Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Alright comic guys

So we gonna write a story where we're paranormal investigators..and either a few of us have powers orrr we all have powers. And i think itd be fun to go with a sort of think where we got our powers from a freak accident while investigating, but idk alot about science and all so its up to you if ya wanna go with that idea or not 😅
I think we can pick roles now too
So tell me if i miss anything or put too many but
--Writers ofcrs (i think more than one person should be on this, also keep in mind that since this is a comic, i personally think the best way to write this would be in play script form, if youve never read a play script i can send photos but bassically play scripts describe all scene changes, the dialogue between characters, and the characters actions in a simple format.)
--editors (to fix any of the writers mistake or give suggestions to better the story, i think we'd need only one person for this but if multiple peeps wanna do it thats fine)
--rough sketch artists(makes a rough sketch of the pages that could be altered/finalized later on, id prefer to have someone that can draw people and backgrounds, or maybe have two people, one draws people and the other does backgrounds)
--line artist (to finalized the sketches with a bolder black, and give more detail to the sketch)
--a shader (someone who can do lighting and shade in the drawing, it doesnt have to be crazy intricate, you can do simple shading)
--(i dont really think we need this but maybe someone to specifically make all the word bubbles and sound effects and stuff)

I beleive thats it but tell me if i missed anything please. Also i think the two websites we could use would be google docs and magma, both are things that everyone could work on and can use at the same time, but if you have a better option feel free to tell me, this is just the kind of stuff i personally use for this kind of thing. Also if you want multiple roles thats totally fine with me, im pretty sure it would be better if some doubled up on roles anyways.
If theres anything else thats confusing to you let me know, i havent really done something like this before unless its for a school project, so i absolutely could have forgotten somthing.

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Saludos a todos 🤗💖💕.
Hoy fui a la clínica a un control médico, me fue bastante bien, el único detalle es que mi Lupus hizo que mi cuerpo rechazara los puntos de sutura pero ya me los retiraron. Hubo que usar bisturí así que dolió pero fue soportable.
La doctora dijo que ya puedo comer casi normal, solo debo evitar las grasas, ya puedo hacer ejercicio normal, levantar pesas y hacer yoga, al principio dolerá pero iré a mi propio ritmo como siempre XD.
Tendré otro control en un mes más.
Para celebrar que todo salio bien, que la biopsia tuvo buenos resultados, y que ya puedo comer, con uno de mis amigos fuimos después del médico, a una cafetería con temática de animé, fue divertido y todo era muy lindo.
No se imaginan cuanto deseaba tomar café y comer algo dulce 🤣😂🤣😂. Lo disfrute con toda mi alma jajaja 😂🤣.
Kimbari feliz ☺👌

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Me tome estas fotos hoy antes de ir a médico.
Me gusta como quedo el maquillaje, el labial fue difícil de aplicar porque me temblaban las manos 🥴💦. Pero siento que se ve lindo! 🥰❤🌼.
Me veo cansada, no he dormido bien, y aun estoy recuperando mi energías. Pero me siento feliz y quería fotos nuevas 🤭💖💕.
La última foto es chistosa, me gustan las fotos graciosas 😂🤣👌.
Hoy no dibujaré, fue un día largo, descansaré.
Les dejo saludos y abrazos 🤗💖💕

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