イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

3 時間 / 日
I’m like never doing anything on time X3
Wow I’m posting a lot :D

It’s midnight and I feel like I will drop dead 🤩
So here’s a story for u guyz
I had some headphones I used to wear like 24 hours a day (yes even at night. Wacky huh) that was ages ago and I found them again and I was like ‘huh I guess I could wear these’ so I wore them.
After 10 minutes 10 FLIPING MINUTES I got an ear infection im not even kidding. Those things were so vile they were crawling with germs.

But I genuinely think I will like perish soon cuz I have a migraine, ear infection and a cold so um yeah.

Im at my cousins flat and it’s humid here😓🙏
