イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Secret contest winner

My drawing of Han Sung has officially become my first drawing to reach 200 views. I was secretly holding a contest between this drawing and my most recent Khione drawing on who would be first.


  • > Berato188 It's ok,We will wait and see how long it takes.😆

  • > Emily E I'm gonna keep you to that even if it's in 10 years 😆

  • When it gets 1000 views 1001st view would be from me😆

  • > Emily E 😆 thank you only 799 to go for a thousand we're almost there (we are in fact not almost there)

Failed drawings part 1

These are drawings I gave up on or finished but wasn't satisfied with
Sorted from oldest to newest


  • > Berato188 that might be true just keep drawing and have fun doing it

  • > bluereaper03 Thank you same goes to you you can fo stuff I probably couldn't

  • > Berato188 it is way better than what I can do I only do designs art I can't do art like you and you are welcome keep working on your art skills and you could become one of the best

  • > bluereaper03 I appreciate that you say that and that you think that highly of my drawing skills 😅

Me vs my friend

I challenged my friend to draw ssj2 preteen gohan. Who do you think drew which?


  • > Berato188 do as you wish

  • > bluereaper03 Yk maybe I'll do it in a topic post and then you'll see just how bad it is

  • > Berato188 like I told my gf forget what people think just post what you want look at my first drawing that I did on paper it trash but I still posted it. post what you want and be proud of it and you are welcome

  • > bluereaper03 I dont I just only post the drawings that dont look bad so people think I draw good but thank you