插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

Kill everyone

I can't get on my account right now I've also had explosive diarrhea for like a week now It's not fun I'm also not supposed to be on here right now but I really just don't care I suppose hamster lord is back Bye-bye for 15,000,000 years... Again And while I'm at it take some trashy art work in progress stuff Made the images look Look like shit On purpose yay!

((((ev@I will restart it at some point but the app I was using to draw got deleted so all of my data got deleted so I'll have to restart that picture I'm sorry that the people in my household aren't The smartest And delete the stuff on here lol


  • Oh yeah and Brian is not allowed to see the light of day ever again. (((Second image lol

  • The last image I'm only letting you see his eyeballs cause his legs are broken

sorry 4 trash grammar i guess

Dude kept on telling me to kill myself saying racist things in the deleted all their comments the killing self thing was really weird AND NOT GOOD but saying racist s*** is not okay man not okay!!!!

Anyway I'm not completely in the right either but at least I'm not drawing weird what looks to be creepy fetish art not going to lie like I don't know they're just creepy I do have some screenshots but not all of them I was too dumb to take screenshots I'm not the best person I know this but you shouldn't be saying racist stop and drawing that if you put a trigger warning I wouldn't care there was one picture don't like it but they deleted what they said that was racist but I told them okay


Laughing my ass off

I see no point you actually being here it's going to f****** retard the fact you come out here in the first place why don't you go back and enjoy your stupid ass s***** art with the trashiest lines that nobody actually gives a s*** about they just pretend because they want to have stupid dumb ass f****** role play with you like I'm sorry but you trying to come at me for like no f****** reason you were the one drawing weird ass pedophile s*** dude I told my dad about it and he thinks that you're an old man so like yeah my dad does care about me like f*** you okay you kind of do look f****** homeless you f****** dumb ass b**** and maybe I will go to therapy and probably be fun at least it wouldn't be like you who just sits on their ass and complains about everything to be honest I'm not complaining I'm just spinning out real facts here my man I'm sorry but I am and also whoever the hell clearly clueless is shut up I get the same f****** insult from a f****** first grader you're not you're not special just die in a hole God damn you sicken me but either way back to zero I really don't care man okay so what if I die in a sad place like that at least I'm not like you who's f****** bored so they insult 12 year olds online just because I said real s*** you shouldn't be drawing weird s*** like that like I'm sorry but go and f****** deviantart if you're going to post weird s*** like that that's where that s*** be goddamn it's pretty retarded though I think it's kind of funny the fact that you come out your way like this makes me feel specialAnd also I really don't give a s*** about your pronouns I don't think anybody really f****** cares anymore


  • > 𝑬𝑽@ i had to change cuz ppl

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ hello! and yes

  • Hey Vomit! (Can i still call you that?)

  • > pinktailArtz It's called they were trying to be an ass and then deleted all their comments

Look no one cares lol stop trying

I don't get why the hell I'm posting this topic because I know people are just going to see this

anyway it's my problem it doesn't matter to you lol so like just go nobody actually really gives a s*** anymore think it's pretty funny the fact you'll go on there just to say dumb ass cringey shit but to each their own I guess I just don't see a point in it lol but hey y'all have a good day and leave me the hell alone ok? lol

to be honest not even trying to be ass like if you have a problem with me just leave me alone and you'll never have to deal with me but no instead of you come on here and be a bunch of crazy little f****** assholes cuz you're probably a fucking dumbass person is bored sitting on their ass all the time

let me guess y'all are just bored so you're choosing to harass me because your little friend told you to lol I don't understand the point of listening to people but either way bye-bye you all have a good day


  • > 💚{Zero}💚(⁠ノ⁠´⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠ノ⁠  Dude that's bad to be honest I get like I don't know being an a******It's okay I guess but being racist is too far man like I'm not going to make racist jokes like you cuz I'm not like that man

  • > 💚{Zero}💚(⁠ノ⁠´⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠ノ⁠  Well I said a lot of s*** but I surpassed the word limit so I can't post it as a comment so I'm just going to post a f****** topic about it I really don't see why the f*** you should be talking about s*** though God

  • > 💚{Zero}💚(⁠ノ⁠´⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠ノ⁠  Dude you're older than me lol or at least you say you are I personally think you're like nine but it said that you're 13 and yeah I can say it can be sensitive too but I honestly just think this is dumb and funny if it bugs you so f****** bad and it makes you want to kill yourself so bad then why don't you just f****** leave my God you're f****** retarded also where the hell are you from because how the hell is that southern and no I'm not saying you should kill yourself I'm saying that you should leave because you're just wasting your time man lol how do you not see that you're making yourself look so dumb but I don't know laughing my ass off about it

