So I’m going to release some more art because I feel like it so i’m really looking forward to your fan art that you made so I’m gonna check it out if they’re good or bad and also big news for fans todayI’ll be posting more art for you all I just want to say you were loved and you’ve been so good to my heart so have a great day

I’m interested for looking for silly artwork I worked on some cartoons, not realistic stuff but I can work with other stuff.
Oh hey there, do you like my ice cream squad? If you did let me know.
Anyways, good news for all the fans around the world there was a new show coming up
I’m announcing the 7d 2 that’s right a new show that was coming on Air on 2038
So yup, I’m releasing some concept art so have a great day
Hello, I hope you’re having a great day. I want to give you adoption update about what am I working on right now first of all the release date for the series 2 is August 9 I know I’ve been working a lot characters and I’m sorry for taking so long but believe or not i’m almost there so I’m continuing to celebrate 10 years of artwork. Also, it will turn 11 years old next year. That’s all and also follow equals love
Also, don’t take this adoption too seriously rules : No bad comments allowed don’t give me a thumbs down Please do not interact my space give myself to talk And also, I’ll see you on August 9
OK, so I change my profile picture because my mascot on wants to be a witch
So Halloween is two months away that means I’ll be keeping my profile picture until November 1
OK, so believer not the adoption who sees will be here tomorrow so series 2 is up next
I cannot wait for y’all to see is coming out on August 9
So yeah, my mask guy will be dressing up as a witch until November 1 So I’ll see you at Halloween when it’s October 31
Hello everybody
And I hope everyone has a great day today
You know what I’m working behind-the-scenes
And mom took a picture of me and the cat Sparky
He was 4 months old and he’s so cute comment if you love, Sparky or me ❤️
Hey everyone and I have some news to share to you guys
We’re finally giving an OC adoption to you
Which is coming in two days
I’m still working on it by now, anyways see you in two days ;)
Are you excited for the show to aired in 2038. Let me know it’s down below