Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang



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My opinion on this

I was looking at the rank and I saw this
This flag, the rising sun flag represents the Japan Empire
And yes I know that the artists never had a bad intention
But the original flag’s intention was wrong.
They used this flag during war, while their army massacred and raped tens of millions of Chinese during the Sino-Japanese War. They did worse to Koreans, but they never apologized. Yall know what the Nazi flag means to French people. Us Koreans feel the same
I may be a kinda overreacting, but no one should use or draw this shitty flag


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  • Oh my- That sounds painful, you can try filtering it out of the content you're recommended, or take a while looking at the ranking. The artist probably either didn't know, or didn't care but didn't mean anything bad

  • If ur the owner of the art, sorry for posting without ur permission