Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

3 hours / Day
I’m like never doing anything on time X3

GUTZZ.png left a comment!

so um uh yeah

i probably owe u guys an explenation........

TWWWWW: almost everything

so like one of my closest friends got S/Ad by another one of my friends and i was witness to it one of the times... um it was super scary so i dropped out of school for a while then i had a pshychotic breakdown and started threatening people so my dad called 911 and i was in a php for like 2 months so sossososososososo sorry i worried u guys im okay now and i might even start drawing again!!! love u all <3333


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GUTZZ.png left a comment!

so um uh yeah

i probably owe u guys an explenation........

TWWWWW: almost everything

so like one of my closest friends got S/Ad by another one of my friends and i was witness to it one of the times... um it was super scary so i dropped out of school for a while then i had a pshychotic breakdown and started threatening people so my dad called 911 and i was in a php for like 2 months so sossososososososo sorry i worried u guys im okay now and i might even start drawing again!!! love u all <3333


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