I can't believe it, thank you all!!! I will make a drawing to thank you!!!

and thank you to all who follow me and like my art!
- Work Place:
- Gender:Female
Future goals
to get better at art!
Favorite TV show
sword art online

how many of you use reference photos for your drawings?
don't ya hate when you do a really good drawing, and you try to make another really good one and it doesn't turn out that good.(´▽`)
I hope you all have a great valentine and get lots of chocolate!! (≧∀≦)
umm? (´・ω・`)? I don't think this is right, I mean I have been told I am a tomboy, but I thought I was more girly than that. (•_•)
I guess I'm a risk taker! this is actually kind of accurate. ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
I just can't believe it went up again! LEVEL 3!!!
I got level 2! I've only gotten level 1s for a while now! I'm very excited!!! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE SUPPORT!!!
I'm sorry, that manga I said I wanted to make might not happen. I have difficulty trying to make a storyline for it, if I had a storyline, I could probably draw it, but I don't so...
I feel very bad saying I was going to do something and not doing it.
I know it's not a big deal, but I got rank 45! I think that's the highest rank I have ever gotten so I'm happy. it's not a high rank to some people but o well.
sorry, I won't be posting very often for a while, I want to try and make a manga. please cheer me on, thank you!
> Kobarroku thanks! that makes me really happy!!
Cheer up! You can do it! I can't wait to see your next work!
it's been 1 years and a few months sense I first posted on here and I think I have gotten better at art! from my oldest art to my newest!
I love drawing in class but some times my drawings turn out a little weird, but I like this one.
I was bored in class so I drew a spider baby. I do a lot of drawing in class 😅
> Rii ya! thanks for the stamp and comment!
I was bored in class, so I decided to draw.
I found a bunch of old drawings so I redrew one.
I found some old anime drawings; I drew them years ago so I'm kind of surprised that there not that bad, I really liked them, so I decided to put them on a canvas.
> Noemi thanks for the nice comments! ya all the characters up there are my favorite characters from my favorite animes.
Que hermosos dibujos 😍 solo uno conosco lo que esta en el dibujo que es Kakashi🤩😊
so... I tried making Matcha Swiss rolls today, and oh my goodness did it go how it wasn't supposed to. so, at one of the parts of the recipe I had to make this foam cream stuff for the batter and so I tried to but... it didn't work, it was still too watery even after mixing it for 15 minutes! but I added it to the batter anyways, then well making the cream for the inside it didn't get as thick as it was supposed to get so I just put it in the fridge, then, since I had my headphones in, I missed the timer to take the bread out of the oven so I couldn't roll it, but in the end I grabbed the cream out of the fridge and put it on the bread, thankfully the cream thickened in the fridge, after I just ate it like a very thin cake and it actually tasted good! I'm glad it did.
ya me to, I'm glad it worked out. I am always wanting something sweet!
Waa that sounds very delicious! Now I'm craving for something sweet myself *sobs* (´;ω;`) I'm glad it worked out at the end tho, Great job!! Enjoy your meal xD
does this remind you of anyone. maybe someone from My hero academia.
uhh, I don't like this guy (though I drew him anyway.)
I finally got kirito's sword, SAO is like my favorite anime!
If you want to request any anime characters, I will draw them "or try my best." but please say the name and anime it is from!
mavis vermilion from fairy tail
> Emily E thank you!!!