일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

3 일 / 주
상담가능 Do a resquest and I'll tell you yes or no
🏆Contest Idea🏆

Guys, I would want to create a community contest. Read me out.
How about we vote a wide theme and we have 1 to 2 month(s) to submit an artwork.
There is no judge but a lot of promo between all of our followers and friends.
Because I would do a list of all the submission and everyone will have to vote for their favorite. Self vote would be forbidden.
We can also agree about the prizes.
What do you think?

다음화을 보기

  • > 長門 Thank you so much for your answer! :) I was mainly giving the idea, we would need some people to participate at least and I might need more people to actually pay attention to it. So it won't happen like right now but in the future

  • この企画を応援します📣 時間があれば是非参加したいです💓💓

Slowly but surely

It is taking me so much time and with my focusing issue I spend around 1 to 2 hours max per day
But I can see the light at the end of the tunel guys, it's coming guys haha

다음화을 보기

  • > 長門 Encouraging gives attention and energy but your talent and efforts are making the art

  • > Lusiuna こちらこそあなたとお会いできて嬉しいです😆💓 いつも励ましをありがとうございます🎶

  • > 長門 Thank you so much! Today I feel really emotional and your support really touch me from the bottom of my heart. You are one of the few who always has a word for me or at least who gives me some attention. I really am grateful to know artists like you 🥹

  • 時間がかかっても良い作品を創作されているのが伝わってきます💕💕 完成を楽しみにしています🎶🎶