a doodle of my roblox character
Your free to look at the art I have created... I don’t really post that often...
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new profile picture
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“my natural face”
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a darker kind of picture
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paper doodle
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A logo
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Hunter and AnLiz
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The crew
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random line art :3
new profile picture
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A logo
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I added shading
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my first real hand
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Turbo Tanuki (Not My OC)
I redrew a picture from when i was about 9 or 10 years old. Its um..... pretty drastic in the least...
This post is either really late or really early but it’s either now or whenever. Okay. What are some tips to maintaining a constant upload on pictures or just maintaining a constant routine to check MediBang instead of just leaving it in the dust for a week, check again but only once, then leave it again in the dust. Just, if you got any tips or advice for that, can ya please say em. Please.
I think you should try to maintain this: “Ok, I’m going to settle at least one day of the week, Friday, to put an example, to post art or comment on news in Medibang”, and try to maintain it. It won’t be easy, it won’t be possible all the weeks, and it will require a lot of discipline, but this way, I think you will be able to do it. It’s not like I’m an expert in that, but I think this will help you, to begin with.
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do you know the way
paper doodle
Emotional Monster
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Anliz left a comment!
my hand feels like satan
a sad rose
lineless art fail
It's always great seeing progress. Keep up the good work.