Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Thank you 😊

I am deeply grateful for your love and support for my art. It means the world to me that you appreciate my work and share my vision. Your kind words and feedback inspire me to create more and explore new possibilities. Thank you for being a part of my artistic journey and for making it more meaningful and enjoyable.... I am sorry that i couldn't post any illustration. I have really busy lately but I will continue soon. I can't believe that i got silver rank. It seems unbelievable. Thank you 💕✨

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お時間ある方、他アドバイスある方もコメントまでお願いします!(*- -)(*_ _)

今も今までも色々フォロワさん任せなところありますし、これからもぐだぐだだと思いますがこれからも末長くお見守りください( ´ー`)ヨロシクオネガイシマス

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