  • > 💚{Zero}💚(⁠ノ⁠´⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠ノ⁠  Also you're sad little no one loves you s***'s fake you're just a dumbass piece of s*** it doesn't really bother me either I'm kind of just laughing about how retarded this all looks so u could just go but you choose not to and just make yourself look bad whatever I'm probably making myself look bad too but I really don't care because this is my post


help retards still posting topics

it's kind of like girl shut the hell up lol I just quietly like the topics and then leave because if you're so mad at me then why did you unblock me she just wants to get a rise out of me and I think it's funny the fact that somebody's going to do that in that way it's really f****** dumb like 🙄🙄 anyways thats happening really it's really obvious the fact that she don't give a crap just bored to try to get people to hate on others???
And just know I'm not trying to get you to hate but I'm going to spend the fax and say what she actually f****** did cuz she's really stupid for trying to f*** with me and think she's going to get like maybe right now she's sitting there like he he but later it's not going to be the best 4 her But either way she doesn't even care about the situation she's probably not even mad she just wants to get a following off of it like girl your tongue I'm not trying to get anybody hate her for am I trying to get anything off this I'm just saying how much I personally dislike them and I always say I'm sorry for grammar issues


  • > 🏳️‍🌈💕clearlyclueless🏳️‍🌈💕 Okay so I can choose what I want y'all really shouldn't care about what I say and honestly y'all should just go play your dumb little f****** games or some s***

  • > vee We’re clearly caring about a friend of ours but whatever’s going on in that tiny brain of yours cannot comprehend that 💀

  • > 🌙 𝕤𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕒𝕔𝕖 ✨ I still feel like you're wasting your time here man like there's really no point for you to talk anymore like you're not really bugging me you're just kind of talking to yourself at this point man like not going to lie lol

  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) Yes so what and I really don't care y'all really shouldn't care either you should just go the f*** on lol

Bro I just remembered

My birthday is in 2 weeks hahaha
I mean not really nothing to say I'm really just saying stuff on this topic looks longer than it is because that makes sense in my tiny brain to make it longer than it should be so I am now saying random words for no reason

bro its 3:54am rn lol i cant today/night


  • > pinktailArtz kk :D tysm for not hating on me and wanting me to die because a lot of people are just like that now 🥺🥺🥺🥳🥳🤓

  • Ima make u a bday gift and tag ur old acc

u.u kind of starting to hate people more

we're talking about you know who so you know what that means
TW: mentions of rape grooming and honestly just dumb internet shit should have been over a while ago

Kind of started to realize I become quite an ass here on art Street lol
hey whatever it doesn't matter because apparently people are allowed to talk about grooming and it be normal I don't know how the hell that's normal but anyway you know who I'm talking about and that's why I changed accounts and to be honest anybody who thinks I'm overreacting about this just shut up and honestly if you've seen the post that you know who posted yeah I did that when I said I don't really think that she actually went through that because I can't stand to talk about it had to be in DSS for about 2yrs cuz it like I get talking about your feelings online but you shouldn't make like one of your OCS a pedophile to your main Sona it's weird I don't know if that's post is still up but it was and that's like one of the only things I saw and it really took me ticked me off you know but either way I really don't care anymore they're posting topics about what I said which is fine I said what I said and I said what I meant
like if she was actually talking about it about it not making weird drawings of it it'd be different like if she was talking in a private chat with somebody about it okay whatever don't care about your private chat but like what not trying to overreact you're like to be honest I don't really care LOL but it does piss me off the fact that I get drawing sad art where your characters crying or whatever the f*** but That it was interesting that post probably has been deleted but who the hell knows it's 3:06 a.m. right now God damn need to f****** sleep insomnia is trash i hate it but really this is just a rant about you know who so I don't think it really matters anything though just because it's probably just a dumb 10-year-old pretending to be 13 on the internet it's pretty f****** retarded but really who cares against anything I'm a pretty dumb person but I know better than posting shit like that why be like being sad and posting about it that wasn't my problem with them it was the fact they talk about grooming and shit and they talked about it like it was f****** normal and it's not f****** normal to try to seek help god God dang

also your favorite quote by me
sorry for the grammar issues :B


  • > pinktailArtz fr tho 😭😭

  • > vee It’s okaiiii But yeah I agree that it’s creepy to draw and oc with an older oc, That’s like drawing lavender with nivira (lav is 12 my age) and nivira is 22 ;——;

  • > pinktailArtz No it's okay no need to apologize you're fine yeah their profile picture is Lucifer and they have green heart emojis I think (((I was just trying to be legit with them and I told him that it was over with and that it was dumb drama but apparently that made them go crazy or something cuz they wanted to keep talking about it for some reason I thought it was dumb old stuff but they wanted to bring it up just cuz I invited them to the old group chat that yes I did say how I felt it and yeah I think it's kind of weird when you're drawing your OC with a older oc and talking about how this was your trauma/childhood if they were just like venting not like that or like talking to somebody about it it wouldn't have bugged me but they drew creepy art and they talked about it like it was normal it was just really weird))) sorry for my trashy grammar

  • > vee So it was the zero with the hazbin hotel pfp? Or diff one I just found out abt this and stuff so srry if it annoys u or makes u uncomfortable to talk abt this ;-;