Old concept Nova and Helaina chibi

[ 確認メールを再送 ]
Old concept Nova and Helaina chibi
Old practice, Inuyasha 2
Old enemy concept design Frost bunny
Memorial of a friend.
Batman, the joker, and nightwing
Spiderman in the past
A simple basketball practice
Concept character design: Nova
Background concept design: bonus stage
Enemy concept design: Era 2
Enemy concept design: Era 1
Tonights practice: Realistic cat
Old practice, Inuyasha
Old Santa drawing, Merry Christmas!
Practice: Pale Night, Dungeons and Dragons.
Practice: anime, 7 deadly sins, Ban the Fox sin
Practice: title cover, Luigi's Mansion 3
Just a little practice on flowers
The Grinch (Chuck Jones version) practice
Practice of Ken Watanabe, the last samurai.
Practice on the last samurai, Ken Watanabe.
My game concept design 1
More practice art.
Garfield and Strawberry Shortcake.
Batman from several shows and one comic