Art Promotion Monday!
Here's another art promotion Monday!! Some of my favorite artists posted in a long time so I'm really overjoyed!! (≧▽≦) Please check the comments and spread love and support to all these wonderful artists!
(In image is a wip I'm working on currently)
(In image is a wip I'm working on currently)

Emdeon蝋梅 - ayu | Illustrations - ART street by MediBang https://medibang.com/picture/z12503241156524520023081092/Display translation
Emdeon緑ツインテール - さと | Illustrations - ART street by MediBang https://medibang.com/picture/162503241009082800024668297/Display translation
Emdeon✨Soporte✨(mas de un año) - [°Shiofar°] | Illustrations - ART street by MediBang https://medibang.com/picture/d22503240553575990026886279/Display translation
Emdeonキミパイ船長に跪きなさい♡ - Kamio | Illustrations - ART street by MediBang https://medibang.com/picture/ls2503240030017230000201818/Display translation
Emdeonスタンスミス - tikuo | Illustrations - ART street by MediBang https://medibang.com/picture/9d2503212007562720023799228/Display translation