Spilt ends are the reason why people, with hair, have more hair ends than hair roots.
Your free to look at the art I have created... I don’t really post that often...
I redrew a picture from when i was about 9 or 10 years old. Its um..... pretty drastic in the least...
It's always great seeing progress. Keep up the good work.
This post is either really late or really early but it’s either now or whenever. Okay. What are some tips to maintaining a constant upload on pictures or just maintaining a constant routine to check MediBang instead of just leaving it in the dust for a week, check again but only once, then leave it again in the dust. Just, if you got any tips or advice for that, can ya please say em. Please.
I think you should try to maintain this: “Ok, I’m going to settle at least one day of the week, Friday, to put an example, to post art or comment on news in Medibang”, and try to maintain it. It won’t be easy, it won’t be possible all the weeks, and it will require a lot of discipline, but this way, I think you will be able to do it. It’s not like I’m an expert in that, but I think this will help you, to begin with.
Your free to follow,
It’s AnlizTheArtist if your interested...
Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna post on here because I will still post on this site Kay?
Okay, quick vote
Which video game character do you perfer more?
I guess I'm the odd ball out Sonic. I grew up playing SA2
Mario because he is an icon of self accomplishment
Mario, because one of my first games was Super Mario Bros on the NES.
Honestly, imma gonna ask
What should i draw more of.
Im asking this because... im a artist, and all i post and draw are basically my ocs. Maybe I could expand my horizons. I can do requests, challenges, ocs, fan art, or what ever. I'd like to have your opinions on this. Please :3
If you need a reference you can use drawings from my profile
I know I ask this a lot to everybody but could you draw me and Beatrice having a romantic moment? (just please don't draw her skinny... Please...)
When you see a user with no artwork, no MySpace posts, no nothing at all. The user only follows three people. And you look at how many followers they have and it hits you. -Loud bass- EEEERRRRRR HOW DO THEY HAVE 21 FOLLOWERS!?!?! NAHHHHHHH. RIDICULOUSSSSS. -looks at them and they empty profiles will them following little amounts of people AND STILL HAVE OVER 20 FOLLOWINGS- my conclusion: those profiles have weird names
I know I've seen iy as well
> Anliz wow cool
> Artsy Nope, another user that has no art, no profile picture, no MySpace no nothing except followers
anliz are talking about me?
This apparently got very popular. Thanks artsy for....allowing me to do it.....
tag a wall YEAH
I like it
Welp, I’m back on MediBang. Yahoo. Reason being is...video games. Video games apparently can make you lose focus on this very world. Because honestly, I somehow felt so lost in touch with the world. Needless to say, I learned my lesson. welp, TIME FOR ARTZ. WOOOOOOOOOOO
yes... it’s my b-day. But.... IM FINALLY A TEEN WOOO
dude happy birthday gosh haven't been in medibang for a while
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday
Okay. Every that has been happening...yes maybe is terrible but let's focus. HAPPY THOUGHTS YO. HAPPY THOUGHTS!!!!!!!!! :3
> FallenArrow22🐾 •-• okay... if that actually makes you happy.
> FallenArrow22🐾 No it's not. It probably taste too SALTY.
Just asking?
Is ripping guts out of a corpse then hanging them from a tree with their intestines while eating their heart happy thoughts?
A total of 6 six hours put into this lol.
ehhhh what should i do know?
> Anliz yep im a total stalker totally not stalking my best friend. lol
> Artsy Stalker
You can write the title of the comic on it, pikachugirl.
Being busy causes me to lose free time, and if I lose free time I lose tablet time, and I lose social media time (MediBang) WHEN CAUSES ME TO BE UNACTIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
( ˙-˙ )
> Anliz yep
> Artsy I don’t do homework at home and you should know that. XD
I know for sure one of these pictures were made by venteni the other I wasn’t so sure. I did the best I could looking for venteni’s art. While the third picture is.... that is what happened when you go to a page er user that no longer is available. I say that picture is pretty rude BECAUSE THE PERSON IN THE PICTURE IS HAPPYYYYY. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
> FallenArrow22🐾 Your welcome xD
I had no idea that ventenis account got deleted... :,(
My biology grade really suffered from this phobia...Not. Fun. CURSE YOU ABODYEMIGPHOBIA!!!
> .°* H O N E Y L E M O N Z °.* It’s just that... I can’t explain it really but I can’t handle seeing insides. It’s just AAHHHGRRR...scary
Why u scerd of the human body......u have a human body.....r u scerd of chur self XD
Thanks Fallenarrow for helping me actually make a choice for this XD .
Welp..... here ya go. You can ask questions if you please -shrugs-. Also, I am not good with backgrounds XD
this is defiantly you love it
> Anliz I did not know that there was such a thing (Google doesn't seem to know either). But is it just for organs or is it already at the level of blood. Or even just hair and skin?
> TitaniumPegasus I have abodyemiphobia so... I can’t... really handle the human body well... it’s terrible XD
Why do you hate biology? D:
Is this really natural?
His arms look rlly weird (i don watch miraculous XD)
I have nothing to say but thank you.
...and also a question XD
As for the celebration of 10 followers... what should I do. I can do a meet the artist or a q and a.. possibility both. Comment suggestions.. PLEASE. XD just again.... thank you for 10 followers.
I really don’t know what’s to call this title xD. Oh well. There is like this one boy who’s like “ At this age you should be disappointing your parents” where im like “no”; But last night I broke a marker and took advantage of the situation. So I go and get the ink out and play with the ink xD. My mom walks in to me , at the sink, with purple hands. Says like “What are you doing?!” I stay in silence saying I wanted to play with the ink. My mom stands there disappointed and tells me not to stain anything. When I was done I went to my mom and said “THE ONLY THING I STAINED WERE MY HANDS” and she’s upset about my purple hands xD. My hands are gonna purple for a week ha ha. XD. I actually disappointed ( autocorrect said disjointed) my mom for once (this in not a good way). What should I be feeling right now xD
Oops. Not disjointed! Curse autocorrect xD. DISAPPOINTED AUTOCORRECT. D I S A P P O I N T E D. because that’s gruesome
I dunno what,you do in these and might as well.. um ..try to do this.
Well the random thought is um well, things to do on this site. Like such.. or what I could do when I reach ten followers. Maybe I could draw requests , do other styles and doodles. Like landscape and realism. I could talk about homework if anyone would care to hear me ramble about how terrible homework is, and maybe life’s problems. I can talk to others.. like introverts, talk about improvement and Sanic hedgehog if I wanted to. I dunno.. never really done one of these and ehh? Um speak if you wish I will just be here waiting for comments and try not to be bored XD. Peace
Just random comment coming through. . . . yeah...
No it's dry.