya! it means a lot! (❁´◡`❁)
XXGlitchFACEさんのイラストには 特別な魅力があるので、きっとすぐに目標を達成できると思います!! 応援しています(*^▽^*)。
This took some days .____. don't know why lol
I hope you can get it fixed😟