For those who cares about my artist journey:
I am working on developing my drawing skill trhough online lessons these days.
I might do a big comeback someday.
Thank you for reading, I appreciate your attention :)

Welcome and thank you for passing by.
If you are interested in my art you would problably want to check my first account on here :
or visit my page :
- Fantasy
- SF
Can someone request me something please?
> 𝑬𝑽@ Sure I am on it
Could you draw this guy?
I am the kind of persom with low self esteem and low self-confidence.
So I never really gave me the chance to prove myself in what matter the most. Art.
But after my trip, after visiting my boyfriend I finally found the motivation to give myself at least a chance to do something about his passion of mine.
I am gonna start a training program (real soon) to improve my skills and be a professional Illustrator. It is my goal.
(The only thing I know I am pretty good at in irl is Archery for now 😇 )
> Lusiuna またまたおっしゃる通りです🤗 インターネットは顔や人柄がわからない分、怖いこともたくさんあります😭 詐欺などの事件に巻き込まれる事も多く、危険です⚠️ その反面、誠意や真心を持って接する彼氏さんのような素晴らしい方との出会いもありますよね💗 これからもネットに潜む危険に気をつけつつ、創作を楽しんでいきましょう💕💗
> 長門 Yes! But everyone should stay aware that even if we can meet good people, the evil ones are not that far and we can't trust everyone just becquse they seem nice. And they are as many bad stories or events between people on the internet as there are irl. So I hope everyone on here can remind themselve so stay precautious about the personal info they share and how deep they connect with people emotionally. Again, I am very lucky about my boyfriend becaue he really is a good person. But I also met bad people...
> 長門 I am glad you can feel better and than you can estimate yourself, or at least your work, better here. And I am so thankful to everyone who supports you because you deserve it!
> Lusiuna 彼氏とはインターネットのゲームで知り合いになられたのですね✨💕 現代はインターネットを通じて交流ができるようになって、親交の幅が広がりましたね💗 これからも仲良くしてくださいね🥰
Hey I have been visiting my boyfriend place for three weeks. But I am back now, so I'll slowly give my attention back to my favorite artists :D
> Lusiuna 彼氏はアメリカ人ですか🤗✨ 英語で普段、会話をされてるのですね💕 それも素晴らしい!
> 長門 Hello! I am glad to talk to you again! No, my boyfriend is purely American and doen't speak French (yet)
3週間もお泊まりされたんですね💗💕 羨ましいです😘 彼氏もフランスの方ですか?
I was working on a project I owe for a long time but I ranout of inspiration and motivation, I'll certainly work on it later but I'll focus on things I have motivation for so at least I don't stare at it waiting for the motivation to come ^^'
Tigrecotone :
Amazing art, fantasy and smooth lines
Again, I'm iLightz and that is something I had to work on for a long time now, so I am trying my best right now...
I asked long time ago if people would help me get ideas for my story and Andrey has been the only one really drawing something for it. I must show gratefulness
> 長門 Thank you so much for the support!
It is so hard to get new attention on our art here if we do not participate to any community contest or official contest.
I am really grateful for the attention I already recieve. I just wish to have my art more known ^^'
Guys, yesterday was my birthday and today is my monthly anniversary with my amazing lover - 7 months. I am just so happy and grateful to have him that I wanted to share it everywhere :D
> Katyarobot8 Thank you so much!!!
omg! happy birthday and anniversary!! ^^
> 長門 thank you so much for the good wishes!
お誕生日おめでとうございます🎁🎂 素敵な彼氏さんとこれからも仲良くしてくださいね💓💓
Guys, I would want to create a community contest. Read me out.
How about we vote a wide theme and we have 1 to 2 month(s) to submit an artwork.
There is no judge but a lot of promo between all of our followers and friends.
Because I would do a list of all the submission and everyone will have to vote for their favorite. Self vote would be forbidden.
We can also agree about the prizes.
What do you think?
> 長門 Thank you so much for your answer! :) I was mainly giving the idea, we would need some people to participate at least and I might need more people to actually pay attention to it. So it won't happen like right now but in the future
この企画を応援します📣 時間があれば是非参加したいです💓💓
It is taking me so much time and with my focusing issue I spend around 1 to 2 hours max per day
But I can see the light at the end of the tunel guys, it's coming guys haha
> 長門 Encouraging gives attention and energy but your talent and efforts are making the art
> Lusiuna こちらこそあなたとお会いできて嬉しいです😆💓 いつも励ましをありがとうございます🎶
> 長門 Thank you so much! Today I feel really emotional and your support really touch me from the bottom of my heart. You are one of the few who always has a word for me or at least who gives me some attention. I really am grateful to know artists like you 🥹
時間がかかっても良い作品を創作されているのが伝わってきます💕💕 完成を楽しみにしています🎶🎶
Thank you guys for following me!
I kinda lost my other account so I have do re-earn the attention I was getting. But I see even new persons following me.
Thank you so much for coming back to my account and for giving me a (new) chance!
I am around 9 hours of work already
> 長門 I am so grateful for your support! Thank you so much!
素晴らしいです💗🎶 学びの場はとても大切ですよね💕💕 また素敵な作品を楽しみにしています❤️✨